I've pondered on something for several years


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
And cannot get a legitimate answer.

Why are christians so enamored with jews? I just don't get it.

I ran across this earlier today- it's quite long and there are links. I followed the first one- I know that posting something that's very lengthy on this (or most any political message board) is a shot in the dark and usually a waste of time, since most already have their mind made up that no matter what, they are correct- if only that were the case-

How Yahweh Conquered Rome
Christianity and the Big Lie

The People of the Lie

Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature” according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamento”, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers” to his son. Its ends with these words:

From all that you have just read you can deduce that lying is a sin for others, and for us a virtue. Lying is one with our job: we should lie by words, by eyes, by smile, by clothing. Not only to deceive patients; as you know, our purpose is higher, and the lie, not the twist of hand, makes our real strength. With the lie, patiently learned and piously exercised, if God helps us we will come to dominate this country and perhaps the world: but this can only be done on the condition of having been able to lie better and longer than our enemies. I will not see that day, but you will see it: it will be a new golden age, when only the last resorts will force us to pluck out teeth again, while it will be enough for us to govern the State and administer public affairs, to lavish the pious lies that we have learned to bring to perfection. If we prove ourselves capable of this, the empire of the tooth-pullers will extend from East to West until the most distant islands, and it will have no end.[1]

Even if we didn’t know what gang of professional liars Levi belonged to, their “God” would give them away: there is only one god who trained his people to lie and promised them world domination, and that is the god of Israel. “Israel,” remember, is the name Yahweh gave to Jacob, after Jacob lied to his aging father Isaac, by words and by clothing: “I am Esau your first-born,” he said, dressed up in “Esau’s best clothes,” in order to cheat Esau out of his birthright (Genesis 27:15-19). This is, in the literal—and literary—sense, the founding story of Israel. As long as Christians fail to see the malice of it, and its correlation with Jewish behavior, they will continue to play the part of Esau.

What is the biggest Jewish lie in history? Without contest, it is the claim that Jews, of all the nations inhabiting this earth, were once “chosen” by the almighty Creator of the Universe to enlighten and rule over mankind—while all their enemies were cursed by the same Creator. What is truly bewildering is not the enormity of the lie: many individuals may feel chosen by God, and even nations have done so. But only the Jews have managed to convince billions of non-Jews (Christians and Muslims) of their chosenness. How did they do it? “Almost by accident,” wrote Jewish author Marcus Eli Ravage in his must-read 1928 article “A real case against the Jews.” I think the accidental factor was rather minor.

There is a lot more at the link.

The first link I followed led to this

A Real Case Against the Jews
One of Them Points Out the Full Depth of Their Guilt

written by

Marcus Eli Ravage

published in

The Century Magazine

January 1928
Volume 115, Number 3
pages 346-350


You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.

Look back a little and see what has happened. Nineteen hundred years ago you were an innocent, carefree, pagan race. You worshipped countless gods and goddesses, the spirits of the air, of the running streams and of the woodland. You took unblushing pride in the glory of your naked bodies. You carved images of your gods and of the tantalizing human figure. You delighted in the combats of the field, the arena and the battle-ground. War and slavery were fixed institutions in your systems. Disporting yourselves on the hillsides and in the valleys of the great outdoors, you took to speculating on the wonder and mystery of life and laid the foundations of natural science and philosophy. Yours was a noble, sensual culture, unirked by the prickings of a social conscience or by any sentimental questionings about human equality. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone.

But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course of your history. We conquered you as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it all without armies, without bullets, without blood or turmoil, without force of any kind. We did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda.
And cannot get a legitimate answer.

Why are christians so enamored with jews? I just don't get it.

