Jackson confirmed as first black woman on USSC

How do you define "Woman"?

  • An adult human female.

    Votes: 25 73.5%
  • Anyone who identifies as a woman.

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other (Please post your definition in this thread).

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Don't know (not a biologist).

    Votes: 7 20.6%

  • Total voters
Define " the moment they accept the nomination ".
Confirming a Scotus Nominee is a process that the Senate oversees.
Cite when that process was ever short-circuited and done in a hurry.
Believe you me if that could be done this Drat Democrat Controlled
Congress would do it in a heartbeat.
maybe even faster.
You only need a simple majority vote to be confirmed now so if the Senate is controlled by the same party as the President the nominee is basically confirmed when they accept the nomination. Yes they will go through the process but that is just a formality Jackson’s confirmation was never in doubt.
You only need a simple majority vote to be confirmed now so if the Senate is controlled by the same party as the President the nominee is basically confirmed when they accept the nomination. Yes they will go through the process but that is just a formality Jackson’s confirmation was never in doubt.
Wrong.It Requires a vote by every member of the senate.ALL 100.
Years ago it was a big deal as in - Advice and Consent -.
Yer talkin' like some Hayseed.
In 1987 the Senate voted down the Supreme Court Nomination of
Robert Bork by President Ronald Reagan.Leading to charges that
the senate had politicized the confirmation process.
Wrong.It Requires a vote by every member of the senate.ALL 100.
Years ago it was a big deal as in - Advice and Consent -.
Yer talkin' like some Hayseed.
In 1987 the Senate voted down the Supreme Court Nomination of
Robert Bork by President Ronald Reagan.Leading to charges that
the senate had politicized the confirmation process.
Yes and that has not happened since and since you no longer need 60 votes for confirmation just a simple majority if the sitting Presidents party controls the Senate the votes are there for confirmation for the nominee. While it is possible that a member or members of the Presidents party could vote against his nominee in this day and age that is extremely unlikely.
Yes and that has not happened since and since you no longer need 60 votes for confirmation just a simple majority if the sitting Presidents party controls the Senate the votes are there for confirmation for the nominee. While it is possible that a member or members of the Presidents party could vote against his nominee in this day and age that is extremely unlikely.
Wrong again ... Dr.Hayseed monger.The Senate is evenly split at 50-50.
Yer cockamamie theory was pushed by Biden,Schumer and little Dickie
Durbin with The Build Back Better Spending plan.To no avail.
When Justice Scalia suddenly passed there was a Vacancy.
McConnell as Senate Majority leader talked turkey.His Senate would
not allow the current President { Obama } to fill the vacancy.Especially
in an election year { 2016 }.That filling should be done by the Newly
Elected President.That is the only fair and American thing to do.
There was precedent also.Dating back years.
Just say NO ... The Senate under Mitch McConnell had the aurhority to
Deny in an Election year a New Scotus pick.
Furthermore President Trump Nominated Brett Kavanaugh on July 9th
2018.But not before " Consulting more widely or talked with more
people from more backgrounds to seek input about a Supreme Court
nomination ... Than any President. "
Ya Putz.
"Nominate" isn't the same as "appoint."

Otherwise the Constitution would stipulate the the president APPOINT a Supreme Court Justice
These folk are only spouting off the nonsense that they are spoon-fed
by a Democrat Loving MSM.
In short Words Do Matter.
That is why the MSM,CNN,MSNBC The Washingtoin Post and N.Y.Times
spend all their time trying to invent ways to use different words or
define words to their Likin'.
Yes,Appoint and Nominate are Not analogous.
In a strict definition.
My god we are a sick country to allow a stupid far Left Wing hate filled affirmative action Negro bitch be appointed to the Supreme Court. One appointed because of her destructive hate filled Left Wing record and her race. Despicable!

We expect the Democrat filth to vote for the worthless asshole but we had three of the traitorous RINOs support her.

I may not have put it that way, but i agree, she has nothing to ne proud of. All she is is a black chick with a vagina that doesnt know what a woman is.
It should have been the minute she said she couldn't define the word "woman" because she wasn't a biologist. Do we really want someone on our supreme court who doesn't know what a woman is, especially considering the whole reason she was nominated was because she's a black woman?
She knows the definition of a woman, buy is prohibited from saying it because of political correctness. Everyone knows that's the reason, but not everyone can admit it because of political correctness. The democrats have imprisoned themselves in their own world of delusion.
Wrong again ... Dr.Hayseed monger.The Senate is evenly split at 50-50.
Yer cockamamie theory was pushed by Biden,Schumer and little Dickie
Durbin with The Build Back Better Spending plan.To no avail.
When Justice Scalia suddenly passed there was a Vacancy.
McConnell as Senate Majority leader talked turkey.His Senate would
not allow the current President { Obama } to fill the vacancy.Especially
in an election year { 2016 }.That filling should be done by the Newly
Elected President.That is the only fair and American thing to do.
There was precedent also.Dating back years.
Just say NO ... The Senate under Mitch McConnell had the aurhority to
Deny in an Election year a New Scotus pick.
Furthermore President Trump Nominated Brett Kavanaugh on July 9th
2018.But not before " Consulting more widely or talked with more
people from more backgrounds to seek input about a Supreme Court
nomination ... Than any President. "
Ya Putz.
The Vice President would break a tie moron it is clear that you are either incredibly stupid or are arguing just for the sake of arguing either way I am invoking.

