Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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I have never hidden by contempt for organized religion.

But I am not actively working to subordinate or abolish it. You people can make your own choices.
Whether you acknowledge it or not that is exactly what you are doing. Your denial only serves to prove you know what you are doing is wrong.
Path not taken so we will never really know which direction would have been chosen. The fact remains though that:
  1. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church
  2. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market economics five hundred years before Adam Smith
  3. The Catholic Church invented the university
  4. Western law grew out of Church canon law
  5. The Catholic Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life
People can argue and disagree all they want but until they can name another institution that shaped Western Civilization more than the HRCC it's turtles all the way down.
Yeah that's why Galileo was imprisoned and threatened with execution
Whether you acknowledge it or not that is exactly what you are doing. Your denial only serves to prove you know what you are doing is wrong.

Once again that is your position because you are emotional and take everything a personal attack

So will you answer my question as to whether you would criticize a faith that called for the blinding of every third child ?
Ask Meriweather to explain it to you because pretty much everything you believe about this is wrong.

No it's history.

What about all the people burned at the stake by the Church?

That's a myth too right?

How about the 300000 kids sexually abused by the Church in France alone? That's a myth right?
Once again that is your position because you are emotional and take everything a personal attack

So will you answer my question as to whether you would criticize a faith that called for the blinding of every third child ?
I did answer your question.

And the emotional one is you as you attack what you don't understand based upon your emotions.
No it's history.

What about all the people burned at the stake by the Church?

That's a myth too right?

How about the 300000 kids sexually abused by the Church in France alone? That's a myth right?
You should debate her about that in the Bull Ring for everyone to see.
You just created an analogy of poking eyes out of every third child as an example of a religious belief. You are way way way too overly emotional.

It was a hypothetical religion not an analogy.

And you're the one who said you have no reason to question anyone's faith yet you said you would abolish a religion you didn't agree with

IOW you are being a hypocrite..
No, I don't remember that. I think it scares you to debate someone in the Bull Ring.

You don't remember creating a Bull ring thread about the eternal nature of the first cause then closing the thread?


this was your OP in that thread

Blues Man: The First Cause had to always exist (i.e. eternal) otherwise there would have been something before it to bring it about, so it couldn't be first if it didn't always exist (i.e. eternal). And if it didn't always exist then there would have been something else that caused it, so it couldn't be the first cause.

Ergo The First Cause must be Eternal

These are pretty simple statements because the logic is pretty simple.

you ran to the moderator and had the thread closed, fucking liar
It was a hypothetical religion not an analogy.

And you're the one who said you have no reason to question anyone's faith yet you said you would abolish a religion you didn't agree with

IOW you are being a hypocrite..
Yes and it was an outlandish comparison which shows just how batshit crazy religion makes you.
You don't remember creating a Bull ring thread about the eternal nature of the first cause then closing the thread?


this was your OP in that thread

Blues Man: The First Cause had to always exist (i.e. eternal) otherwise there would have been something before it to bring it about, so it couldn't be first if it didn't always exist (i.e. eternal). And if it didn't always exist then there would have been something else that caused it, so it couldn't be the first cause.

Ergo The First Cause must be Eternal

These are pretty simple statements because the logic is pretty simple.

you ran to the moderator and had the thread closed, fucking liar
I remember making my point and ending the debate when it was done.
You say religion is detrimental. But could anything be more detrimental than atheism? 100 million deaths in the last century by murderous atheist regimes. The five officially atheist governments in the world today: Cuba, China, North Korea, Vietnam, and Laos, are all abject hellhole prisons.
You misunderstand me entirely. What I said exactly was “Religious superstition, a kind of organized insanity, is today generally detrimental” and I specifically compared these mostly ancient modes of organized superstition to “other … modern … mass ideologies.”

I was not counterposing to religion either extreme nationalist or communist ideologies, and certainly not state- imposed atheism, but rather the freedom of conscience, speech and religion generally associated with Enlightened thinking and “liberal bourgeois democratic capitalism” as it has evolved in the modern world.

One of many modern expressions of such Enlightened thinking can be found in the original UN adopted modern Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Articles 18–21, which support: "constitutional liberties" and spiritual, public, and political freedoms, such as freedom of thought, opinion, expression, religion and conscience, word, peaceful association of the individual, and receiving and imparting information and ideas through any media.

As for your historic animus to totalitarian ideology I couldn’t agree more. The fact is you needn’t go much further than the Middle East, where tribal and fanatic religious superstition has often captured state power to see the consequence of such ideologies even today. Fortunately most organized religion in the West is today separate from state power, subordinate to it, or at least is not in command of it, and this has been a progressive evolution that has actually helped protect religion and freedom of conscience for all citizens in modern “liberal democratic” capitalist societies.
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No one likes little girls with lying tongues ... by starting this thread, you fully admit to a higher power ... one that chastises little girl lying tongues ...
Interesting that you choose to chastise me about lying with your own blatant lies.
Anthropology states humans are a social animal ... our evolutionary advantage ... you are anti-social and hate the Truths the Bible lays out ... have all the sex you want, and use abortion to murder your children ... and lie lie lie ... over the internet, no one will kick your ass ...

You acknowledge God by hating Him ...
I was angry at the christian god I'd been taught about as a young child. That rapidly grew into my realization that it simply wasn't there. There is no supernatural. There are no gods. Nothing has ever made me doubt that.

I am not anti-social. There are things in the Bible with which I firmly disagree but not all. My disagreements, of course, have to do with worshiping the delusion. I believe that the most important moral guidance is the Golden Rule.

I do not have a lot of sex these days, but that having sex is the first thing you should present as my sins is quite interesting. I'm curious how you know anything about my sex life? Have you been watching me? And why do you think sex is sinful? Life on this planet would end without it.

How many abortions do you think I have had? You know I am male - thus your frequent use of female pronouns is another willful and knowing lie and your apparent belief that you are insulting me by doing so ought to embarrass you profoundly.

And, again, please identify a lie you believe I have told. Because, as has been your habit, despite your own numerous, blatant and entirely willful lies, you accuse me of lying without having been able to idenfity a single lie I have told.
20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen
I see none of them. You don't either. And I have to ask how the invisible is supposed to be clearly seen?
being understood by the things that are made
So, they are seen by those who want to see them? How convenient.
even His eternal power and [g]Godhead, so that they are without excuse
Where do you see his eternal power and godhead?
21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God
I came to know that there are no gods and so, obviously, nothing to glorify. And why are you apparently unbothered that your religion claims your god makes demands that would make a fellow human look a complete ass?
nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
If you want to show that failing to worship your god harms people in some way, you need to find a reference source other than the Bible.
22 Professing to be wise, they became fools
Sounds like a version of Dunning, Krueger.
23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like [h]corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
I don't think atheists draw a lot of pictures of gods.
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves
Dishonor our bodies? Are you suggesting that atheists take worse care of themselves than do christians? I am quite certain there is no evidence supporting that one, particularly since the average atheist is better educated than the average christian.
25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Atheists do not worship anyone or anything in place of the christian god.

Again, using the Bible as a source for all these arguments is pointless and really makes it appear as if you have no actual evidence that any of this is true.
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