I ran across this earlier today- it's quite long and there are links. I followed the first one- I know that posting something that's very lengthy on this (or most any political message board) is a shot in the dark and usually a waste of time, since most already have their mind made up that no matter what, they are correct- if only that were the case-

How Yahweh Conquered Rome
Christianity and the Big Lie

The People of the Lie

Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature” according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamento”, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers” to his son. Its ends with these words:

From all that you have just read you can deduce that lying is a sin for others, and for us a virtue. Lying is one with our job: we should lie by words, by eyes, by smile, by clothing. Not only to deceive patients; as you know, our purpose is higher, and the lie, not the twist of hand, makes our real strength. With the lie, patiently learned and piously exercised, if God helps us we will come to dominate this country and perhaps the world: but this can only be done on the condition of having been able to lie better and longer than our enemies. I will not see that day, but you will see it: it will be a new golden age, when only the last resorts will force us to pluck out teeth again, while it will be enough for us to govern the State and administer public affairs, to lavish the pious lies that we have learned to bring to perfection. If we prove ourselves capable of this, the empire of the tooth-pullers will extend from East to West until the most distant islands, and it will have no end.[1]

Even if we didn’t know what gang of professional liars Levi belonged to, their “God” would give them away: there is only one god who trained his people to lie and promised them world domination, and that is the god of Israel. “Israel,” remember, is the name Yahweh gave to Jacob, after Jacob lied to his aging father Isaac, by words and by clothing: “I am Esau your first-born,” he said, dressed up in “Esau’s best clothes,” in order to cheat Esau out of his birthright (Genesis 27:15-19). This is, in the literal—and literary—sense, the founding story of Israel. As long as Christians fail to see the malice of it, and its correlation with Jewish behavior, they will continue to play the part of Esau.

What is the biggest Jewish lie in history? Without contest, it is the claim that Jews, of all the nations inhabiting this earth, were once “chosen” by the almighty Creator of the Universe to enlighten and rule over mankind—while all their enemies were cursed by the same Creator. What is truly bewildering is not the enormity of the lie: many individuals may feel chosen by God, and even nations have done so. But only the Jews have managed to convince billions of non-Jews (Christians and Muslims) of their chosenness. How did they do it? “Almost by accident,” wrote Jewish author Marcus Eli Ravage in his must-read 1928 article “A real case against the Jews.” I think the accidental factor was rather minor.

There is a lot more at the link.

The first link I followed led to this

A Real Case Against the Jews
One of Them Points Out the Full Depth of Their Guilt

written by

Marcus Eli Ravage

published in

The Century Magazine

January 1928
Volume 115, Number 3
pages 346-350


You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.

Look back a little and see what has happened. Nineteen hundred years ago you were an innocent, carefree, pagan race. You worshipped countless gods and goddesses, the spirits of the air, of the running streams and of the woodland. You took unblushing pride in the glory of your naked bodies. You carved images of your gods and of the tantalizing human figure. You delighted in the combats of the field, the arena and the battle-ground. War and slavery were fixed institutions in your systems. Disporting yourselves on the hillsides and in the valleys of the great outdoors, you took to speculating on the wonder and mystery of life and laid the foundations of natural science and philosophy. Yours was a noble, sensual culture, unirked by the prickings of a social conscience or by any sentimental questionings about human equality. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone.

But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course of your history. We conquered you as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it all without armies, without bullets, without blood or turmoil, without force of any kind. We did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda.
You are overthinking
And cannot get a legitimate answer.

Why are christians so enamored with jews? I just don't get it.

I ran across this earlier today- it's quite long and there are links. I followed the first one- I know that posting something that's very lengthy on this (or most any political message board) is a shot in the dark and usually a waste of time, since most already have their mind made up that no matter what, they are correct- if only that were the case-

How Yahweh Conquered Rome
Christianity and the Big Lie

The People of the Lie

Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature” according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamento”, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers” to his son. Its ends with these words:

From all that you have just read you can deduce that lying is a sin for others, and for us a virtue. Lying is one with our job: we should lie by words, by eyes, by smile, by clothing. Not only to deceive patients; as you know, our purpose is higher, and the lie, not the twist of hand, makes our real strength. With the lie, patiently learned and piously exercised, if God helps us we will come to dominate this country and perhaps the world: but this can only be done on the condition of having been able to lie better and longer than our enemies. I will not see that day, but you will see it: it will be a new golden age, when only the last resorts will force us to pluck out teeth again, while it will be enough for us to govern the State and administer public affairs, to lavish the pious lies that we have learned to bring to perfection. If we prove ourselves capable of this, the empire of the tooth-pullers will extend from East to West until the most distant islands, and it will have no end.[1]

