I've posted this frequently but NO ONE seems to refute it!

Giving money to government is pissing it down the Sewer. Government does nothing productive with it.
You already said that and I addressed. Let’s progress the conversation not be a broken record. If you didn’t agree with my counter to that then address it
What about my explanation do you think I got wrong?

You don’t know because you didn’t see it did you?
Slade3200 are you referencing this:
"Because money needs to circulate and with the way our economy works the wealth gets accumulated by the top earners. So if nothing mitigates this then a small number of people end up owning everything and the result is corporate socialism. You don’t want that do you?"

Yes you are wrong and here are the facts:
By the late 1800s, there were about 4,000 millionaires in the USA. Historically Speaking: 19th-century Norwich had many millionaires
Millionaires in USA in 2021 --- 21,951,202 Americans
So of course we have to adjust for inflation:CPI Inflation Calculator
And inflation calculators go only back to 1913 so a $1,000,000 in 1913 would be worth $27,915,000 today.
So how many people in the USA are worth over $27,915,000?
The United States is home to 69,560 ultra high net worth (UNHW) individuals worth at least US$30 million,
So assuming the remaining 21,881,642 have ONLY $1,000,000 or total of the equivalent of $21.8 TRILLION !
In summary, these 69,960 Americans given ownership of $30 million control $2,098,000,000 -- $2 trillion.
So compared to how many billionaires are there in the USA?
According to this: Updates: Billionaire Wealth, U.S. Job Losses and Pandemic Profiteers
614 Americans have 10-figure bank accounts or per the below chart total of $2,947,500,000 ... $2.9 trillion.
So tell me that the problem you described..."corporate socialism" will happen?
And this is just the millionaires?
So 21,881,642 plain millions at $1 million each but 614 are billionaires control $2.947 trillion... which group
controls more???
Again.. find me substantiation for your subjective opinions which will support your subjective, personal comment!
Screen Shot 2021-09-14 at 7.30.44 PM.png
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I did link.. you just didn't follow!
A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.
First of all, you did not link to a study from Harvard or Princeton, you linked to a bullshit "study" in the extreme Right-wing investing.com, which is obviously false.
When Obama took office, according to BLS data, there were 115,818,000 FT jobs and at the time of the article Dec 2016 there were 124,126,000 FT jobs, an increase of over 8.3 million FT jobs or 83% of the 10 million new jobs, but your FAKE "study" claims FT jobs only increased by 6 hundred thousand.
From your own link: A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.

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I've posted this with the topic why haven't MSM supporters refuted the attached.
You say I've attack somebody for lacking substance which was in response to the somebody attacking my facts.
Plain and simple.View attachment 539263
View attachment 539264
I agree that is what the statement did… I clearly said I think it was a stupid statement. I’m just saying that we need to be honest and accurate regarding what he was talking about. As soon as his statement is mischaracterized the fake news train gets fuel. There is no point in doing that

Let’s put the whole weekend into perspective.
That was s typical Trump reaction when asked to condemn his followers.
His initial response to their misdeeds is to ignore it. Just like he did on Jan 6
Then when his critics get too powerful, he reads a prepared statement. Just like he did on Jan 6
Then when his base reacts, he makes a both sides are equally guilty claim
The people who didn’t want to tear down statues
There were no such people like that at the rally! The Unite the Right rally was not some spontaneous demonstration, nor was it a big-tent gathering meant to rope in a broad coalition. It was plainly advertised as a white supremacist rally, by and for neo-Nazis. And promotional materials for the rally described it as an attempt to, for instance, “end Jewish influence in America.”
He didn't inherit a "strong economy". He inherited the Reagan economy AFTER the October 1987 crash.

He did.
What do you feel GDP growth was in 1987 and 1988?

AFTER the October 1987 crash. Bush 41 inherited a 5.4% unemployment rate

Yup, pretty damn strong economy.

After the 1987 crash, Reagan raised both taxes and user fees.

Which ones? Be specific.

41 was elected on a promise of "no new taxes"

That's mostly why he lost in 1992.
He didn't lose because Reagan left him a strong economy.
Yeah it was ugly stuff… and I’d bet that Trump paid attention for all of 3 minutes to what was going on and then spoke off the cuff when questioned about it like he always does.
And you would lose!
From the Transcript:
Tramp: "Before I make a statement, I need the facts. So I don’t want to rush into a statement. So making the statement when I made it was excellent."
TRAMP: "No, no. There were people in that rally -- and I looked the night before -- if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee."

