Jack Smith could face indictment

You keep going. You still have nothing, but ya never know.
Your denials are why your party is going to lose the next election. You should have dumped Biden, but instead you dipshits instinctively defended him and ignored all the evidence against him. You will be stuck with a poisonous candidate as a result.
Your denials are why your party is going to lose the next election. You should have dumped Biden, but instead you dipshits instinctively defended him and ignored all the evidence against him. You will be stuck with a poisonous candidate as a result.
Replace Biden with the word Trump.
Because your inability to dump him is going to cost you the White House in 2024....and the House...and maybe (although the numbers aren't in Dems favor), even the Senate.

I have never seen a collective group march so blindly and willingly to oblivion...and smile while doing it. :)
Those of us who paid attention in Physics (and many of us who didn't), are well aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Democrats, in their desperate fury to throw the kitchen sink at Trump, are not only putting him in the driver's seat for 2024; they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy.

The possibility of this is very real.

Trump will never win his trial in DC.

But he will definitely appeal it - and the case is almost just as flimsy as the rest. He will win on appeal.

Potentially right around the time he moves back into the White House.

What a confluence of striking events that is.

How sweet it's going to be next year, when the idiot Leftists crowing on this board about what seems to be an imminent victory - self-immolate into the perpetual abyss of total loss.
The possibility of this is very real.

I am again reminded that America was great when we were permitted, even obliged, to tell idiots to be quiet and get back to waxing your Studebaker.
Replace Biden with the word Trump.
Because your inability to dump him is going to cost you the White House in 2024....and the House...and maybe (although the numbers aren't in Dems favor), even the Senate.

I have never seen a collective group march so blindly and willingly to oblivion...and smile while doing it. :)
No one believes the charges against Trump. Everyone thinks he is being railroaded by a weaponized DOJ. Biden wont have this on his side come November 2024. Your party is already unenthusiastic about him as it is. Another year+ of investigations is going to make him unelectable. Meanwhile, my side LOVES our candidate and we have ENORMOUS support for him.
No one believes the charges against Trump. Everyone thinks he is being railroaded by a weaponized DOJ. Biden wont have this on his side come November 2024. Your party is already unenthusiastic about him as it is. Another year+ of investigations is going to make him unelectable. Meanwhile, my side LOVES our candidate and we have ENORMOUS support for him.
A majority disagree with you. Second, the country isn't the jury here. Trump will get a fair trial with 12 people who will hear the evidence and decide his fate..even though, I already know the outcome.

Joe Biden is your President. Until 1/20/2029. And right now, there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent it from happening...except give Trump up and move on to someone who has a chance in 2024.

EDIT - And lastly, your side does not have a majority. You still have the same problem with swing states as you had in 2020. You're going to lose. I'd get used to it. :)
A majority disagree with you. Second, the country isn't the jury here. Trump will get a fair trial with 12 people who will hear the evidence and decide his fate..even though, I already know the outcome.

Joe Biden is your President. Until 1/20/2029. And right now, there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent it from happening...except give Trump up and move on to someone who has a chance in 2024.
Nope, that is false. 12 DC jurors will not decide his fate. The appellate court will be the one to decide, and they are almost certainly going to throw your cases out.
Nope, that is false. 12 DC jurors will not decide his fate. The appellate court will be the one to decide, and they are almost certainly going to throw your cases out.
Uh...unless I slept through my civics class, Trump is going to have a trial where there will be 12 people listening to the evidence presented. That will render a verdict.
Trump will then have a chance to appeal any conviction. If the evidence is solid (It is. I'd really recommend you read the indictments), the appeal process will be short.
And there will be no Supreme Court to bail him out.
Uh...unless I slept through my civics class, Trump is going to have a trial where there will be 12 people listening to the evidence presented. That will render a verdict.
Trump will then have a chance to appeal any conviction. If the evidence is solid (It is. I'd really recommend you read the indictments), the appeal process will be short.
And there will be no Supreme Court to bail him out.
What charge do you think is most likely to sink Trump?
These were his own people, in charge of investigating those things. The eyes and ears the president relies on to make decisions.

You actual prove Smiths case, when you think a president chose the people he relies on to give him accurate information, and then he doesn't believe their information.
Since when has Donald Trump done what his "advisors" tell him to do, Gene? With all due respect? Donald Trump has proven with his actions over many years that he DOESN'T tend to follow advice! For some reason you seem to believe that the advice that was given was the same. It wasn't. There were different opinions.
Uh...unless I slept through my civics class, Trump is going to have a trial where there will be 12 people listening to the evidence presented. That will render a verdict.
Trump will then have a chance to appeal any conviction. If the evidence is solid (It is. I'd really recommend you read the indictments), the appeal process will be short.
And there will be no Supreme Court to bail him out.
A totally biased jury pool...a totally biased judge...indictments that are based on statutes that Smith has bent to the point of farce? Of course he'll be able to appeal this and of course he'll win on appeal. He always does. And do you know why? Because this was never about "guilt" it was always about diverting attention from the raging dumpster fire that is the Biden influence peddling scandal.
A totally biased jury pool...a totally biased judge...indictments that are based on statutes that Smith has bent to the point of farce? Of course he'll be able to appeal this and of course he'll win on appeal. He always does. And do you know why? Because this was never about "guilt" it was always about diverting attention from the raging dumpster fire that is the Biden influence peddling scandal.
Except none of the Biden's are under indictment. Trump is. Trump has had charges filed against him. 50 or so and counting. The Biden's have 0. Trump will receive a fair trial from 12 impartial jurors. If he disagrees with the verdict, he can appeal. Based on the evidence I've seen, he doesn't have much of a chance.

