James Comey is giving a Townhall on CNN. It is hilarious!

Do you ever turn the TEE VEE off? Is it ever not on at your home?

I turn it off when I go to bed and I turn it off when Iā€™m not home which is a lot of the time. But Iā€™m retired so I can look at the political stuff. Iā€™m a big boy. I can take the truth.
The truth lol can you really? Whoā€™s your president haha
Dean loves James Comey now but he should hate him seeing it was his last minute Announcement that sunk Hillary Clinton...

Why is Dean ignoring this reality?

Simple, it is better to blame Wikileaks and Russia than admit reality that James Comey is the reason why Trump won...
Aristotle, Plato and Socrates are walking down the street and they come across Comey and Pelosi, sitting on rocks and exchanging their respective wisdom. Hearing all that incoherent nincompoopery, all they could do is raise their eyebrows and scratch their heads.
Comey cost Hillary the election and he's going to cost the democrat Party any chance of being a national Party for the next 25 years.

Thank you, Jim!
Do you ever turn the TEE VEE off? Is it ever not on at your home?

I turn it off when I go to bed and I turn it off when Iā€™m not home which is a lot of the time. But Iā€™m retired so I can look at the political stuff. Iā€™m a big boy. I can take the truth.

But Iā€™m retired so I can look at the political stuff.

you find a lot of 'political stuff' on the Comedy News Network?
Um...you misspelled Comey.
James Comey is giving a Townhall on CNN. It is hilarious!

He was just asked if he was best friends with Robert Mueller and if there were hundreds of photographs of them together that way Donald Trump claimed. He said if itā€™s true itā€™s news to him.
The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

Have a nice time adoring Comey!
Actually Comey was required to notify the appropriate committee chairs if the FBI uncovered new pertinent information regarding the investigation.

However, he left out the most concerning key details. That classified Clinton emails from her unsecured private server were found on Carlos Danger's computer, which was confiscated during the course of investigating a sex related crime against a 14 year old victim. A serious security risk.

By covering up those facts until after the election, Comey did Clinton another huge favor.
Are you talking about that boyfriend and girlfriend who were tweeting about what a terrible clown Trump is? Because Comey said that it hurt the integrity of the FBI and they were severely disciplined. Which is what youā€™re supposed to do.

So why no concerns about this lovely couple?

View attachment 260145
Sure we can. Ours are the best.

Aristotle, Plato and Socrates are walking down the street and they come across Comey and Pelosi, sitting on rocks and exchanging their respective wisdom. Hearing all that incoherent nincompoopery, all they could do is raise their eyebrows and scratch their heads.
I guess there something clever there. Not sure where it is because I donā€™t subscribe to your type of cleverness.
Are you talking about that boyfriend and girlfriend who were tweeting about what a terrible clown Trump is? Because Comey said that it hurt the integrity of the FBI and they were severely disciplined. Which is what youā€™re supposed to do.

So why no concerns about this lovely couple?

View attachment 260145
Sure we can. Ours are the best.

No, they suck...But that you think they're even remotely good tells us all a lot about you.
Aristotle, Plato and Socrates are walking down the street and they come across Comey and Pelosi, sitting on rocks and exchanging their respective wisdom. Hearing all that incoherent nincompoopery, all they could do is raise their eyebrows and scratch their heads.
I guess there something clever there. Not sure where it is because I donā€™t subscribe to your type of cleverness.
You have zero cleverness.
Aristotle, Plato and Socrates are walking down the street and they come across Comey and Pelosi, sitting on rocks and exchanging their respective wisdom. Hearing all that incoherent nincompoopery, all they could do is raise their eyebrows and scratch their heads.
I guess there something clever there. Not sure where it is because I donā€™t subscribe to your type of cleverness.
Of course you don't. People who can follow Pelosi's logic seldom do.

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