Jack Smith could face indictment

Projection? :rolleyes-41:
Ben Shapiro says it best, "Biden's appeal to idiot dems is that he is squeaky clean harmless old grandfatherly type of guy. Once you poke holes in that illusion, its over for him. Trump on the other hand is a mud monster. He lives in the mud, so the more mud you throw at him, the stronger he gets."

THATS the difference.
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Since when has Donald Trump done what his "advisors" tell him to do, Gene? With all due respect? Donald Trump has proven with his actions over many years that he DOESN'T tend to follow advice! For some reason you seem to believe that the advice that was given was the same. It wasn't. There were different opinions.
You have demonstrated why Trump is unfit to be president. Since he doesn't use "FACTS" to make his decisions. Trump picks the best people, to investigate the best information (not advice, but information, data, and facts) that they pass to the president.
No different than the pentagon telling the president the number and location of Chinese warships around Taiwan. And draw up warplans like they did against Iran to give the president choices of how to respond if he chooses to.

So Trump appointing the best people at DOJ, FBI and US Attorneys office, tasked them with looking for election fraud, just like he did with the Kris Kobach election integrity commission. And your answer is, no matter what facts they found out, Trump ignored the truth.
Howz about you step out of your MSNBC bubble and ask yourself one thing. If any Republican were blatantly doing what Biden, and his family has done would you accept it?
What has the Biden and his family done? You've been brainwashed Mr. j-mac:
  • There is NO EVIDENCE to do so, it's all bullshit.
  • Trump's current situation's four indictments has evidence (he put his foot in his mouth, so we are not brainwashed)
  • As to the Biden Crime Family, it is another BIG LIE and Conspiracy Story.
  • You and other Trump Supporters post the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories ad nauseam; never once has one posted with credible evidence.
  • BTW: The thread has nothing to do with "Jack Smith could face indictment"; one more example of a BIG LIE and Conspiracy Story.
  • BTW2: A theory has substance, a story is fiction.
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Howz about you step out of your MSNBC bubble and ask yourself one thing. If any Republican were blatantly doing what Biden, and his family has done would you accept it?

What has the Biden and his family done? You've been brainwashed Mr. j-mac:
  • There is NO EVIDENCE to do so, it's all bullshit.
The irony is that the Trump family has done, what the Bidens are only accused of.
Trump illegally hired his family (Jared and Ivanka) to work in the white house. Gave them security clearances, the FBI rejected them for. And then let them loose on the world to get foreign benefits, like Ivankas Chinese copyrights, or Jareds foreign bailouts and investments.
Your denials are why your party is going to lose the next election. You should have dumped Biden, but instead you dipshits instinctively defended him and ignored all the evidence against him. You will be stuck with a poisonous candidate as a result.


You poor thing, you have squat on Biden. You have an FD-1023 which in unverified. You have a laptop which might land Hunter in hot water, but not his dad. And you have Devon Archer, who gave you nothing, despite the rightarded anticipation. Oh, and your sad prediction about losing the election is utterly worthless. The election is 15 months away and we don't know who the candidates will be. Just how fucked in the head are you to assert a winner?? :cuckoo:
Ben Shapiro says it best, "Biden's appeal to idiot dems is that he is squeaky clean harmless old grandfatherly type of guy. Once you poke holes in that illusion, its over for him. Trump on the other hand is a mud monster. He lives in the mud, so the more mud you throw at him, the stronger he gets."

THATS the difference.
I’ll take Biden, thanks. :cool-45:
No one believes the charges against Trump. Everyone thinks he is being railroaded by a weaponized DOJ. Biden wont have this on his side come November 2024. Your party is already unenthusiastic about him as it is. Another year+ of investigations is going to make him unelectable. Meanwhile, my side LOVES our candidate and we have ENORMOUS support for him.

No one, huh? :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh, and by the way, not many were enthusiastic about him in 2020. He still schlonged Trump by a whopping 7 million votes because even fewer wanted Trump back in the White House. And that was before Sedition Day. :badgrin:
Republicans ignore:

Kushner sought deal for $500M bailout from ex-Qatari prime minister ...

More than a year later, Kushner received a $1.28 billion bailout from Brookfield,

A Qatar-linked company helped bail out the Kushners' debt-ridden tower in midtown Manhattan, 666 Fifth Avenue, during the Trump presidency.

— Author Vicky Ward said that Kushner's potential Qatari dealings could be much more serious than the allegations against Hunter Biden.
Nope, that is false. 12 DC jurors will not decide his fate. The appellate court will be the one to decide, and they are almost certainly going to throw your cases out.

Thanks for providing the forum with yet more vacuous predictions.
Since when has Donald Trump done what his "advisors" tell him to do, Gene?

Thanks for clarifying...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
A totally biased jury pool...a totally biased judge...indictments that are based on statutes that Smith has bent to the point of farce? Of course he'll be able to appeal this and of course he'll win on appeal. He always does. And do you know why? Because this was never about "guilt" it was always about diverting attention from the raging dumpster fire that is the Biden influence peddling scandal.

Oh? Cite a case Trump won on appeal...?
Those of us who paid attention in Physics (and many of us who didn't), are well aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Democrats, in their desperate fury to throw the kitchen sink at Trump, are not only putting him in the driver's seat for 2024; they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy.

The possibility of this is very real.

Trump will never win his trial in DC.

But he will definitely appeal it - and the case is almost just as flimsy as the rest. He will win on appeal.

Potentially right around the time he moves back into the White House.

What a confluence of striking events that is.

How sweet it's going to be next year, when the idiot Leftists crowing on this board about what seems to be an imminent victory - self-immolate into the perpetual abyss of total loss.

You’ve never taken a physics class in your dumbass life.

And Jack Smith has only just begun.

Multiple Republicans in Congress and the Senate, are next on the hit list.

Here’s a physics lesson for you Einstein.

Newton's First Law of Motion states that a body at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force acts on it, and a body in motion at a constant velocity will remain in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force.
No dumbass the criminal statute for fake electors

Dumbfuck, it's in the link I gave you.

Nope, that is false. 12 DC jurors will not decide his fate. The appellate court will be the one to decide, and they are almost certainly going to throw your cases out.

Thanks for providing the forum with yet more vacuous predictions.
It's their way of saying that Trumps packing of the courts with Heritage Foundation Trump biased judges, that will save Trump.

But remember, Trump thought the same of his supreme court, that they would stop his tax subpoenas.
Thanks for clarifying...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

For 10 points, let's see if everyone can name who's missing from that podium and presser? :)
This day SHOULD have been the last day of his presidency. He should have resigned and be sent back to Mar-A-Lago.
And if the Republican party leadership had any spine...or testicular fortitude, it would have happened.

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