Even if we didn’t know what gang of professional liars Levi belonged to, their “God” would give them away: there is only one god who trained his people to lie and promised them world domination, and that is the god of Israel. “Israel,” remember, is the name Yahweh gave to Jacob, after Jacob lied to his aging father Isaac, by words and by clothing: “I am Esau your first-born,” he said, dressed up in “Esau’s best clothes,” in order to cheat Esau out of his birthright (Genesis 27:15-19). This is, in the literal—and literary—sense, the founding story of Israel. As long as Christians fail to see the malice of it, and its correlation with Jewish behavior, they will continue to play the part of Esau.

What is the biggest Jewish lie in history? Without contest, it is the claim that Jews, of all the nations inhabiting this earth, were once “chosen” by the almighty Creator of the Universe to enlighten and rule over mankind—while all their enemies were cursed by the same Creator. What is truly bewildering is not the enormity of the lie: many individuals may feel chosen by God, and even nations have done so. But only the Jews have managed to convince billions of non-Jews (Christians and Muslims) of their chosenness. How did they do it? “Almost by accident,” wrote Jewish author Marcus Eli Ravage in his must-read 1928 article “A real case against the Jews.” I think the accidental factor was rather minor.

There is a lot more at the link.

The first link I followed led to this

A Real Case Against the Jews
One of Them Points Out the Full Depth of Their Guilt

written by

Marcus Eli Ravage

published in

The Century Magazine

January 1928
Volume 115, Number 3
pages 346-350


You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.

Look back a little and see what has happened. Nineteen hundred years ago you were an innocent, carefree, pagan race. You worshipped countless gods and goddesses, the spirits of the air, of the running streams and of the woodland. You took unblushing pride in the glory of your naked bodies. You carved images of your gods and of the tantalizing human figure. You delighted in the combats of the field, the arena and the battle-ground. War and slavery were fixed institutions in your systems. Disporting yourselves on the hillsides and in the valleys of the great outdoors, you took to speculating on the wonder and mystery of life and laid the foundations of natural science and philosophy. Yours was a noble, sensual culture, unirked by the prickings of a social conscience or by any sentimental questionings about human equality. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone.

But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course of your history. We conquered you as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it all without armies, without bullets, without blood or turmoil, without force of any kind. We did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda.

Might wanna read your Bible again. No, it doesn't say that the Jews were chosen to rule over everyone else, it just says that the Jews are God's chosen people because they said they would follow His laws. They weren't chosen to lead, they were chosen as favored people of God.
And cannot get a legitimate answer.

Why are christians so enamored with jews? I just don't get it.

I ran across this earlier today- it's quite long and there are links. I followed the first one- I know that posting something that's very lengthy on this (or most any political message board) is a shot in the dark and usually a waste of time, since most already have their mind made up that no matter what, they are correct- if only that were the case-

How Yahweh Conquered Rome
Christianity and the Big Lie

The People of the Lie

Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature” according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamento”, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers” to his son. Its ends with these words:

From all that you have just read you can deduce that lying is a sin for others, and for us a virtue. Lying is one with our job: we should lie by words, by eyes, by smile, by clothing. Not only to deceive patients; as you know, our purpose is higher, and the lie, not the twist of hand, makes our real strength. With the lie, patiently learned and piously exercised, if God helps us we will come to dominate this country and perhaps the world: but this can only be done on the condition of having been able to lie better and longer than our enemies. I will not see that day, but you will see it: it will be a new golden age, when only the last resorts will force us to pluck out teeth again, while it will be enough for us to govern the State and administer public affairs, to lavish the pious lies that we have learned to bring to perfection. If we prove ourselves capable of this, the empire of the tooth-pullers will extend from East to West until the most distant islands, and it will have no end.[1]

