James Comey is giving a Townhall on CNN. It is hilarious!

He talks about the president lying. He said even Trump supporters have to look in the mirror and ask is having a president who lies nonstop OK?
He said he can’t believe the leader of the free world is so dishonest.
He said the general Maddox was the only person in the room that when they went around the table to do this ritualistic praise of Donald Trump, general Maddox wouldn’t do it.

Could you imagine having to do a ritualistic praise of someone? I couldn’t do it. But I know every Republican on the USMB would grovel for the chance to do it
He said he doesn’t believe in impeachment because America voted this man and we shouldn’t be let off the hook for how awful he is. And the fact that he lies nonstop. We should have the opportunity to vote him out of office.
He said we should have a president that reflects our values.
Cooper read two passages from the Mueller report about Sarah Sanders and her comments that the rank-and-file of the FBI hated Comey and wanted him gone. And about both of them when Sanders was asked she said it wasn’t based on anything, she just made it up.

He said he knew she lied and so it is what it is.
He was asked about the children in cages and he said children in cages is the stain on the country.

He said torches in Charlotteville and children in cages is a shame and embarrassment and he said America needs to wake up.

He said the bear was poked when the little girls in Alabama were murdered in the church that was set on fire by white supremacists. He said that was the beginning of the voting rights act.

So he said children in cages and torches in Charlottesville should be the same kind of poke to the bear.
Comey said if Trump was a private citizen with all the evidence that’s in the more Mueller report, Trump would’ve been charged with felony obstruction.
Comey was asked if he would ever run for office and he said never. Others would do it better.
Just not this president.
Comey said he never met or talked to Hillary Clinton. They were never in the same place. He's only seen her on TV.
Comey said he never met or talked to Hillary Clinton. They were never in the same place. He's only seen her on TV.
Laughing..... Good grief.... Give it up already.

Trump had every right to want to fire Mueller at anytime, because he knew he was innocent the whole time, and by that he knew that the investigation was a complete farce.

He was constantly talked into letting Mueller complete the investigation although he knew it was a witch hunt, but that became ok with him as long as it didn't get out of hand or control.

Well the left pushing their ridiculous leftist agenda that was built up on "we must get Trump at all cost as was found in their (TDS)", made it get way out of control fast.

There was never obstruction because there was never a crime to obstruct, so upon that fact, wouldn't you want a bogus investigation stopped if you knew you were an innocent man, just as well as knowing your campaign was also innocent ??? Yes you would. Trump is no different than anyone else is in life.
Do you ever turn the TEE VEE off? Is it ever not on at your home?

I turn it off when I go to bed and I turn it off when I’m not home which is a lot of the time. But I’m retired so I can look at the political stuff. I’m a big boy. I can take the truth.
If you can "take the truth," then why do you spend time parroting the propaganda and lies of a corporation whose only job is to distort facts and hide the truth from you?

Corrections, after corrections, after corrections.

yet? Somehow, you forget ALL THE DAMNED CORRECTIONS. All you have are the impressions of the initial reporting.

CNN IS CORRUPT FAKE reporting. TURN OFF THE TEE VEE and read a decent source not backed by corporate donors.

Campaign 2016, Foreign Policy, Intelligence, Media, Obama Administration, Politics, Trump Administration
Russia-gate’s Litany of Corrections
December 11, 2017 • 146 Comments
Russia-gate's Litany of Corrections

". . . . The problem, however, was that CNN and other news outlets that jumped on the story misreported the date of the email; it was Sept. 14, 2016, i.e., the day after WikiLeaks released the batch of DNC emails, not Sept. 4. In other words, it appeared that “Erickson” – whoever he was – was simply alerting the Trump campaign to the WikiLeaks disclosure.

CNN later issued a quiet correction to its inflammatory report – and not surprisingly people close to Trump cited the false claim as yet another example of “fake news” being spread by the mainstream media, which has put itself at the forefront of the anti-Trump Resistance over the past year.

But this sloppy journalism – compounded by CNN’s rush to put the “Sept. 4 email” in some criminal context and with CBS and MSNBC panting close behind – was not a stand-alone screw-up. A week earlier, ABC News made a similar mistake in claiming that candidate Donald Trump instructed Michael Flynn to contact Russian officials during the campaign, when Trump actually made the request after the election when Flynn was national security adviser-designate, a thoroughly normal move for a President-elect to make. That botched story led ABC News to suspend veteran investigative reporter Brian Ross.. . . . "

To the topic at hand?

Trump's Timidity is Letting Comey Off the Hook

On the Criminal Referral of Comey, Clinton et al: Will the Constitution Hold and the Media Continue to Suppress the Story?

Tag: James Comey - Consortiumnews

Special Counsel Mueller: Disingenuous and Dishonest

Sorry the truth is not televised Deaner, but it rarely is. TEE VEE is for propagandizing the stoopid sheep in society only.


Both the NYT, and the WSJ are considered too partisan for most Polisci departments at state funded universities.

Generally they use this source. I remember that Buzz-feed had released the whole dossiers, what remains is an investigation. :dunno:

Obviously, at this point, the establishment is doing what it can to stop that from happening.

After Mueller report: What ever happened to the ‘Steele dossier’?
Why We Wrote This
A 2016 dossier of alleged intelligence about the Trump campaign and Russia is getting renewed attention, partly because it’s barely mentioned in the Mueller report. But with dueling partisan narratives, it’s worth looking at what that does and doesn’t mean.
After Mueller report: What ever happened to the ‘Steele dossier’?

. . . . The Justice Department’s inspector general is currently reviewing the dossier, Mr. Page, the FISA court, and the FBI to determine if improper behavior occurred. Attorney General William Barr has said he will evaluate the FBI’s overall actions in relation to Christopher Steele and his memos.

The president himself continues to cite the dossier as evidence that he has been treated unfairly by the investigation into Russian interference with American politics.

“I think they were spying on the Trump campaign. You can’t say it any better than that,” President Trump said on Mr. Hannity’s Fox show on April 25th.
Are you talking about that boyfriend and girlfriend who were tweeting about what a terrible clown Trump is? Because Comey said that it hurt the integrity of the FBI and they were severely disciplined. Which is what you’re supposed to do.

So why no concerns about this lovely couple?

View attachment 260145

I am not from the left. Lol
That was a response to the OP's thread.
Yeah, I know. ;)
Comey said he never met or talked to Hillary Clinton. They were never in the same place. He's only seen her on TV.
Laughing..... Good grief.... Give it up already.

Trump had every right to want to fire Mueller at anytime, because he knew he was innocent the whole time, and by that he knew that the investigation was a complete farce.

He was constantly talked into letting Mueller complete the investigation although he knew it was a witch hunt, but that became ok with him as long as it didn't get out of hand or control.

Well the left pushing their ridiculous leftist agenda that was built up on "we must get Trump at all cost as was found in their (TDS)", made it get way out of control fast.

There was never obstruction because there was never a crime to obstruct, so upon that fact, wouldn't you want a bogus investigation stopped if you knew you were an innocent man, just as well as knowing your campaign was also innocent ??? Yes you would. Trump is no different than anyone else is in life.
Comey couldn't stop talking about Hillary but managed to never discuss the Russians?

And Trump complains about that?

Cuz that's not what I heard:

With photoshop are US, it won't be long. Please don't tell trump about photoshop

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