It's YOUR fault if you didn't know Obama hates America

You're about what.. 2 and a half years late?

No those who didn't realize it then are.

is there a rule about age of videos? If not don't click on a thread you're not interested in seems like a good idea.

I got news for you budrow,, they didn't care then and they sure as hell don't care now, most of them hate America.. now what ya got next on yer agenda?
You're about what.. 2 and a half years late?

No those who didn't realize it then are.

is there a rule about age of videos? If not don't click on a thread you're not interested in seems like a good idea.

There's no rule about making yourself look a total fucking moron, but those of us who are conservative would prefer that you didn't.... not that we care about you looking like a total fucking moron, but the left find it hard to differentiate and tar us all with the same brush. So, some of us would prefer you not post shit that's already been done to death.
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You're about what.. 2 and a half years late?

There isn't anything wrong about reminding Obamarrhoidal Swine that they are unpatriotic, strike that, unAmerican arseholes for foisting a MARXIST, Palistinian Guardian, Muslim PC Protector Obami Salaami on America........and ONE of the myriad of proofs is right there for all to ponder.
Wow, you know what they say about one being born every day - why is it they are all finding their way to USMB.

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer

why dont you tell us how you found your way here?....

"a MIDCAN is a receptical you put dog shit in"...Redd Foxx
Just goes to show, you can never discuss the same clip too often.

Cornholio (his new name) is a bit slow. Hopefully by the 2012 elections roll around, he'll be have caught up to the political news of the present. :eusa_whistle:

Hey Modfart, when I was your age (19) I was on my first tour in Iraq fighting for the very flag which you wrap around yourself while posting your inane drivel, so if I want to post a link on something that happened in 1902 I will and I won't worry about what some silly fucking child who lives in mommy's basement thinks about it.
Hey Modfart, when I was your age (19) I was on my first tour in Iraq fighting for the very flag which you wrap around yourself while posting your inane drivel, so if I want to post a link on something that happened in 1902 I will and I won't worry about what some silly fucking child who lives in mommy's basement thinks about it.

Like hell you were. You were fighting for oil, just goes to show how much a dumbfuck you really are. How many of your buddies died so you can ride your 8 miles to the gallon go-kart. You do them real proud.....
Hey Modfart, when I was your age (19) I was on my first tour in Iraq fighting for the very flag which you wrap around yourself while posting your inane drivel, so if I want to post a link on something that happened in 1902 I will and I won't worry about what some silly fucking child who lives in mommy's basement thinks about it.

Like hell you were. You were fighting for oil, just goes to show how much a dumbfuck you really are. How many of your buddies died so you can ride your 8 miles to the gallon go-kart. You do them real proud.....

Well, aren't you the total retard who doesn't understand how the military works or why we do what we do. Are you really dumb enough to think that military men , and women, go to war for any more of a reason than their oath to fight for their nation when given a lawful order to do and for the man, or woman, standing next to them?

I can assure you that I wasn't asked either time I went to Iraq if I wanted to go, or if I agreed with the reasoning.

But way to imply that I don't care about the deaths of my fellow soldiers, dirt bag.
Obama doesn't hate America any more than Bush did. Or Clinton. Or Bush Sr, or Carter or Reagan. If he hated the country, he wouldn't run for President in the first place, there's nothing in it for him.

You may disagree with what he does, you may disagree with his views, but it doesn't mean he hates America.
Obama doesn't hate America any more than Bush did. Or Clinton. Or Bush Sr, or Carter or Reagan. If he hated the country, he wouldn't run for President in the first place, there's nothing in it for him.

You may disagree with what he does, you may disagree with his views, but it doesn't mean he hates America.

Oh please. Politicians in general care about POWER, and nothing more. Why else would any sane person spend $100M to win a job that pays $400K a year over 4, maybe 8 years? The difference is that normally they at least pay lip service to caring about more than just power, not Obama though.
Obama doesn't hate America any more than Bush did. Or Clinton. Or Bush Sr, or Carter or Reagan. If he hated the country, he wouldn't run for President in the first place, there's nothing in it for him.

You may disagree with what he does, you may disagree with his views, but it doesn't mean he hates America.

Oh please. Politicians in general care about POWER, and nothing more. Why else would any sane person spend $100M to win a job that pays $400K a year over 4, maybe 8 years? The difference is that normally they at least pay lip service to caring about more than just power, not Obama though.

Yeah, they care about power. But if Obama hates America, as you claimed in the original post (and topic title), why would he try for the Presidential job? Or stay in America? There are better ways to acquire power in this country without becoming part of the government, an integral part of the country he apparently hates.
Obama doesn't hate America any more than Bush did. Or Clinton. Or Bush Sr, or Carter or Reagan. If he hated the country, he wouldn't run for President in the first place, there's nothing in it for him.

You may disagree with what he does, you may disagree with his views, but it doesn't mean he hates America.

Oh please. Politicians in general care about POWER, and nothing more. Why else would any sane person spend $100M to win a job that pays $400K a year over 4, maybe 8 years? The difference is that normally they at least pay lip service to caring about more than just power, not Obama though.

Yeah, they care about power. But if Obama hates America, as you claimed in the original post (and topic title), why would he try for the Presidential job? Or stay in America? There are better ways to acquire power in this country without becoming part of the government, an integral part of the country he apparently hates.

Let me ask you a question.