Even if we didn’t know what gang of professional liars Levi belonged to, their “God” would give them away: there is only one god who trained his people to lie and promised them world domination, and that is the god of Israel. “Israel,” remember, is the name Yahweh gave to Jacob, after Jacob lied to his aging father Isaac, by words and by clothing: “I am Esau your first-born,” he said, dressed up in “Esau’s best clothes,” in order to cheat Esau out of his birthright (Genesis 27:15-19). This is, in the literal—and literary—sense, the founding story of Israel. As long as Christians fail to see the malice of it, and its correlation with Jewish behavior, they will continue to play the part of Esau.

What is the biggest Jewish lie in history? Without contest, it is the claim that Jews, of all the nations inhabiting this earth, were once “chosen” by the almighty Creator of the Universe to enlighten and rule over mankind—while all their enemies were cursed by the same Creator. What is truly bewildering is not the enormity of the lie: many individuals may feel chosen by God, and even nations have done so. But only the Jews have managed to convince billions of non-Jews (Christians and Muslims) of their chosenness. How did they do it? “Almost by accident,” wrote Jewish author Marcus Eli Ravage in his must-read 1928 article “A real case against the Jews.” I think the accidental factor was rather minor.

There is a lot more at the link.

The first link I followed led to this

A Real Case Against the Jews
One of Them Points Out the Full Depth of Their Guilt

written by

Marcus Eli Ravage

published in

The Century Magazine

January 1928
Volume 115, Number 3
pages 346-350


You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.

Look back a little and see what has happened. Nineteen hundred years ago you were an innocent, carefree, pagan race. You worshipped countless gods and goddesses, the spirits of the air, of the running streams and of the woodland. You took unblushing pride in the glory of your naked bodies. You carved images of your gods and of the tantalizing human figure. You delighted in the combats of the field, the arena and the battle-ground. War and slavery were fixed institutions in your systems. Disporting yourselves on the hillsides and in the valleys of the great outdoors, you took to speculating on the wonder and mystery of life and laid the foundations of natural science and philosophy. Yours was a noble, sensual culture, unirked by the prickings of a social conscience or by any sentimental questionings about human equality. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone.

But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course of your history. We conquered you as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it all without armies, without bullets, without blood or turmoil, without force of any kind. We did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda.

Might wanna read your Bible again. No, it doesn't say that the Jews were chosen to rule over everyone else, it just says that the Jews are God's chosen people because they said they would follow His laws. They weren't chosen to lead, they were chosen as favored people of God.
There are many bibles kiddo
And cannot get a legitimate answer.

Why are christians so enamored with jews? I just don't get it.

I ran across this earlier today- it's quite long and there are links. I followed the first one- I know that posting something that's very lengthy on this (or most any political message board) is a shot in the dark and usually a waste of time, since most already have their mind made up that no matter what, they are correct- if only that were the case-

How Yahweh Conquered Rome
Christianity and the Big Lie

The People of the Lie

Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature” according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamento”, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers” to his son. Its ends with these words:

From all that you have just read you can deduce that lying is a sin for others, and for us a virtue. Lying is one with our job: we should lie by words, by eyes, by smile, by clothing. Not only to deceive patients; as you know, our purpose is higher, and the lie, not the twist of hand, makes our real strength. With the lie, patiently learned and piously exercised, if God helps us we will come to dominate this country and perhaps the world: but this can only be done on the condition of having been able to lie better and longer than our enemies. I will not see that day, but you will see it: it will be a new golden age, when only the last resorts will force us to pluck out teeth again, while it will be enough for us to govern the State and administer public affairs, to lavish the pious lies that we have learned to bring to perfection. If we prove ourselves capable of this, the empire of the tooth-pullers will extend from East to West until the most distant islands, and it will have no end.[1]

Even if we didn’t know what gang of professional liars Levi belonged to, their “God” would give them away: there is only one god who trained his people to lie and promised them world domination, and that is the god of Israel. “Israel,” remember, is the name Yahweh gave to Jacob, after Jacob lied to his aging father Isaac, by words and by clothing: “I am Esau your first-born,” he said, dressed up in “Esau’s best clothes,” in order to cheat Esau out of his birthright (Genesis 27:15-19). This is, in the literal—and literary—sense, the founding story of Israel. As long as Christians fail to see the malice of it, and its correlation with Jewish behavior, they will continue to play the part of Esau.

