Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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I've been an atheist for 60 years ( from Crock) .​

One of our resident Trolls feeding us more lies .

A 53 year old -- your stated age -- telling us that he has been an atheist for 60 years .

A bare faced liar is more accurate .

You amateurs are so easy to spot .
You are probably 82 and well past early signs of dementia .
As I have stated elsewhere, I am not going to put my actual DoB down in a public forum, particularly since it is just about all that's required to violate the HIPAA protections of my medical records. If YOU have put your actual birth date down in your profile here, I would suggest you remove it immediately.

If you have any comments pertaining to the actual thread topic, feel free to make them.
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There is no god. Intelligence is its own reward - it leads to fewer mistakes.
But you would have to be a god yourself to know that for certain. Wisest position is agnostic atheist. That means I admit I don't know but as far as i can see, nothing tells me a god is real. And as for organized religions who say god visited, I'm atheist about that. 100% certain it didn't happen.

The only difference between religions and fairytales is religion stories happened 225 years ago, 500, 2000 or 7000 years ago. And they happened in the middle east or Utah. Fairy tales happened in a far far away place a long long time ago.
1. God is not a genii who changes the physical world at our command. He is Spirit and Spiritual.
Did he create the universe? Does he answer prayers?
2. You did not recognize that your dog was in your loving hands; hands willing to work for and serve the needs of a special dog.
I am uncertain what you mean by this comment though it look as if you're attempting to diss me without cause. I was ten years old or less. We had been caring for the partially blinded dog and we contined to care for him after he become completely blinded.
3. Speaking of work and service--those are the components of worship, along with thanksgiving and praise.
The core of worship is accepting that your god exists, that he created the universe and that you owe him praise, service and obedience. If your god told you to murder your children and you attempted to do so, he would praise you for it. If your god told you to kill yourself and you attempted to do so, he would praise you for it. At least that is what the Bible tells us.
Did you want to serve God in caring for one of his creatures...or, did you want God to serve you as your genii?
As a young boy, I wanted the god I'd been taught about to show his caring for my dog. My family and I were capable of caring for our dog and did so. What we weren't capable of doing was curing his sight. That was the purpose of my prayer.
Did you thank God for bringing that dog into your life, and did you praise Him for the opportunity to learn about lessons about serving other, perhaps later not a dog, but a fellow human being.
Are you suggesting that god punished my dog in order to punish me? Would you find that acceptable? Would you find that believable?
Is your own spirit stronger or weaker from caring for your dog?
I reject all supernatural. There are no "spirits". I learned from caring for my dog. I learned from watching him suffer. I learned from watching his suffering needlessly increase.
Could it be God answered your prayers in a way a small child wouldn't yet perceive or understand.
My prayers were not answered in any way that I have ever perceived and the arguments that many have made require your god be willing to make my dog suffer for the rest of his life to serve your god's wants in ways that a caring, omnipotent being could have easily accomplished without making our dog suffer for the rest of his life. That made no sense. What did make sense is that there never was a god there. My dog was partially blinded because it was struck by a car and was completely blinded when it was struck by another car. There is no god involved anywhere in the process because there simply are no gods.
You loved your dog. You say you respect the Golden Rule. What more do you wish--a genii or an even stronger spirit.
You seem to be suggesting that I don't respect the Golden Rule. Please explain.

What I wished as a young boy is that the caring, ominpotent god my parent's church had told me about would help my dog. You may not be aware of this but your distinction about geniis would seem to make your god less than omnipotent. You also seem to suggest that I should have been grateful for god's attempt to give me "a stronger spirit" even were the price the lifelong suffering of my dog. I reject that utterly.
Did he create the universe? Does he answer prayers?

I am uncertain what you mean by this comment though it look as if you're attempting to diss me without cause. I was ten years old or less. We had been caring for the partially blinded dog and we contined to care for him after he become completely blinded.

The core of worship is accepting that your god exists, that he created the universe and that you owe him praise, service and obedience. If your god told you to murder your children and you attempted to do so, he would praise you for it. If your god told you to kill yourself and you attempted to do so, he would praise you for it. At least that is what the Bible tells us.

As a young boy, I wanted the god I'd been taught about to show his caring for my dog. My family and I were capable of caring for our dog and did so. What we weren't capable of doing was curing his sight. That was the purpose of my prayer.

Are you suggesting that god punished my dog in order to punish me? Would you find that acceptable? Would you find that believable?

I reject all supernatural. There are no "spirits". I learned from caring for my dog. I learned from watching him suffer. I learned from watching his suffering needlessly increase.

My prayers were not answered in any way that I have ever perceived and the arguments that many have made require your god be willing to make my dog suffer for the rest of his life to serve your god's wants in ways that a caring, omnipotent being could have easily accomplished without making our dog suffer for the rest of his life. That made no sense. What did make sense is that there never was a god there. My dog was partially blinded because it was struck by a car and was completely blinded when it was struck by another car. There is no god involved anywhere in the process because there simply are no gods.

