Jackson confirmed as first black woman on USSC

How do you define "Woman"?

  • An adult human female.

    Votes: 25 73.5%
  • Anyone who identifies as a woman.

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other (Please post your definition in this thread).

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Don't know (not a biologist).

    Votes: 7 20.6%

  • Total voters
Well I was just trying to have a conversation... My apologies if I offended anyone... I think their is a whole shit load of confusion going on and I may have instigated some of the confusion... I know from your posts you are not a leftist and I just took it for granted that you would see the facetious meaning behind my question... I meant no harm... Hell, I had a post deleted in the thread and don't even recall what I said... Maybe I was just drinking to much of my bathwater... Again I meant no harm...
Thanks brother... Everything is good.. 👍
She is more qualified than all the other justices.

The things you put on the left is how you guys do things.

Did she ever CLERK for a SupCt justice? How many years in appelate court. I think she KNOWS the law. It's a question of whether she will defend the Constitution or make her own definitions.

But when you SAY "she is the most qualified" -- I'd love to see you TRY to back that up.
Lol so you are happy she on the court then?

Not happy about the WAY Biden politicized the promise of a "black something" on the SupCt. Not happy that she's too chicken to define her own sex for fear of triggering her supporters. Or her BROAD readings of sentencing laws.

But she'll do... Because over time on the SupCt -- ALL justices tend to move more towards the middle.
When are you going to get rid of the cognitive dissonance and realize that whites invented the race card and whites use that card the most? The fact Thomas is on the court is a testimony to the racism on the right. Thomas is anti black and he's accepted by the right because he will fuck over blacks in favor of racists every time.

You must mean that Thomas is anti-leftist. Because, my eyesight and reading abilities are still pretty damn good. You funny dude..
GREAT IDEA lefties. Let's make the 3rd branch of govt MORE DEPENDENT on the other two.. Good thing you aren't in engineering or construction work.
Who you calling lefties ? If you got a point to make then make it like you got a counter point to what was stated (otherwise explain why it won't work to have term limits on judge's serving in all capacities). I know that the position being secured after it being hard fought for is good, but what if the judge goes rogue etc ? What then ?

A rogue judge can do a hell of a lot of damage in this COUNTRY, and then you get it where a judge is almost impossible to replace really ? Makes no sense.

Judges should be elected by the people, and then confirmed by the Congress after the people's vote has past. Otherwise the judge needs to be confirmed first by the people where the decision is then put before the Congress, then next the house, and then the senate before seated.
She is worth it just to watch all the MAGA heads explode! The reaction has been so entertaining, even better than when Trump put ACB on the bench
Yeah, cause it's amusing to see a kiddie-diddler supporter on the highest court in the land. Sick bastards.
Lol god so much of that threat shit was such rightwing bullshit.

Now you are denying real history since you are making a fool of yourself here in trying to deflect from it as you clearly have never been under a media microscope.

He was falsely accused by people who got a LOT of media coverage AFTER Dr. Ford made her unsupported allegation against Kavanaugh (who was under a LOT of pressure from many accusing people the senate and the media who was hostile to him) lying like hell the whole time the FBI at the time didn't find anything to support Dr. Ford at all then the lying bitch refused to hand over alleged Lie detector test and other materials she was asked for by the FBI at the end of the democrat demanded FBI investigation which didn't help the democrats who tried to destroy a man with a barrage of lies.

You didn't disprove anything I said because you can't do it you ain't got shit to work with.
Now you are denying real history since you are making a fool of yourself here in trying to deflect from it as you clearly have never been under a media microscope.

He was falsely accused by people who got a LOT of media coverage AFTER Dr. Ford made her unsupported allegation against Kavanaugh (who was under a LOT of pressure from many accusing people the senate and the media who was hostile to him) lying like hell the whole time the FBI at the time didn't find anything to support Dr. Ford at all then the lying bitch refused to hand over alleged Lie detector test and other materials she was asked for by the FBI at the end of the democrat demanded FBI investigation which didn't help the democrats who tried to destroy a man with a barrage of lies.

You didn't disprove anything I said because you can't do it you ain't got shit to work with.
I’m not talking about her accusation. I’m talking about you pretending he got death threats over it.
Who you calling lefties ? If you got a point to make then make it like you got a counter point to what was stated (otherwise explain why it won't work to have term limits on judge's serving in all capacities). I know that the position being secured after it being hard fought for is good, but what if the judge goes rogue etc ? What then ?

A rogue judge can do a hell of a lot of damage in this COUNTRY, and then you get it where a judge is almost impossible to replace really ? Makes no sense.

Judges should be elected by the people, and then confirmed by the Congress after the people's vote has past. Otherwise the judge needs to be confirmed first by the people where the decision is then put before the Congress, then next the house, and then the senate before seated.

How many SupCt go rogue? As I said -- I can show you GRAPHS of how SupCt justices "mature to the middle" over time. They hardly EVER get more 'extreme" in their decisions. If there EVER WAS a confirmed nominee that had the potential to "go rogue" -- it would be this one. RBG even mellowed out from her radical past over time.