Someone else can enable your stupidity if they wish I have done so enough for one day.
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NOW - Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmed as the first Black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court.

View attachment 627418

All I can say, given the definition of a woman could get me cancelled is --

Congratulations to the first black something on the Supreme Court.

I'll amend this when Brown Jackson supplies Zeir correct pronouns.
Lol, bet having a black women on Supreme out really gets ya don't it. Better fly your confederate flag tonight. Hope ya don't lose any sleep over it. Lol

Sure is logical -- not. How many racist cards are in YOUR deck? Think we new to audit it.

Did ya see a lot of racist "righties" moaning about Clarence Thomas? Nope. Lindsey Grahmnesty and others offered OTHER, more politically moderate, "black females" to check off the "diversity score" points.

Supreme Court isn't big enough for all "the FIRSTs". And that's a good thing. It's a bad thing, that party warriors can at the same time, denigrate and SUPPORT blacks that vote their way or don't..

And STILL -- with the truth being "its all about the politics" -- the party warriors do the war dance and argue about race.

Sure is logical -- not. How many racist cards are in YOUR deck? Think we new to audit it.

Did ya see a lot of racist "righties" moaning about Clarence Thomas? Nope. Lindsey Grahmnesty and others offered OTHER, more politically moderate, "black females" to check off the "diversity score" points.

Supreme Court isn't big enough for all "the FIRSTs". And that's a good thing. It's a bad thing, that party warriors can at the same time, denigrate and SUPPORT blacks that vote their way or don't..

And STILL -- with the truth being "its all about the politics" -- the party warriors do the war dance and argue about race.

When are you going to get rid of the cognitive dissonance and realize that whites invented the race card and whites use that card the most? The fact Thomas is on the court is a testimony to the racism on the right. Thomas is anti black and he's accepted by the right because he will fuck over blacks in favor of racists every time.
Sure is logical -- not. How many racist cards are in YOUR deck? Think we new to audit it.

Did ya see a lot of racist "righties" moaning about Clarence Thomas? Nope. Lindsey Grahmnesty and others offered OTHER, more politically moderate, "black females" to check off the "diversity score" points.

Supreme Court isn't big enough for all "the FIRSTs". And that's a good thing. It's a bad thing, that party warriors can at the same time, denigrate and SUPPORT blacks that vote their way or don't..

And STILL -- with the truth being "its all about the politics" -- the party warriors do the war dance and argue about race.

Lol so you are happy she on the court then?

NOW - Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmed as the first Black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court.

View attachment 627418

I don't know what the definition of a woman has to do with this thread. She is definitely a woman, and now a very powerful woman. I am glad she was confirmed. As to the definition of what a woman is, that has obviously changed with modern technology and medical techniques.
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So beagle9 riddle me this... Was her skin pigmentation an asset and make her much more qualified that someone with different skin pigmentation?
Why are you asking me this ? Hell no her color didn't make her anymore qualified than anyone else. What the hell is wrong with you people ? Are you misinterpreting my post or something ? Do you think I'm a leftist or something ? I get tired of the dumb crap going on in this place.... I'm a conservative that can't stand leftist ideology or leftist bull crap... As long as I've been here, you'd think you people would know this by now.
Why are you asking me this ? Hell no her color didn't make her anymore qualified than anyone else. What the hell is wrong with you people ? Are you misinterpreting my post or something ? Do you think I'm a leftist or something ? I get tired of the dumb crap going on in this place.... I'm a conservative that can't stand leftist ideology or leftist bull crap... As long as I've been here, you'd think you people would know this by now.
Well I was just trying to have a conversation... My apologies if I offended anyone... I think their is a whole shit load of confusion going on and I may have instigated some of the confusion... I know from your posts you are not a leftist and I just took it for granted that you would see the facetious meaning behind my question... I meant no harm... Hell, I had a post deleted in the thread and don't even recall what I said... Maybe I was just drinking to much of my bathwater... Again I meant no harm...

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