Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

Part two of Bewitched:Bewitched


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You never know when your very last day on earth will be. Are you saved tonight? If not, pray this prayer above and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior!
This Jack Chick tract was used by the LORD to deliver a man from alcoholism according to one testimony. I believe there are many more just like him who have been set free! It is called - Just One More - and it's been posted on youtube. Watch it here!
This is for Christians who do not realize that Hebrews 10:26 is for us. Not the unbelievers.
This one just might be the one that leads to the salvation of your soul! Listen to the story of Holy Joe!
America is under the judgment of God. Why should you perish when you can have your sins pardoned today and be forgiven of all you have ever done - as if it had never happened? Do not wait! Today is the day of Salvation! There is room at the cross for you! There is room at the cross for you! Do not wait until America is destroyed and you with it. Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved today. Live for Jesus. This life is but a vapor. Think of your eternal life and what God is offering you through Jesus Christ! Eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. It's not a mind problem. It's a heart problem. You cannot love God without Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. He will remove that heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh! Read - Romans 10: 9,10. Today is the day of Salvation. There is room at the cross for you! Come to Jesus today!
Guess the rest of the world has nothing to worry about since they're not under God's judgement! Only America is special!! The rest of the Christians in the world are apparently just wasting their time since they don't live in America! :bang3:
Guess the rest of the world has nothing to worry about since they're not under God's judgement! Only America is special!! The rest of the Christians in the world are apparently just wasting their time since they don't live in America! :bang3:

Who would you be trying to convince here, Newby? Me? Or yourself? I believe it to be the latter. Keep trying. I doubt you'll be able to do it if you're saved because the Spirit of God would never give you a witness to a lie! America is under judgment. America will be invaded by Russia and the communist nations she has enlisted to help her - Cuba, Nicaragua, etc. American Christians will suffer the same judgment the unsaved in America will suffer for having lived a double life. Grace was not the power for you to sin and get away with it. It was the power to not sin and obey the LORD instead of your own flesh. If you belong to Christ? You've crucified your flesh. The wide road church had better find the narrow road fast!

Galatians 5 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

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