Wanna know who the lefties are? It's the people that write (w/respect to SUpCt justices) that "SupCt judges should be elected by the people".. I have less of a problem identifying lefties and righties than I do with finding "pregnant men" or meeting all 79 genders.

Do I have to read the writings of the founders to you explaining WHY the current system is in place?
I’m not talking about her accusation. I’m talking about you pretending he got death threats over it.

Now you just making it up since all I stated was threats as clearly shown HERE

"You are sure are an idiot who never remotely gone through what he experienced the hate, threats and a truckload of lies he had to fight against all in public and under hostile questioning."

You going to continue to lie about what I write?


Meanwhile he did get death threats which I checked because you are wrong about it:


Brett Kavanaugh, wife and Christine Blasey Ford all receiving death threats: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE

You are doing poorly here.
Yeah, cause it's amusing to see a kiddie-diddler supporter on the highest court in the land. Sick bastards.

No, but it is amusing watching you morons call her names like that.

Just shows your blind ignorance.
  • Thanks
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Now you just making it up since all I stated was threats as clearly shown HERE

"You are sure are an idiot who never remotely gone through what he experienced the hate, threats and a truckload of lies he had to fight against all in public and under hostile questioning."

You going to continue to lie about what I write?


Meanwhile he did get death threats which I checked because you are wrong about it:


Brett Kavanaugh, wife and Christine Blasey Ford all receiving death threats: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE

You are doing poorly here.
“Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's wife, Ashley, has been receiving graphic and violent threats, according to emails obtained by Fox News, following reported harassment also directed at accuser Christine Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh himself.”

lol how adorable. FOX NEWS obtained emails! Now I’m sold! That is some compelling shit right there! Does Fox know anything about who sent these emails? No I’m sure they don’t. They are very happy to just accept their complete validity given the content - maybe even fabricate their own. That is how they do things after all.
Why are you asking me this ? Hell no her color didn't make her anymore qualified than anyone else. What the hell is wrong with you people ? Are you misinterpreting my post or something ? Do you think I'm a leftist or something ? I get tired of the dumb crap going on in this place.... I'm a conservative that can't stand leftist ideology or leftist bull crap... As long as I've been here, you'd think you people would know this by now.
The left are not the people with the color problem/
Did she ever CLERK for a SupCt justice? How many years in appelate court. I think she KNOWS the law. It's a question of whether she will defend the Constitution or make her own definitions.

But when you SAY "she is the most qualified" -- I'd love to see you TRY to back that up.
I said she is the most qualified because she is. You go do the research and compare that to every other justice and you will learn that I am correct.
You must mean that Thomas is anti-leftist. Because, my eyesight and reading abilities are still pretty damn good. You funny dude..
No, I said he is anti black. Because thats what he is and his record shows it. Go study internalized racism.
“Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's wife, Ashley, has been receiving graphic and violent threats, according to emails obtained by Fox News, following reported harassment also directed at accuser Christine Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh himself.”

lol how adorable. FOX NEWS obtained emails! Now I’m sold! That is some compelling shit right there! Does Fox know anything about who sent these emails? No I’m sure they don’t. They are very happy to just accept their complete validity given the content - maybe even fabricate their own. That is how they do things after all.

You're a dishonest, lazy ass troll..

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has faced an increasing number of death threats since he was publicly accused of sexual assault this week, according to CNN.

Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing him of assaulting her in the 1980s, have both reportedly been the target of violent death threats since Ford came forward with her allegations on Sunday.

A senior administration official told CNN that there are several credible threats against Kavanaugh’s life under investigation, while Ford’s lawyer Debra Katz said threats against Ford have been forwarded to the FBI.

The Supreme Court nominee has been receiving death threats since President Trump nominated him to the high court, but the official told CNN that the attacks have escalated in recent days.

Kavanaugh’s wife Ashley has reportedly faced a barrage of harassment and threats online since Ford’s allegation became public.

Citing an internal law enforcement report that details threats to the protectee, a senior administration official told CNN Thursday that the number of death threats made against Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh and his family have increased since Ford’s allegations came to light. The official said there are several current threats against the Kavanaughs that law enforcement deems credible, while several others have been opened and closed since he was nominated.
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“Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's wife, Ashley, has been receiving graphic and violent threats, according to emails obtained by Fox News, following reported harassment also directed at accuser Christine Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh himself.”

lol how adorable. FOX NEWS obtained emails! Now I’m sold! That is some compelling shit right there! Does Fox know anything about who sent these emails? No I’m sure they don’t. They are very happy to just accept their complete validity given the content - maybe even fabricate their own. That is how they do things after all.

I see that you have no evidence to share to support your assertion not only that you didn't read the article anyway.

CNN seems to think they are real citing a law enforcement report,

Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford receiving death threats

The Hill, USA Today, Mediate and more all reported on it as being real.

You should stop now.

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