Ivermectin Study Retracted

Flawed. So flawed that no messaging the data can fix it,

People...don't rely on horse dewormer.

It will not save you

Study claiming that #ivermectin can treat #covid retracted after authors say they analysed the wrong data.

What did they do - Study the vaccines instead of the horsey dewormer? :dunno:

Hahahaha! ^^^Look at these dummies, they STILL don't know Ivermectin has been used to treat millions of people successfully for decades. This is what happens to your brain on leftism, people.
Hell, I've just been keeping with my usual vitamin supplement which I have employed for years, and, doing my best to, knock on wood, keep my distance from crowds and strangers.

I may have already have had the virus some time ago. In fact, based on the very unusual reaction my body had it is clear I have something. If so, I feel more protected due to antigens. If not, it's in Gods hands.

Everyone has to make their own health decisions.

Flawed. So flawed that no messaging the data can fix it,

People...don't rely on horse dewormer.

It will not save you
Then you have to explain why 240 million Indians have completely eradicated Chinese Wuhan Covid-19.


How many people have lost their lives due to the Democrat/Drug Companies smear campaigns against cheap effective drugs like Ivermectin and HCQ? Thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Stop propagating the drug company smears, they are already rich enough.
How you define success?

They could be taking aspirin for all the effect it has on the virus

Yep they could. Sometimes people are magically cured with eye of newt too. Doesn't mean there's causation. That's kind of what peer reviewed studies involving thousands of people are about.
Then you have to explain why 240 million Indians have completely eradicated Chinese Wuhan Covid-19.

Ivermectin and HCQ were dropped from the clinical guidance after studies found that these drugs have little to no effect on Covid-related mortality or clinical recovery of the patient.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Task Force on Covid-19 have dropped the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) drugs from their revised guidelines for the treatment of the infection.

The decision was taken after experts found that these drugs have little to no effect on Covid-related mortality or clinical recovery of the patient.

Flawed. So flawed that no messaging the data can fix it,

People...don't rely on horse dewormer.

It will not save you
Did they falsify all the data coming out of Africa and Asia where Ivermectin is being used to decimate WuFlu?
Then you have to explain why 240 million Indians have completely eradicated Chinese Wuhan Covid-19.
Nonsense ^


Ivermectin and HCQ were dropped from the clinical guidance after studies found that these drugs have little to no effect on Covid-related mortality or clinical recovery of the patient.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Task Force on Covid-19 have dropped the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) drugs from their revised guidelines for the treatment of the infection.

The decision was taken after experts found that these drugs have little to no effect on Covid-related mortality or clinical recovery of the patient.
No, it was removed once India developed its own vaccines, money is to be made even in India.

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