Jackson confirmed as first black woman on USSC

How do you define "Woman"?

  • An adult human female.

    Votes: 25 73.5%
  • Anyone who identifies as a woman.

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other (Please post your definition in this thread).

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Don't know (not a biologist).

    Votes: 7 20.6%

  • Total voters
You're a dishonest, lazy ass troll..

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has faced an increasing number of death threats since he was publicly accused of sexual assault this week, according to CNN.

Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing him of assaulting her in the 1980s, have both reportedly been the target of violent death threats since Ford came forward with her allegations on Sunday.

A senior administration official told CNN that there are several credible threats against Kavanaugh’s life under investigation, while Ford’s lawyer Debra Katz said threats against Ford have been forwarded to the FBI.

The Supreme Court nominee has been receiving death threats since President Trump nominated him to the high court, but the official told CNN that the attacks have escalated in recent days.

Kavanaugh’s wife Ashley has reportedly faced a barrage of harassment and threats online since Ford’s allegation became public.

Citing an internal law enforcement report that details threats to the protectee, a senior administration official told CNN Thursday that the number of death threats made against Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh and his family have increased since Ford’s allegations came to light. The official said there are several current threats against the Kavanaughs that law enforcement deems credible, while several others have been opened and closed since he was nominated.
Well see I actually commend your effort in proving me wrong despite you thinking I’m a “dishonest, lazy ass troll”. Not easily done. Congratulations.
I see that you have no evidence to share to support your assertion not only that you didn't read the article anyway.

CNN seems to think they are real citing a law enforcement report,

Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford receiving death threats

The Hill, USA Today, Mediate and more all reported on it as being real.

You should stop now.
It’s interesting though how you both pretend Ford didn’t get threats either. You had no choice but to cite that information as well given how it is worded. At the end of the day, I guess republicans really are no better.
Well see I actually commend your effort in proving me wrong despite you thinking I’m a “dishonest, lazy ass troll”. Not easily done. Congratulations.

You ARE lazy since you never backed up your stupid assertions at all while me and FlaCalTenn posted several sources showing the death threats are real.

You are being stupid as hell here.
It’s interesting though how you both pretend Ford didn’t get threats either. You had no choice but to cite that information as well given how it is worded. At the end of the day, I guess republicans really are no better.

You are being an asshole since I NEVER denied she was getting death threats, you made it up because you are pathetic fool and trolling.
You ARE lazy since you never backed up your stupid assertions at all while me and FlaCalTenn posted several sources showing the death threats are real.

You are being stupid as hell here.
I mean am I though? Okay so you proved me wrong. I hope you’re proud of yourself I guess lol. However, since Ford got plenty of threats as well, your point is really just moot. I mean I didn’t even claim she got any the first place. You helped me out with that. You get a participation trophy on me!
The left are not the people with the color problem/
Oh no?

1) The leader of the left announced that he would not consider any whites for the SCOTUS nominee. That‘s a decision based on skin tone - a color problem.

2) The left continues to support a system by which blacks with substantially lower scores and GPA are accepted into higher Ed programs over whites with substantially higher scores and GPA. That’s a race-based policy - a color problem.

3) The left cheers on when companies select models, actors, whatever, based on dark skin tone, which is racist - a color problem.

4) The left abolished the admissions exam to the prestigious TJ High School because very few blacks were scoring high enough to get in - and too many Asians were acing it - and they altered the admissions process with the intent to “swap out” Asians for blacks - a racist decision.

5) The previous Leftist governor of Virginia proposed paying black teachers more than white teachers, based on skin color alone.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. It is the left with the color problem. You’re OK with it because you are a racist who is fine with bias when it goes against whites, as are all leftists.
She didn't seem to know if she were a woman or not, so we can't claim she's the first black woman according to Commie Deviant Think. She could decide she wants to be considered a Tri-Gendered Alaskan Peanut next week.
I mean am I though? Okay so you proved me wrong. I hope you’re proud of yourself I guess lol. However, since Ford got plenty of threats as well, your point is really just moot. I mean I didn’t even claim she got any the first place. You helped me out with that. You get a participation trophy on me!

