I've heard it on here so much enough is enough

Some reactionaries mistakenly believe that the founders are equal to modern day far right TeaPs and reactionaries. and would support the policies of modern day reactionaries.

And don't try that TeaPs and reactionaries are "classical liberals". Nup, they are tories.
Yes, the Founders wanted limited government, maximum personal liberty, and freedom from burdensome taxation.

NOTHING like the TEA Party.

Oh, wait...
No they wanted a central power base and never actually followed through with a limited government.
But hey why let facts get in the way.


And we've got 150 years up until the traitor FDR tried to blackmail what was supposed to be the third branch of government (and independent) to show you are 100% wrong.
Our foundering fathers were the liberals of the day.
1.Pushed for a stronger federal government
2. Some want on to push for a central bank(hamition)
3. Others would become president and push for even more power(Adams)

These men learned first hand just how stupid it is to go without a centralized federal government(military). The war of 1812 taught us this lesson in spades.

Killing with facts? to bad their your facts and only work in your mind.
Our foundering fathers were the liberals of the day.
1.Pushed for a stronger federal government
2. Some want on to push for a central bank(hamition)
3. Others would become president and push for even more power(Adams)

These men learned first hand just how stupid it is to go without a centralized federal government(military). The war of 1812 taught us this lesson in spades.

1. That's why we started with the Articles of Confederation. So bullcrap.
2. So ? Aaron Burr is still a hero in my eyes.
3. Adams and his ilk pushed to centralize power and got their asses creamed in the election of 1800.
Our foundering fathers were the liberals of the day.
1.Pushed for a stronger federal government
2. Some want on to push for a central bank(hamition)
3. Others would become president and push for even more power(Adams)

These men learned first hand just how stupid it is to go without a centralized federal government(military). The war of 1812 taught us this lesson in spades.

1. That's why we started with the Articles of Confederation. So bullcrap.
2. So ? Aaron Burr is still a hero in my eyes.
3. Adams and his ilk pushed to centralize power and got their asses creamed in the election of 1800.

I didn't have the heart to say it.
Some reactionaries mistakenly believe that the founders are equal to modern day far right TeaPs and reactionaries. and would support the policies of modern day reactionaries.

And don't try that TeaPs and reactionaries are "classical liberals". Nup, they are tories.
Yes, the Founders wanted limited government, maximum personal liberty, and freedom from burdensome taxation.

NOTHING like the TEA Party.

Oh, wait...
No they wanted a central power base and never actually followed through with a limited government.
But hey why let facts get in the way.
Read it. Know it. Live it.
Once again, a low information mind publishes "It was the GOP that fought for civil liberties and the southern dems who sought to keep blacks in servitude" when the historically accurate comment is "it was a geographical split of leading Dems and supporting Pubs from the north and west bring civil liberties to all Americans against the viciousness of Dems and Pubs from the south."

That is what is being taught in American schools, and that is what will be continued to be taught.
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Once again, a low information mind publishes "It was the GOP that fought for civil liberties and the southern dems who sought to keep blacks in servitude" when the historically accurate comment is "it was a geographical split of leading Dems and supporting Pubs from the north and west bring civil liberties to all Americans against the viciousness of Dems and Pubs from the south.

That is what is being taught in American schools, and that is what will be continued to be taught.

What exactly does this have to do with the founding fathers being like modern day liberals. I've already said they were not anything like modern day conservatives. Are you trying to troll this thread also?
Liberals both use and despise the founders. They read into their lives all kinds of nonsense. They supported same sex marriage, supported abortion, were drug addicts, were born in Europe. When necessary though, they were slave masters and rapists!

That's why nothing a lib says can be believed.
First liberals on this board or some liberals claim that the founding fathers of this country were liberals. What I want to address is which liberal policy would the founders of America support?
Give their names and the policy.

Public education...central government. .

And I win..go back to eating your crayons.

Public education? ok why does America fall behind, many liberals claim that
central government does not equate big government I trumped you win into a lose.

Kids failing has nothing to do with wanting public education you moron. All you did was move the goal posts because you have nothing. Which is typical.
Yes, the Founders wanted limited government, maximum personal liberty, and freedom from burdensome taxation.

NOTHING like the TEA Party.

Oh, wait...
No they wanted a central power base and never actually followed through with a limited government.
But hey why let facts get in the way.
Read it. Know it. Live it.

You do know who the federalists are right? And the fact they won right?
Also Jefferson supported public education. Who ws a founding father.

But neat you know how to post links..congrats.
The TeaPs, far right, and reactionaries simply don't have the votes or enough guns.

Not too worry.
Public education...central government. .

And I win..go back to eating your crayons.

Public education? ok why does America fall behind, many liberals claim that
central government does not equate big government I trumped you win into a lose.

Kids failing has nothing to do with wanting public education you moron. All you did was move the goal posts because you have nothing. Which is typical.

Wait a minute, how did I move the goal post? When did I set a goal? your first comment to me was
Public education...central government. .
Exactly what did you mean by that? You running away from the goal post does not equate me moving it.
No they wanted a central power base and never actually followed through with a limited government.
But hey why let facts get in the way.
Read it. Know it. Live it.

You do know who the federalists are right? And the fact they won right?
Also Jefferson supported public education. Who ws a founding father.

But neat you know how to post links..congrats.

Won what ?

1796 ? Yes.

In 1800, the federalist party was essentially rendered meaningless.
The libertarians don't believe in regulating anything and believe that ONE(or a few) corporations should be able to do what the robber barons did!

Look at the sky's and water of the 1940's
Look at the child labor
Look at the unfair pay

Looked kind of like Vietnam or China before the hybrid system took over...Certainly fight for a fair system but don't tell me that these aren't good charges. You don't believe in bettering our society as everything needs to be cold with you people.
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The liberals of the day were against KINGS. Not against running effective government through the votes of the people.

Look at the France(French revolution) late 18th century to understand that it was quite liberal.
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