What is the biggest Jewish lie in history? Without contest, it is the claim that Jews, of all the nations inhabiting this earth, were once “chosen” by the almighty Creator of the Universe to enlighten and rule over mankind—while all their enemies were cursed by the same Creator. What is truly bewildering is not the enormity of the lie: many individuals may feel chosen by God, and even nations have done so. But only the Jews have managed to convince billions of non-Jews (Christians and Muslims) of their chosenness. How did they do it? “Almost by accident,” wrote Jewish author Marcus Eli Ravage in his must-read 1928 article “A real case against the Jews.” I think the accidental factor was rather minor.

There is a lot more at the link.

The first link I followed led to this

A Real Case Against the Jews
One of Them Points Out the Full Depth of Their Guilt

written by

Marcus Eli Ravage

published in

The Century Magazine

January 1928
Volume 115, Number 3
pages 346-350


You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.

Look back a little and see what has happened. Nineteen hundred years ago you were an innocent, carefree, pagan race. You worshipped countless gods and goddesses, the spirits of the air, of the running streams and of the woodland. You took unblushing pride in the glory of your naked bodies. You carved images of your gods and of the tantalizing human figure. You delighted in the combats of the field, the arena and the battle-ground. War and slavery were fixed institutions in your systems. Disporting yourselves on the hillsides and in the valleys of the great outdoors, you took to speculating on the wonder and mystery of life and laid the foundations of natural science and philosophy. Yours was a noble, sensual culture, unirked by the prickings of a social conscience or by any sentimental questionings about human equality. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone.

But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course of your history. We conquered you as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it all without armies, without bullets, without blood or turmoil, without force of any kind. We did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda.

Might wanna read your Bible again. No, it doesn't say that the Jews were chosen to rule over everyone else, it just says that the Jews are God's chosen people because they said they would follow His laws. They weren't chosen to lead, they were chosen as favored people of God.

I liked Golda Meirs....interpetation of that......God did not choose us.....we chose him.

And cannot get a legitimate answer.

Why are christians so enamored with jews? I just don't get it.

I ran across this earlier today- it's quite long and there are links. I followed the first one- I know that posting something that's very lengthy on this (or most any political message board) is a shot in the dark and usually a waste of time, since most already have their mind made up that no matter what, they are correct- if only that were the case-

How Yahweh Conquered Rome
Christianity and the Big Lie

The People of the Lie

Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature” according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamento”, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers” to his son. Its ends with these words:

From all that you have just read you can deduce that lying is a sin for others, and for us a virtue. Lying is one with our job: we should lie by words, by eyes, by smile, by clothing. Not only to deceive patients; as you know, our purpose is higher, and the lie, not the twist of hand, makes our real strength. With the lie, patiently learned and piously exercised, if God helps us we will come to dominate this country and perhaps the world: but this can only be done on the condition of having been able to lie better and longer than our enemies. I will not see that day, but you will see it: it will be a new golden age, when only the last resorts will force us to pluck out teeth again, while it will be enough for us to govern the State and administer public affairs, to lavish the pious lies that we have learned to bring to perfection. If we prove ourselves capable of this, the empire of the tooth-pullers will extend from East to West until the most distant islands, and it will have no end.[1]

Even if we didn’t know what gang of professional liars Levi belonged to, their “God” would give them away: there is only one god who trained his people to lie and promised them world domination, and that is the god of Israel. “Israel,” remember, is the name Yahweh gave to Jacob, after Jacob lied to his aging father Isaac, by words and by clothing: “I am Esau your first-born,” he said, dressed up in “Esau’s best clothes,” in order to cheat Esau out of his birthright (Genesis 27:15-19). This is, in the literal—and literary—sense, the founding story of Israel. As long as Christians fail to see the malice of it, and its correlation with Jewish behavior, they will continue to play the part of Esau.