For the record, the rally the night before was the Tiki Torch rally with not one single person "quietly" protesting the taking down the statue of traitor Lee.
“The 207-page independent review commissioned by Charlottesville…makes no mention of peaceful pro-statue demonstrators.”
Slade3200 The Media coverage of Donald Trump ignored all of his pro-America policies and actions and chose instead to cover every single little private conversation or tweet. That is not news coverage, that is smearing.
Trump protected Americans by enacting the Muslim ban. Trump protected Americans by building more sections of border wall. Trump did what patriotic Americans wanted him to do.
What exactly do you want refuted? Trump was a shit talking bully and a very negative guy that liked to pick fights with the media. Of course his coverage was going to be negative as a result. When a president lies then the lies get covered. All Trump did was lie. It’s not complicated.

Can you REALLY be THIS blind and partisan a hack ? Seriously ????

ALL Biden has done is Lie. He's not even in charge. wtf?
ALL of them in DC lie. It's NOT THAT COMPLICATED
Slade3200 are you referencing this:
"Because money needs to circulate and with the way our economy works the wealth gets accumulated by the top earners. So if nothing mitigates this then a small number of people end up owning everything and the result is corporate socialism. You don’t want that do you?"

Yes you are wrong and here are the facts:
By the late 1800s, there were about 4,000 millionaires in the USA. Historically Speaking: 19th-century Norwich had many millionaires
Millionaires in USA in 2021 --- 21,951,202 Americans
So of course we have to adjust for inflation:CPI Inflation Calculator
And inflation calculators go only back to 1913 so a $1,000,000 in 1913 would be worth $27,915,000 today.
So how many people in the USA are worth over $27,915,000?
The United States is home to 69,560 ultra high net worth (UNHW) individuals worth at least US$30 million,
So assuming the remaining 21,881,642 have ONLY $1,000,000 or total of the equivalent of $21.8 TRILLION !
In summary, these 69,960 Americans given ownership of $30 million control $2,098,000,000 -- $2 trillion.
So compared to how many billionaires are there in the USA?
According to this: Updates: Billionaire Wealth, U.S. Job Losses and Pandemic Profiteers
614 Americans have 10-figure bank accounts or per the below chart total of $2,947,500,000 ... $2.9 trillion.
So tell me that the problem you described..."corporate socialism" will happen?
And this is just the millionaires?
So 21,881,642 plain millions at $1 million each but 614 are billionaires control $2.947 trillion... which group
controls more???
Again.. find me substantiation for your subjective opinions which will support your subjective, personal comment!
View attachment 539350
I love that you like playing with numbers and actually applaud your efforts. The problem is you forgot to factor in total population and growth. Comparing the number of millionaires during a time of low population, early development and rapid growth is completely different than the conditions of today
Let’s put the whole weekend into perspective.
That was s typical Trump reaction when asked to condemn his followers.
His initial response to their misdeeds is to ignore it. Just like he did on Jan 6
Then when his critics get too powerful, he reads a prepared statement. Just like he did on Jan 6
Then when his base reacts, he makes a both sides are equally guilty claim
Spot on
There were no such people like that at the rally! The Unite the Right rally was not some spontaneous demonstration, nor was it a big-tent gathering meant to rope in a broad coalition. It was plainly advertised as a white supremacist rally, by and for neo-Nazis. And promotional materials for the rally described it as an attempt to, for instance, “end Jewish influence in America.”
Do you really think Trump knew that?! he doesn't have the attention span to soak up those kind of details. He was obviously speaking from a place of ignorance and politicizing his agenda but he was clear about who he was talking about when he made that statement... Even if those people were figments of his imagination.
And you would lose!
From the Transcript:
Tramp: "Before I make a statement, I need the facts. So I don’t want to rush into a statement. So making the statement when I made it was excellent."
TRAMP: "No, no. There were people in that rally -- and I looked the night before -- if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee."

For the record, the rally the night before was the Tiki Torch rally with not one single person "quietly" protesting the taking down the statue of traitor Lee.
“The 207-page independent review commissioned by Charlottesville…makes no mention of peaceful pro-statue demonstrators.”
Trump is infamous for using the "They" argument. The ambiguous "They" serves as his protection from making direct statements about specifics. He knows his bases and he himself didn't support taking down statues. That movement was overrun by racists but he wanted to dismiss that and point out that his people and his agenda to save the statues was promoted by fine people, while bad people including the nazis and antifa came to cause problems. The root of the statement was to bring ANTIFA into the picture and take a jab at the left. It was all political. Classic Trump. Worst president ever.
Can you REALLY be THIS blind and partisan a hack ? Seriously ????

ALL Biden has done is Lie. He's not even in charge. wtf?
ALL of them in DC lie. It's NOT THAT COMPLICATED
Biden has told some lies that he should be shamed for yes... Not even close to what Trump did, but I believe that all in power who lie or distort should be held to account
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That's leftwing fantasy. You have no idea no money works.

He pretty much nailed it.

It's not "how money works", it's "how the economy works".
I did link.. you just didn't follow!
A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.

Investing.com, a shady Asian website with a history of failed fact checks:

There's no link in the article to these supposed studies or anything that indicates that the piece is telling the truth.

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