I've watched Comer and Jordan's dog and pony hearings (reminded me a lot of Benghazi) and watched Chuck Grassley toss his entire Senate career on the fire.
So far, they have nothing that's sticking with the majority of the voting population, which is a complete embarrassment.
Sorry, being a nepo baby and having daddy listening to your phone calls doesn't constitute...well, anything illegal. Does it look slimey? Sure.
But show me one DC politician that doesn't look slimey. Good luck finding one.

This is about Trump's trials and judgement. Not the Biden's.
Except none of the Biden's are under indictment. Trump is. Trump has had charges filed against him. 50 or so and counting. The Biden's have 0. Trump will receive a fair trial from 12 impartial jurors. If he disagrees with the verdict, he can appeal. Based on the evidence I've seen, he doesn't have much of a chance.

I've watched Comer and Jordan's dog and pony hearings (reminded me a lot of Benghazi) and watched Chuck Grassley toss his entire Senate career on the fire.
So far, they have nothing that's sticking with the majority of the voting population, which is a complete embarrassment.
Sorry, being a nepo baby and having daddy listening to your phone calls doesn't constitute...well, anything illegal. Does it look slimey? Sure.
But show me one DC politician that doesn't look slimey. Good luck finding one.

This is about Trump's trials and judgement. Not the Biden's.
Does it look slimey? Yeah...taking 17 million in influence peddling money from some of the most corrupt people on the planet tend to look that way, Jack! (eye roll) It looks slimey because it IS slimey! It's also illegal. Government officials can't enrich their families like Joe Biden has done for decades. It's text book influence peddling.

As for no Biden's being under indictment? Why is that, Jack? Oh that's right...we have a Biden DOJ that is so corrupt that they don't even try and hide it anymore! You know as well as I do that if roles were reversed, and it was Trump that was caught influence peddling like this that he'd literally have DOZENS of indictments being lobbed at him by Merrick Garland but we can't even get that piece of shit to appoint a Special Counsel when this entire situation practically cries out for that to happen! But he'll appoint a political hack like Jack Smith to go after Trump on statutes that have NEVER been applied to an ex President!
Except none of the Biden's are under indictment. Trump is. Trump has had charges filed against him. 50 or so and counting. The Biden's have 0. Trump will receive a fair trial from 12 impartial jurors. If he disagrees with the verdict, he can appeal. Based on the evidence I've seen, he doesn't have much of a chance.

I've watched Comer and Jordan's dog and pony hearings (reminded me a lot of Benghazi) and watched Chuck Grassley toss his entire Senate career on the fire.
So far, they have nothing that's sticking with the majority of the voting population, which is a complete embarrassment.
Sorry, being a nepo baby and having daddy listening to your phone calls doesn't constitute...well, anything illegal. Does it look slimey? Sure.
But show me one DC politician that doesn't look slimey. Good luck finding one.

This is about Trump's trials and judgement. Not the Biden's.
You're entitled to a fair trial, Jack. A jury of your peers. That doesn't mean a jury picked from Washington DC where 75% of the population are registered Democrats. You're entitled to a neutral judge. Not one that is blatantly biased against conservatives. If this judge won't allow the trial to be moved. If she doesn't recuse herself from it? An appeal is a slam dunk.
You're entitled to a fair trial, Jack. A jury of your peers. That doesn't mean a jury picked from Washington DC where 75% of the population are registered Democrats. You're entitled to a neutral judge. Not one that is blatantly biased against conservatives. If this judge won't allow the trial to be moved. If she doesn't recuse herself from it? An appeal is a slam dunk.
They will find 12 impartial jurors. And the judge?...has a stellar track record. Unlike the judge in Florida (who really isn't qualified to sit on that bench), I don't have any worries that she'll allow nonsense. Recusal is a high bar to clear.
The trial will not be moved. It will stay right where it's at.
Does it look slimey? Yeah...taking 17 million in influence peddling money from some of the most corrupt people on the planet tend to look that way, Jack! (eye roll) It looks slimey because it IS slimey! It's also illegal. Government officials can't enrich their families like Joe Biden has done for decades. It's text book influence peddling.

As for no Biden's being under indictment? Why is that, Jack? Oh that's right...we have a Biden DOJ that is so corrupt that they don't even try and hide it anymore! You know as well as I do that if roles were reversed, and it was Trump that was caught influence peddling like this that he'd literally have DOZENS of indictments being lobbed at him by Merrick Garland but we can't even get that piece of shit to appoint a Special Counsel when this entire situation practically cries out for that to happen! But he'll appoint a political hack like Jack Smith to go after Trump on statutes that have NEVER been applied to an ex President!
Well, you'll have to prove influence peddling (which unless there is direct evidence of received money)..which so far, NONE of the presented "evidence" suggests.
All you have right now is a claim that this is a political witch hunt. The evidence against Trump, suggests otherwise.
Your denials are why your party is going to lose the next election. You should have dumped Biden, but instead you dipshits instinctively defended him and ignored all the evidence against him. You will be stuck with a poisonous candidate as a result.
Projection? :rolleyes-41:

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