What is the biggest Jewish lie in history? Without contest, it is the claim that Jews, of all the nations inhabiting this earth, were once “chosen” by the almighty Creator of the Universe to enlighten and rule over mankind—while all their enemies were cursed by the same Creator. What is truly bewildering is not the enormity of the lie: many individuals may feel chosen by God, and even nations have done so. But only the Jews have managed to convince billions of non-Jews (Christians and Muslims) of their chosenness. How did they do it? “Almost by accident,” wrote Jewish author Marcus Eli Ravage in his must-read 1928 article “A real case against the Jews.” I think the accidental factor was rather minor.

There is a lot more at the link.

The first link I followed led to this

A Real Case Against the Jews
One of Them Points Out the Full Depth of Their Guilt

written by

Marcus Eli Ravage

published in

The Century Magazine

January 1928
Volume 115, Number 3
pages 346-350


You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.

Look back a little and see what has happened. Nineteen hundred years ago you were an innocent, carefree, pagan race. You worshipped countless gods and goddesses, the spirits of the air, of the running streams and of the woodland. You took unblushing pride in the glory of your naked bodies. You carved images of your gods and of the tantalizing human figure. You delighted in the combats of the field, the arena and the battle-ground. War and slavery were fixed institutions in your systems. Disporting yourselves on the hillsides and in the valleys of the great outdoors, you took to speculating on the wonder and mystery of life and laid the foundations of natural science and philosophy. Yours was a noble, sensual culture, unirked by the prickings of a social conscience or by any sentimental questionings about human equality. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone.

But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course of your history. We conquered you as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it all without armies, without bullets, without blood or turmoil, without force of any kind. We did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda.

Might wanna read your Bible again. No, it doesn't say that the Jews were chosen to rule over everyone else, it just says that the Jews are God's chosen people because they said they would follow His laws. They weren't chosen to lead, they were chosen as favored people of God.

I liked Golda Meirs....interpetation of that......God did not choose us.....we chose him.
Golda Meir Quotes on Israel & Judaism

And cannot get a legitimate answer.

Why are christians so enamored with jews? I just don't get it.

I ran across this earlier today- it's quite long and there are links. I followed the first one- I know that posting something that's very lengthy on this (or most any political message board) is a shot in the dark and usually a waste of time, since most already have their mind made up that no matter what, they are correct- if only that were the case-

How Yahweh Conquered Rome
Christianity and the Big Lie

The People of the Lie

Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature” according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamento”, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers” to his son. Its ends with these words:

From all that you have just read you can deduce that lying is a sin for others, and for us a virtue. Lying is one with our job: we should lie by words, by eyes, by smile, by clothing. Not only to deceive patients; as you know, our purpose is higher, and the lie, not the twist of hand, makes our real strength. With the lie, patiently learned and piously exercised, if God helps us we will come to dominate this country and perhaps the world: but this can only be done on the condition of having been able to lie better and longer than our enemies. I will not see that day, but you will see it: it will be a new golden age, when only the last resorts will force us to pluck out teeth again, while it will be enough for us to govern the State and administer public affairs, to lavish the pious lies that we have learned to bring to perfection. If we prove ourselves capable of this, the empire of the tooth-pullers will extend from East to West until the most distant islands, and it will have no end.[1]

Even if we didn’t know what gang of professional liars Levi belonged to, their “God” would give them away: there is only one god who trained his people to lie and promised them world domination, and that is the god of Israel. “Israel,” remember, is the name Yahweh gave to Jacob, after Jacob lied to his aging father Isaac, by words and by clothing: “I am Esau your first-born,” he said, dressed up in “Esau’s best clothes,” in order to cheat Esau out of his birthright (Genesis 27:15-19). This is, in the literal—and literary—sense, the founding story of Israel. As long as Christians fail to see the malice of it, and its correlation with Jewish behavior, they will continue to play the part of Esau.