Let's say you meet a woman and you fall in love. Let's say you pursue her hand in marriage, do you go about it by telling her you love her, but you want to fundamentally change her? Not if you wanna keep your penis you don't.
Oh please. Politicians in general care about POWER, and nothing more. Why else would any sane person spend $100M to win a job that pays $400K a year over 4, maybe 8 years? The difference is that normally they at least pay lip service to caring about more than just power, not Obama though.

Yeah, they care about power. But if Obama hates America, as you claimed in the original post (and topic title), why would he try for the Presidential job? Or stay in America? There are better ways to acquire power in this country without becoming part of the government, an integral part of the country he apparently hates.

Let me ask you a question.

Let's say you meet a woman and you fall in love. Let's say you pursue her hand in marriage, do you go about it by telling her you love her, but you want to fundamentally change her? Not if you wanna keep your penis you don't.

The only way I could see her fundamentally changing her and still actually loving her was if she had some habit that was destroyed her life. Drug addiction, chain-smoking, alcoholism, kleptomania, etc.

But she could have other problems to work out as well. She could have anger management issues, or be far too naive and trusting of complete strangers, or be a complete and total flake, or have massive self-confidence issues. So you help her through those problems in order for her to become a better person. Even though you could very well argue that be helping her through those issues your fundamentally changing her.

But your analogy of Obama as the chap in love and the United States as the woman he wants to change doesn't work. Following it means we must also assume every politician, Congressperson or President hates the country for changing in some way because nearly all of them since the founding have upset the status quo in some way. In many places fundamentally changing it. Like the addition of new states, or all the amendments we added to the Constitution.
Yeah, they care about power. But if Obama hates America, as you claimed in the original post (and topic title), why would he try for the Presidential job? Or stay in America? There are better ways to acquire power in this country without becoming part of the government, an integral part of the country he apparently hates.

Let me ask you a question.

Let's say you meet a woman and you fall in love. Let's say you pursue her hand in marriage, do you go about it by telling her you love her, but you want to fundamentally change her? Not if you wanna keep your penis you don't.

The only way I could see her fundamentally changing her and still actually loving her was if she had some habit that was destroyed her life. Drug addiction, chain-smoking, alcoholism, kleptomania, etc.

But she could have other problems to work out as well. She could have anger management issues, or be far too naive and trusting of complete strangers, or be a complete and total flake, or have massive self-confidence issues. So you help her through those problems in order for her to become a better person. Even though you could very well argue that be helping her through those issues your fundamentally changing her.

But your analogy of Obama as the chap in love and the United States as the woman he wants to change doesn't work. Following it means we must also assume every politician, Congressperson or President hates the country for changing in some way because nearly all of them since the founding have upset the status quo in some way. In many places fundamentally changing it. Like the addition of new states, or all the amendments we added to the Constitution.

It DOES work, name me one other Presidential candidate who has ever said that America needed to fundamentally changed, and adding states or CON Amendments doesn't qualify because the very document that forms our government makes room for either to happen.
Obama doesn't hate America any more than Bush did. Or Clinton. Or Bush Sr, or Carter or Reagan. If he hated the country, he wouldn't run for President in the first place, there's nothing in it for him.

You may disagree with what he does, you may disagree with his views, but it doesn't mean he hates America.

Oh please. Politicians in general care about POWER, and nothing more. Why else would any sane person spend $100M to win a job that pays $400K a year over 4, maybe 8 years? The difference is that normally they at least pay lip service to caring about more than just power, not Obama though.

i think both of yas have a good point.....Obama does not hate America,he just has his vision on how this country should be....just like everyone else.....and i have always maintained that spending 100 million plus for a 400 thousand a year job is kinda ridiculous....and these are the guys we want controlling our money....
Well, aren't you the total retard who doesn't understand how the military works or why we do what we do. Are you really dumb enough to think that military men , and women, go to war for any more of a reason than their oath to fight for their nation when given a lawful order to do and for the man, or woman, standing next to them?

I can assure you that I wasn't asked either time I went to Iraq if I wanted to go, or if I agreed with the reasoning.

But way to imply that I don't care about the deaths of my fellow soldiers, dirt bag.

And if you don't know the geopolitical situation of what you are fighting for, then that's on you ya moron...

...and if you don't have the 'nads to stand up for what you believe in - or don't - then that's on you, too....
Well, aren't you the total retard who doesn't understand how the military works or why we do what we do. Are you really dumb enough to think that military men , and women, go to war for any more of a reason than their oath to fight for their nation when given a lawful order to do and for the man, or woman, standing next to them?

I can assure you that I wasn't asked either time I went to Iraq if I wanted to go, or if I agreed with the reasoning.

But way to imply that I don't care about the deaths of my fellow soldiers, dirt bag.

And if you don't know the geopolitical situation of what you are fighting for, then that's on you ya moron...

...and if you don't have the 'nads to stand up for what you believe in - or don't - then that's on you, too....

LOL - You are a total moron.

Understanding the geopolitical reasoning and refusing to serve b/c of your opinion on it are two different things entirely.

As for having the nads to stand up for what I believe in, that's exactly what I did when I signed up for the military when I was 16. That's right I signed up when I was 16, went to boot camp when I was 17 , finished HS, went to further training and have been fighting for what I believe in ever since.

This was a really lame attempt by you to flame me.

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