Jack Smith could face indictment

It's like they're vampires, and the indictment is made out of garlic.
How could you not have heard of them? Oh right…..they reported on the Biden Crime Family, so the lib media you listen to suppressed it.
Please post in response to this comment ^^^. However, most of your posts are opposed to Democrats and liberals, yet you've never made a statement as to your ideology:

Mine are Lincoln's Gettysburg comment as what needs to be posted above: "...that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

What is yours?
No, PussyBitch, they don't.


Precedent refers to a court decision that is considered as authority for deciding subsequent cases involving identical or similar facts, or similar legal issues. Precedent is incorporated into the doctrine of stare decisis and requires courts to apply the law in the same manner to cases with the same facts. Some judges have stated that precedent ensures that individuals in similar situations are treated alike instead of based on a particular judge’s personal views.

If the facts or issues of a case differ from those in a previous case, the previous case cannot be precedent.

Well PussyBitch? What prior court case set precedence on this case?

Don't forget, you're a fucking retard who doesn't know what you're talking about. That's why I'm here to remind you.
Yes bitch Hawaii did this so you're wrong
Where is that criminal statute? Still waiting pussy bitch

Pssttt....even the indictment doesn't say what they claim.

But who am I gonna believe? Law professors Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz and Andrew McCarthy and Greg Jarrett and so on and so forth...

or "Faun"?

And yes, I've read the fucking thing.
Not even in your dreams. Failing to prosecute a crime doesn't make it legal.

Or you'd be defending Trumps having classified documents being legal, because Hillary Clinton wasn't prosecuted. And Mike Pence wasn't prosecuted.

But there was just a soldier convicted because he sold the Chinese military information for $15K

Yeah, that idiot is moronically postering that if he follows a car through a red light and a cop pulls him over, he can't be given a ticket because the cop set a precedent by not giving the other driver a ticket. A rock has a higher IQ than that one.

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