What is the biggest Jewish lie in history? Without contest, it is the claim that Jews, of all the nations inhabiting this earth, were once “chosen” by the almighty Creator of the Universe to enlighten and rule over mankind—while all their enemies were cursed by the same Creator. What is truly bewildering is not the enormity of the lie: many individuals may feel chosen by God, and even nations have done so. But only the Jews have managed to convince billions of non-Jews (Christians and Muslims) of their chosenness. How did they do it? “Almost by accident,” wrote Jewish author Marcus Eli Ravage in his must-read 1928 article “A real case against the Jews.” I think the accidental factor was rather minor.

There is a lot more at the link.

The first link I followed led to this

A Real Case Against the Jews
One of Them Points Out the Full Depth of Their Guilt

written by

Marcus Eli Ravage

published in

The Century Magazine

January 1928
Volume 115, Number 3
pages 346-350


You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.

Look back a little and see what has happened. Nineteen hundred years ago you were an innocent, carefree, pagan race. You worshipped countless gods and goddesses, the spirits of the air, of the running streams and of the woodland. You took unblushing pride in the glory of your naked bodies. You carved images of your gods and of the tantalizing human figure. You delighted in the combats of the field, the arena and the battle-ground. War and slavery were fixed institutions in your systems. Disporting yourselves on the hillsides and in the valleys of the great outdoors, you took to speculating on the wonder and mystery of life and laid the foundations of natural science and philosophy. Yours was a noble, sensual culture, unirked by the prickings of a social conscience or by any sentimental questionings about human equality. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone.

But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course of your history. We conquered you as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it all without armies, without bullets, without blood or turmoil, without force of any kind. We did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda.

Might wanna read your Bible again. No, it doesn't say that the Jews were chosen to rule over everyone else, it just says that the Jews are God's chosen people because they said they would follow His laws. They weren't chosen to lead, they were chosen as favored people of God.
And that is what caused/causes so much hatred and outrage.
Jealosy that God said they were chosen by Him.
You are overthinking
You're under reading- imagine that

I know that posting something that's very lengthy on this (or most any political message board) is a shot in the dark and usually a waste of time, since most already have their mind made up that no matter what, they are correct-
Might wanna read your Bible again.
My bible? LOL- okay, let me quote you my bible- we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, endowed by their Creator, among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- there are no caveats, no rules, no rituals, no tithes, no worshiping man- just showing respect in order to gain self respect.

Now, read the article and comment on it or STFU.
I don't "get" alot of things...therefore, I do not dwell on them much.
I know that posting something that's very lengthy on this (or most any political message board) is a shot in the dark and usually a waste of time, since most already have their mind made up that no matter what, they are correct-
Thanks to all of you fro proving my point. Job well done. Your maters applaud you.
Jews are part of the great mystery of life on this earth....not even to mention the mystery of the universe.....the creation etc.

Why does anything exist? But what would there be if nothing existed...or what happened one second before the big bang...etc.etc.

One can think about all these things for years and years....and the inescapable conclusion is that human intelligence is finite....very limited.

Obviously you are not a Christian but for those that are we need to remember........

Jesus was a Jew...........https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/jesus/bornliveddied.htmlJesus Many Faces - He Was Born, Lived And Died As A Jew | From Jesus To Christ | FRONTLINE | PBS
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Hopefully in the future more effective treatments for the mental illness of anti-Semitism will become available to some of the pathetic victims of mental infirmity who constantly harp on their favorite boogeyman here. Poor, feeble-minded sons of bitches.
You are overthinking
You're under reading- imagine that

I know that posting something that's very lengthy on this (or most any political message board) is a shot in the dark and usually a waste of time, since most already have their mind made up that no matter what, they are correct-
Might wanna read your Bible again.
My bible? LOL- okay, let me quote you my bible- we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, endowed by their Creator, among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- there are no caveats, no rules, no rituals, no tithes, no worshiping man- just showing respect in order to gain self respect.

Now, read the article and comment on it or STFU.

The man who wrote that owned 200 slaves and never freed any of them.

