Jack Smith could face indictment

They refuse to read the indictment. So they wouldn't have seen where Smith specifically said that Trumps 1st amendment rights included telling lies.
Again, it is what Trump said that Smith considers a crime. Trump was legally contesting the election and still is which is a right they cannot take away.
Those of us who paid attention in Physics (and many of us who didn't), are well aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Democrats, in their desperate fury to throw the kitchen sink at Trump, are not only putting him in the driver's seat for 2024; they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy.

The possibility of this is very real.

Trump will never win his trial in DC.

But he will definitely appeal it - and the case is almost just as flimsy as the rest. He will win on appeal.

Potentially right around the time he moves back into the White House.

What a confluence of striking events that is.

How sweet it's going to be next year, when the idiot Leftists crowing on this board about what seems to be an imminent victory - self-immolate into the perpetual abyss of total loss.
No one short of those at - The Young Turks - could realistically
be taken seriously on - You Tube - for NOT making a case of
the American right of Changing Venue.
Again, it is what Trump said that Smith considers a crime. Trump was legally contesting the election and still is which is a right they cannot take away.
This is why we tell you to read the indictment. Nothing Trump was charged with, involved speech. It involved what he told his co-conspirators. Which isn't speech.
This is why we tell you to read the indictment.

Dude - we've read the fucking indictment.

One significant thing I've been schooled on since abandoning the Democrats is the Right wing is far more intimately acquainted with what is being said in the Leftist echo chamber than vice versa.

The Left (IE anyone who listens to CNN, NY Times, NPR, CBS, ABC etc) hasn't a fucking clue what is actually being talked about on the Right except for conveniently edited, pithy soundbites.

It's the only way you can continue to cosplay in your little childish land of make believe about how we're all racist, and Trump was a Russian spy and - GOSH DARN IT - WE GOT HIM THIS TIME! THIS TIME IT'S OVER!

Jesus Christ - just deal with the fact we have a genuine disagreement because you completely ignore half the media ecosystem, and then presumptuously assert that we're the very ignorance you actually constitute.

And stuff.

Jack Smith May Have Doomed His Case Against Trump​

I hate to tell you that under federal law, discovery isn't due until the discovery hearings. Jack Smith did the unusual act of turning over the classified documents discovery before they even scheduled the discovery hearings. In short Smith tried to speed up the trial, by giving over discovery months before it was due.

Stop reading B.S. articles.
Dude - we've read the fucking indictment.

One significant thing I've been schooled on since abandoning the Democrats is the Right wing is far more intimately acquainted with what is being said in the Leftist echo chamber than vice versa.

Dude, you just confessed that you didn't read the indictment because you immediately went into a rant about where each side gets it's information about the indictment.

The idea that Jack Smith is prosecuting speech is right wing sourced spin, and is nowhere in the indictment. Which has four carefully chosen statutes that have nothing to do with what Trump said (as in speech, not orders)
So? There's no time limit for reading posts here. You saw them, so no, I wasn't talking to myself.

At the time there was no one else in the room.

I mean, if a shrink notices his patient was self-harming an hour earlier - can the shrink really take the blame?
Again, it is what Trump said that Smith considers a crime. Trump was legally contesting the election and still is which is a right they cannot take away.

The analogy of what Trump was doing, is like someone contesting a child custody issue, by kidnapping the child.
Dude, you just confessed that you didn't read the indictment because you immediately went into a rant about where each side gets it's information about the indictment


Makes perfect sense.

You win.

I didn't read it.

So, now what happens?

P.S. I'm beginning to think this place is an insane asylum that at one point went virtual. Or maybe it's cuz I'm not usually logged in on Friday nights?
Dude - we've read the fucking indictment.

One significant thing I've been schooled on since abandoning the Democrats is the Right wing is far more intimately acquainted with what is being said in the Leftist echo chamber than vice versa.

The Left (IE anyone who listens to CNN, NY Times, NPR, CBS, ABC etc) hasn't a fucking clue what is actually being talked about on the Right except for conveniently edited, pithy soundbites.

It's the only way you can continue to cosplay in your little childish land of make believe about how we're all racist, and Trump was a Russian spy and - GOSH DARN IT - WE GOT HIM THIS TIME! THIS TIME IT'S OVER!

Jesus Christ - just deal with the fact we have a genuine disagreement because you completely ignore half the media ecosystem, and then presumptuously assert that we're the very ignorance you actually constitute.

And stuff.

Who's "we?" You and your hamster? Most righties in here haven't.

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