Jack Smith could face indictment

A totally biased jury pool...a totally biased judge...indictments that are based on statutes that Smith has bent to the point of farce? Of course he'll be able to appeal this and of course he'll win on appeal. He always does. And do you know why? Because this was never about "guilt" it was always about diverting attention from the raging dumpster fire that is the Biden influence peddling scandal.
Why is it that you`re the only one who knows about Biden`s influence peddling scandal? Yes, you`re being ridiculed here.
What has the Biden and his family done? You've been brainwashed Mr. j-mac:
  • There is NO EVIDENCE to do so, it's all bullshit.
  • Trump's current situation's four indictments has evidence (he put his foot in his mouth, so we are not brainwashed)
  • As to the Biden Crime Family, it is another BIG LIE and Conspiracy Story.
  • You and other Trump Supporters post the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories ad nauseam; never once has one posted with credible evidence.
  • BTW: The thread has nothing to do with "Jack Smith could face indictment"; one more example of a BIG LIE and Conspiracy Story.
  • BTW2: A theory has substance, a story is fiction.
I think he`s making reference to Hunter Biden`s ownership of a laptop. I`ve told my wife to hide her laptop or Jack, the Swamp Drainer will want to lock her up too.
I think he`s making reference to Hunter Biden`s ownership of a laptop. I`ve told my wife to hide her laptop or Jack, the Swamp Drainer will want to lock her up too.
It's also a lesson about shared laptops. May wife will often use my laptop to read my emails, which are 90% spam, and filter out the important ones. Even replying to them, which coming from my laptop, look like they're coming from me.
Well, you'll have to prove influence peddling (which unless there is direct evidence of received money)..which so far, NONE of the presented "evidence" suggests.
All you have right now is a claim that this is a political witch hunt. The evidence against Trump, suggests otherwise.
There's "evidence" of over 17 million dollars that the Biden family has received, Jack and no evidence of any business or services that were provided for all of that money! Care to explain what all of that money was for? Someone will have to. It's what the IRS whistleblowers were so angry about! They know that something doesn't add up and wanted to investigate the Biden family but were told to stop. This story IS going to come out! It might take quite some time and require baskets full of subpoenas but Congressional investigators WILL get to the bottom of what Joe, Hunter, James and the rest of the Biden family have been up to! It's just a question of following the money.
There's "evidence" of over 17 million dollars that the Biden family has received, Jack and no evidence of any business or services that were provided for all of that money! Care to explain what all of that money was for? Someone will have to. It's what the IRS whistleblowers were so angry about! They know that something doesn't add up and wanted to investigate the Biden family but were told to stop. This story IS going to come out! It might take quite some time and require baskets full of subpoenas but Congressional investigators WILL get to the bottom of what Joe, Hunter, James and the rest of the Biden family have been up to! It's just a question of following the money.
This does not constitute evidence...or a crime by any stretch of the imagination. Again, evidence is the only thing that matters here. Not maybes, innuendos, or possibly's.
Jordan, Comer, Grassley so far have failed to land ANY punches on Joe Biden. And they've looked absolutely incompetent in trying to make the case. Worst you have here, is that the President's son is a nepo baby with a former substance abuse problem.
Neither of those are crimes.

You poor thing, you have squat on Biden. You have an FD-1023 which in unverified. You have a laptop which might land Hunter in hot water, but not his dad. And you have Devon Archer, who gave you nothing, despite the rightarded anticipation. Oh, and your sad prediction about losing the election is utterly worthless. The election is 15 months away and we don't know who the candidates will be. Just how fucked in the head are you to assert a winner?? :cuckoo:
You are dumb as shit if you dont think we are going to find a truckload more evidence against the Bidens. It will become too overwhelming for you all to ignore eventually, but it will be too late for you to switch candidates at that point. :cuckoo:
There's "evidence" of over 17 million dollars that the Biden family has received, Jack and no evidence of any business or services that were provided for all of that money! Care to explain what all of that money was for? Someone will have to. It's what the IRS whistleblowers were so angry about! They know that something doesn't add up and wanted to investigate the Biden family but were told to stop. This story IS going to come out! It might take quite some time and require baskets full of subpoenas but Congressional investigators WILL get to the bottom of what Joe, Hunter, James and the rest of the Biden family have been up to! It's just a question of following the money.
That isnt exactly correct. The number is over 30 million officially, but its expected to fall somewhere between 50-100 million. They are still subpoanaing bank records. According to the IRS whistleblower, they know about Joe's hidden overseas shell company where his personal money is being hidden. The IRS has agreed to turn that information over to the Ways and Means Committee once they make their formal request.
This does not constitute evidence...or a crime by any stretch of the imagination. Again, evidence is the only thing that matters here. Not maybes, innuendos, or possibly's.
Jordan, Comer, Grassley so far have failed to land ANY punches on Joe Biden. And they've looked absolutely incompetent in trying to make the case. Worst you have here, is that the President's son is a nepo baby with a former substance abuse problem.
Neither of those are crimes.
You're amusing, Jack! Somehow $17,000,000 doesn't constitute evidence? Somehow 30 shell companies that had no other function other than hiding where payments were coming from and who received them doesn't constitute evidence.
It's a simple thing, Jack. Give a believable reason why foreign entities have given the Biden's all of those millions. Give a believable reason why all of those shell companies were created. If you CAN'T? Think about WHY you can't!
Dumbfuck, it's in the link I gave you.

