Jack Smith could face indictment


You're cracking me up, PussyBitch. YOU'RE own article said they didn't. :lmao:
Although the three Democratic electors in Hawaii took the same action — signing false certificates — it does not appear they ever faced similar scrutiny, in part because of what happened next. Namely, that Hawaii’s recount ultimately did reverse the state’s election outcome.
Pssttt....even the indictment doesn't say what they claim.

But who am I gonna believe? Law professors Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz and Andrew McCarthy and Greg Jarrett and so on and so forth...

or "Faun"?

And yes, I've read the fucking thing.

Alan Dershowitz? The guy who misquoted Trump and then used his own misquote, and not Trump's actual quote, as evidence the indictment fails.

Good luck with that.

Jack smith has a history of making up crimes that gets his ass kicked in the supreme court

You wouldn't know, PussyBitch. Have you forgotten already? You haven't read the indictment so you don't know what's in it. And even had you read it, your single digit IQ would prevent you from understanding it anyway.

Dude, seriously.

Get a thesaurus.

Or a translator.

Or a clue.

Hable ingles?

Estas muy estupido.

That's hispanican for "You're a dumb dumb".

Aww, how cute. Look at how excited you get cause I hit a wrong key.

Hawaii sent fake electors during the Kennedy Nixon election

No, idiot, they didn't. Your own link said Kennedy won the state and so the governor certified the slate for Kennedy.

You understand that makes them legit electors who were submitted to Congress, right?

Of course you don't. You're an idiot who doesn't understand what he posts.
Although the three Democratic electors in Hawaii took the same action — signing false certificates — it does not appear they ever faced similar scrutiny, in part because of what happened next. Namely, that Hawaii’s recount ultimately did reverse the state’s election outcome.

Why'd ya stop reading, PussyBitch? Because your own article proves you're an idiot?

Kennedy prevailed by an eyelash when the recount concluded on Dec. 28, 1960. A newly sworn-in governor certified the Kennedy victory and transmitted a new slate of Electoral College certificates — signed by the same three Democrats who falsely claimed to have won two weeks earlier.
He said _Hunter_ was doing that. And while unethical, it's not illegal.

Do you even understand that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden are different people?

I do agree that I will never vote for Hunter Biden for president.

Speaking of the two-tier system ... when Trump was weaponizing the government against Democrats, you were giddy with joy, as were all the Republicans. Every Republican supports the two-tier system where Republicans get to make up fake crimes about Democrats, but Republicans are considered to be above the law and immune to any prosecution.

Seriously, don't peddle your gaslighting lies to decent people. It doesn't work outside of your corrupt cult. Everyone else knows you're peddling nonsense that TheParty told you to parrot.

Now, how does TheParty tell you to respond to that? Run and get the new talking points. You know how upset your masters get when you embarrass them by trying to think independently.
I don't think you understand how the influence peddling statutes work, Mamooth. If someone in Joe Biden's family is raking in millions by selling access to Joe Biden it's just as illegal as if that money was going directly to Joe Biden! Let's be honest here. You've got millions of dollars being collected and then divided amongst some 9 members of the Biden family with no business taking place. When Archer says that Joe's function was "selling the Biden brand"? What do you think that means?

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