You seem to be suggesting that I don't respect the Golden Rule. Please explain.

What I wished as a young boy is that the caring, ominpotent god my parent's church had told me about would help my dog. You may not be aware of this but your distinction about geniis would seem to make your god less than omnipotent. You also seem to suggest that I should have been grateful for god's attempt to give me "a stronger spirit" even were the price the lifelong suffering of my dog. I reject that utterly.

Couple good points you made. They say god put something wonderful in your life. So that must mean when bad things happen, gods making it or allowing it. When he could prevent it. If I could prevent my dogs suffering I would.
Good questions ... I used the phrase "higher power" for this reason ... I believe in the God of the Angelican [sic] Bible (i.e. King James Version) ... I also keep several other tomes of such writings, like the Apocrypha ... and I've given some time and energy to the study of Hindu and Taoist believe systems ...

Across all human existence, some things are universal ... and they've been universal since the dawn of human writing ... starting with accounting records, that says everything about humans ...
I am quite certain that atheism is as old as deism. What things do you see as universal?
LYING is EVIL ... speaking the TRUTH is GOOD ...
This is nice. When are you going to start practicing it?
But the eastern philosophies don't presume they can know the unknowable.

The Tao that can be named is not the true Tao
You failed to credit Lao Tzu* there.

* - Author of the "Tao te Ching".
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Right ... Confucianism is politics ... so tell us ... does Taoism allow lying little girls? ...

The Bible teaches respect for inferiors as well ... just saying ...
Could you give us your view of "little girls"? Could you identify the lie(s) you believe I have told? Can you defend the lies YOU have told here?
מזל טוב!

I'm 100% certain you NEVER try to proselytize your religious views on others.

Because, that would just be rude.
In RL, I do not. It comes up occasionally. For instance, when representatives of the Mormon Church or the Jehovah's Witnesses would come to my door. Religion is not a significant part of most people's lives these days.
I am uncertain what you mean by this comment though it look as if you're attempting to diss me without cause. I was ten years old or less. We had been caring for the partially blinded dog and we contined to care for him after he become completely blinded.
I was saying your dog was in your loving hands. Was he not?
The core of worship is accepting that your god exists, that he created the universe and that you owe him praise, service and obedience. If your god told you to murder your children and you attempted to do so, he would praise you for it. If your god told you to kill yourself and you attempted to do so, he would praise you for it. At least that is what the Bible tells us.
So you say.
OP is yet another proof that Atheism is a RELIGION and it has evangelists
Hello Car in Ann Arbor,

Why do you say that? Atheism is a disbelief in the existence of a god or gods. A religion is the belief in and worship of supernatural beings; particularly a god or gods. Atheism is not a religion. An evangelist is a christian attempting to spread christianity. I am obviously not an evangelist.
As a young boy, I wanted the god I'd been taught about to show his caring for my dog. My family and I were capable of caring for our dog and did so. What we weren't capable of doing was curing his sight. That was the purpose of my prayer.
So you wanted a genii. Do you believe God loves the blind any less? Did you believe you could love your dog more if only he could see?
I am quite certain that atheism is as old as deism. What things do you see as universal?

This is nice. When are you going to start practicing it?

Debating if a God created us must have been wonderful up until Moses came down from the mountain and said he visited him and told him 10 commandments.

I love discussing this topic. It certainly does seem perfect. The moon, the plants and animals we need to eat. Not too hot or cold. Seems built for us. But I tell my dad it hasn't always and won't always. Millions of years before it was meant for dinosaurs and before that Trilobites.

So we agree all god did was plant the seed of life and we evolved from creatures that once lived under water, right? Well, sort of. He will accept the seed theory because of Trilobites and dinosaurs, but he believes god made 1 man and 1 woman who populated the earth. I tell them that's impossible and he sort of agrees that it couldn't have been 1 man and 1 woman, but then that would mean he believes we came from monkeys, and he can't accept that.

Their beliefs make no sense but when faced with that, they'll change their beliefs, but not if it conflicts with another belief. It's called Cognitive Dissonance.

One time my dad went on and on about how god made all the different types of dogs. Then I informed him they all came from wolves and we made those breeds of dogs in just a short amount of time. Now imagine evolution over millions of years.

They are dumb. I believe the people who run the country, the rich and corporations, are in partnership with religion. Religion keeps us dumb. If you'll believe this crap you'll believe global warming isn't real. How can it be? The bible never mentioned it being how we go extinct. So it can't be true. If it were it'd be in the bible.
Are you suggesting that god punished my dog in order to punish me? Would you find that acceptable? Would you find that believable?
Far from it. Just the opposite. It appears you interpret my posts the same way you interpret the Bible
Speaking lies is evil ... can we agree on that? ...
Yes we can. What lies do you believe I have told here? What makes you think I am a little girl? What are you attempting to convey by calling me a little girl? Why do you continue to say lies are bad while you yourself are blatantly lying?
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