Your lying bullshit isn't fooling anyone.

She didn't seem to know if she were a woman or not, so we can't claim she's the first black woman according to Commie Deviant Think. She could decide she wants to be considered a Tri-Gendered Alaskan Peanut next week.
She would probably be willing to say that she’s the first Black Birthing Person. Whether that’s a woman is anyone’s guess.
How many SupCt go rogue? As I said -- I can show you GRAPHS of how SupCt justices "mature to the middle" over time. They hardly EVER get more 'extreme" in their decisions. If there EVER WAS a confirmed nominee that had the potential to "go rogue" -- it would be this one. RBG even mellowed out from her radical past over time.

Wanna know who the lefties are? It's the people that write (w/respect to SUpCt justices) that "SupCt judges should be elected by the people".. I have less of a problem identifying lefties and righties than I do with finding "pregnant men" or meeting all 79 genders.

Do I have to read the writings of the founders to you explaining WHY the current system is in place?
I thought you were smart, but it appears that I was wrong... You want to know who a rogue judge is ? It is that POC John Robert's with his bull crap concerning Trump. Wasn't he the one that gave the cursing outburst as was reported by staff or the other judges when he was attempting to thwart justice in regards to Trump by not giving him his due right to a redress of grievances ?

If I'm wrong about the name, then correct me, but in the mean time leftist, quit covering for the Democrat's unless you've been operating undercover here as a Democrat in a conservative shirt, because you are far from being a conservative if you are ok with Biden gaslighting and race-baiting the country daily now.
She is more qualified than all the other justices.

The things you put on the left is how you guys do things.
Provable misinformation. Trump, Bush didn’t say their SCOTUS had to be a race or sex.. Joe Biden did.

shouldn’t you report yourself for peddling misinformation?
Provable misinformation. Trump, Bush didn’t say their SCOTUS had to be a race or sex.. Joe Biden did.

shouldn’t you report yourself for peddling misinformation?
it sure was inferred. anyhoo ... why not a black woman?

there's a hispanic female, a jewish female, a white christian female... AND biden made it a campaign promise that there would be a black female nominated even if they are 'only' 7% of the population.

If we want the Court to accurately reflect the American People ... Then why do the majority of them come from Harvard?

What has more influence over their ability to influence Law in regard to how it reflects the American People ...
Where they studied Law ... Or their gender and ethnic background?

If you have to refer to someone's gender or ethnic background to make a decision ... You are part of the problem ... :thup:


If we want the Court to accurately reflect the American People ... Then why do the majority of them come from Harvard?​

well that is a good question.

What has more influence over their ability to influence Law in regard to how it reflects the American People ...
Where they studied Law ... Or their gender and ethnic background?​

why not all? btw, the black lady was also a public defender. so she has a good grasp for both sides of lawyering.

If you have to refer to someone's gender or ethnic background to make a decision ... You are part of the problem ... :thup:


have to? nobody said have to. but people come in all shades, & alot more than 2 genders; sooooooo that is a good consideration to draw from.
well that is a good question.
why not all? btw, the black lady was also a public defender. so she has a good grasp for both sides of lawyering.
have to? nobody said have to. but people come in all shades, & alot more than 2 genders; sooooooo that is a good consideration to draw from.

I guess that only makes a difference if you care what gender or ethnic background someone has.
You are part of the problem ... :thup:

By the way ... There are only two genders.
Even with Transgenders, the person still wants to be a man or a woman ... They are not creating a gender that doesn't exist.
All the other garbage is just people that want to deny the two genders exist ... Even though they cannot refute the fact they do exist.

If you want to pander to nonsense ... No one else is obligated to follow you.

If you tell me you are a fence post ... I'll tell you to shut up, stand still and start acting like a fence post.
I wouldn't argue with you about it ... :auiqs.jpg:

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