Anyhow you and others do not understand what Jefferson meant.


common sense alone should tell you that not all men are equal...not even brothers.
And cannot get a legitimate answer.

Why are christians so enamored with jews? I just don't get it.

I ran across this earlier today- it's quite long and there are links. I followed the first one- I know that posting something that's very lengthy on this (or most any political message board) is a shot in the dark and usually a waste of time, since most already have their mind made up that no matter what, they are correct- if only that were the case-

How Yahweh Conquered Rome
Christianity and the Big Lie

The People of the Lie

Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature” according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamento”, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers” to his son. Its ends with these words:

From all that you have just read you can deduce that lying is a sin for others, and for us a virtue. Lying is one with our job: we should lie by words, by eyes, by smile, by clothing. Not only to deceive patients; as you know, our purpose is higher, and the lie, not the twist of hand, makes our real strength. With the lie, patiently learned and piously exercised, if God helps us we will come to dominate this country and perhaps the world: but this can only be done on the condition of having been able to lie better and longer than our enemies. I will not see that day, but you will see it: it will be a new golden age, when only the last resorts will force us to pluck out teeth again, while it will be enough for us to govern the State and administer public affairs, to lavish the pious lies that we have learned to bring to perfection. If we prove ourselves capable of this, the empire of the tooth-pullers will extend from East to West until the most distant islands, and it will have no end.[1]

Even if we didn’t know what gang of professional liars Levi belonged to, their “God” would give them away: there is only one god who trained his people to lie and promised them world domination, and that is the god of Israel. “Israel,” remember, is the name Yahweh gave to Jacob, after Jacob lied to his aging father Isaac, by words and by clothing: “I am Esau your first-born,” he said, dressed up in “Esau’s best clothes,” in order to cheat Esau out of his birthright (Genesis 27:15-19). This is, in the literal—and literary—sense, the founding story of Israel. As long as Christians fail to see the malice of it, and its correlation with Jewish behavior, they will continue to play the part of Esau.

What is the biggest Jewish lie in history? Without contest, it is the claim that Jews, of all the nations inhabiting this earth, were once “chosen” by the almighty Creator of the Universe to enlighten and rule over mankind—while all their enemies were cursed by the same Creator. What is truly bewildering is not the enormity of the lie: many individuals may feel chosen by God, and even nations have done so. But only the Jews have managed to convince billions of non-Jews (Christians and Muslims) of their chosenness. How did they do it? “Almost by accident,” wrote Jewish author Marcus Eli Ravage in his must-read 1928 article “A real case against the Jews.” I think the accidental factor was rather minor.

There is a lot more at the link.

The first link I followed led to this

A Real Case Against the Jews
One of Them Points Out the Full Depth of Their Guilt

written by

Marcus Eli Ravage

published in

The Century Magazine

January 1928
Volume 115, Number 3
pages 346-350


You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.

Look back a little and see what has happened. Nineteen hundred years ago you were an innocent, carefree, pagan race. You worshipped countless gods and goddesses, the spirits of the air, of the running streams and of the woodland. You took unblushing pride in the glory of your naked bodies. You carved images of your gods and of the tantalizing human figure. You delighted in the combats of the field, the arena and the battle-ground. War and slavery were fixed institutions in your systems. Disporting yourselves on the hillsides and in the valleys of the great outdoors, you took to speculating on the wonder and mystery of life and laid the foundations of natural science and philosophy. Yours was a noble, sensual culture, unirked by the prickings of a social conscience or by any sentimental questionings about human equality. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone.

But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course of your history. We conquered you as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it all without armies, without bullets, without blood or turmoil, without force of any kind. We did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda.

Might wanna read your Bible again. No, it doesn't say that the Jews were chosen to rule over everyone else, it just says that the Jews are God's chosen people because they said they would follow His laws. They weren't chosen to lead, they were chosen as favored people of God.
There are many bibles kiddo

You're right, there ARE many Bibles, but they all tell the same story about how the Hebrew people (i.e. Jews) are God's chosen people.

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