Pussy bitch what is the criminal statute for fake electors.
But, but, but you don't post any subsidence! Try to post an expository essay with clear and concise evidence.
That's nonsense...Myself, as well as others have posted plenty of clear and concise evidence, and you and others that are of the opinion that Trump must be jailed, ignore every bit of it as though you're the arbiter of what is or isn't evidence....

Face it man, you're backing the wrong horse, and are ultimately going to lose...you just haven't faced it yet....
What if Obama had revealed our Iran war plans to people that lacked security clearance? I voted for Joe Biden, not his idiot kid.
No one says you did....However, with everything that has come to light so far, it appears like Hunter was just the bag man, to Joe....Same with his brother....

Now, the left media loves to run with this "battle plans" narrative, but Jack Smith, nor the FBI will come out with anything substantive about what they were, Trump says they were news clippings....Why won't Smith address that?

Now, I will say that if that particular incident is true? I don't like that and would condemn Trump IF he did do that...But, the problem is that you people have been trying to get this man from day 1 of his first campaign with bogus claims, and manufactured evidence, and lies....So, no I don't trust the claim....
What has the Biden and his family done? You've been brainwashed Mr. j-mac:
  • There is NO EVIDENCE to do so, it's all bullshit.
  • Trump's current situation's four indictments has evidence (he put his foot in his mouth, so we are not brainwashed)
  • As to the Biden Crime Family, it is another BIG LIE and Conspiracy Story.
  • You and other Trump Supporters post the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories ad nauseam; never once has one posted with credible evidence.
  • BTW: The thread has nothing to do with "Jack Smith could face indictment"; one more example of a BIG LIE and Conspiracy Story.
  • BTW2: A theory has substance, a story is fiction.
It is you now that sounds like the 'cultist'....Everything revealed about the Biden family is just a conspiracy theory to you, while everything said about Trump, is God's honest truth....Wake up dude....Congress is investigating, and they are compiling actual evidence about a lifelong politician corrupting the system to enrich himself, and you are dismissing it...Where's your integrity?
The irony is that the Trump family has done, what the Bidens are only accused of.
Trump illegally hired his family (Jared and Ivanka) to work in the white house. Gave them security clearances, the FBI rejected them for. And then let them loose on the world to get foreign benefits, like Ivankas Chinese copyrights, or Jareds foreign bailouts and investments.
Wrong again Gene....

Uhhh yeah, an indictment isn’t subtle it’s pretty brazen, and is their job to try and take down people they have evidence committed crimes… so I’m not seeing what your issue is

Of course you don't see it, you can't see past your love of Biden and hatred of America. The question isn't can you see what you no't see, it's can you see what others see. See how that works? You don't, do you? Be honest
Of course you don't see it, you can't see past your love of Biden and hatred of America. The question isn't can you see what you no't see, it's can you see what others see. See how that works? You don't, do you? Be honest
You’re making incorrect presumptions again. I don’t Love Biden and I don’t hate America. Do better
That's not all Al did, but I was keeping the more sordid accusations against him out of the post. He's a slimey D-Bag, but he's even more of an ambulance chaser as a lawyer.
I know more about the Constitution than he does.

Jack Smith isn't my savior. He's just the guy that's gonna take YOUR savior down.

And the price is so small, you take down your chief political opponent ignoring your own party committing the crimes you're accusing him of and we become Soviet Russia, that's a good thing, huh?

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