James Comey Says The FBI's Reputation Is Trump's Fault

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I find it very hard to believe that AG Barr will not have him in jumpsuit orange by the end of the year!

Comey thinks he is some Demigod or something. As if he is "untouchable" all because he was the Director of the FBI.
He's just mad because he was dismissed by Trump.
It will be fun to watch the rats eat each other...now we know what Hillary meant when she said if that bastard (Trump) wins we will all hang.....

But do not forget this could have never happened without Obama signing off on all of it....
It will be fun to watch the rats eat each other...now we know what Hillary meant when she said if that bastard (Trump) wins we will all hang.....

But do not forget this could have never happened without Obama signing off on all of it....

Trump is saving the best for last - he will finally have the pleasure of nailing "Crooked" Hillary in the 2nd term.
The FBI has done a very good job of making themselves look like fools. They didn't need help from Trump or anyone else.

Comey is just trying to cover his own ass.
Comey destroyed the FBI when he was director and started shilling for Hillary and Obama to save his job instead of standing up to the creep sister's fake news plan. He wasn't the man we thought he was.


Comey destroyed the FBI when he was director and started shilling for Hillary and Obama to save his job instead of standing up to the creep sister's fake news plan. He wasn't the man we thought he was.

COMEY destroyed the FBI...?

You forget who his mentor was - none other than FBI DIRECTOR ROBERT MUELLER.

James Comey's exposed crimes / criminal behavior that have been exposed were results of applied lessons learned.

For example, evidence and testimony show Comey is 'up to his a$$ in alligators' in the form of FISA Court abuse evidence and investigations. Former FBI DIRECTOR Mueller was hauled before a Secret FISA Court to answer for 75 cases of FBI FISA Court Abuses, which included crimes of giving false statements, knowingly using un-verified information, and for Omission - hiding information from the Court.
--- HIDING information was not anything new to Mueller - as a prosecutor he withheld evidence that proved the 4 men he sent to jail for years were innocent. Jump to the current scandal in which both evidence and testimony prove both Come's FBI and Rosenstein withheld from the court that the Dossier was political propaganda bought by Hillary Clinton.

Comey destroyed the FBI?

By late 2009 the FBI already had strong evidence of kickbacks and money laundering by Russian nuclear-energy entities operating in the United States in clear violation of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
--- Released / exposed FBI records reveal the FBI 'sat' on the information / evidence, and Justice Department waited until December of 2015 – five years after the first evidence of criminal wrongdoing-- to offer a plea bargain and jail sentence for the Russian executive in charge of Tenex, the U.S. affiliate of Russia’s nuclear energy agency, Rosatom.

-- Why Was Obama's Justice Department Silent On Criminal Activity By Russia's Nuclear Agency?


"Mikerin was charged and convicted, along with some American officials, but not until many years later. Ironically, the case was brought by none other than current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein— a magnet for controversy, it turns out.

But the years-long delay in prosecution mean that no one in the public, or in Congress, was aware that the FBI knew through Campbell about the Russian bribery plot as early as 2009 — well before the Obama-led Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approved Uranium One in fall 2010."

-- FBI’s 37 secret pages of memos about Russia, Clintons and Uranium One

Evidence - even the FBI's own documents - shows the FBI was already compromised / corrupt before Comey took over ... or should I say before Mueller handed the reins to his protégé?!

(And when you look at all of the MSSIVE Conflicts of Interest involving Mueller...

- Comey's Mentor

- Former Director of the FBI

- Involved with 75 FBI FISA Court Abuses

- Withheld evidence of Russia crimes for YEARS

- Had been working with Ohr and Steele on the Dossier before an official investigation on Trump had even been opened and before he had been appointed Special Counsel...

...if you are honest, you wonder how the hell Mueller was allowed to be appointed Special Counsel)
Comey thinks he is some Demigod or something. As if he is "untouchable" all because he was the Director of the FBI.
He's just mad because he was dismissed by Trump.
Boy howdy, did you hit the nail on the head or what. I think Shakespeare had it right on after-the-fact life: "the good is oft interred in their bones.' That's Comey's legacy because he forgot his oath of allegiance to the people of the United States and the United States Constitution. What is tragic about Comey is that he used to be a good cop. The bad thing is that he fell into Obama's trap full of lies and deceit, one lie after another. When he wakes up out of his slumbering evil spell cast by Obama, he will regret his failure to the Constitution and the people who relied on him for good decision-making. His career is a real tear-jerker. That's all that's left when a good cop gets lured into bad stuff.
Comey destroyed the FBI when he was director and started shilling for Hillary and Obama to save his job instead of standing up to the creep sister's fake news plan. He wasn't the man we thought he was.

COMEY destroyed the FBI...?

You forget who his mentor was - none other than FBI DIRECTOR ROBERT MUELLER.

James Comey's exposed crimes / criminal behavior that have been exposed were results of applied lessons learned.

For example, evidence and testimony show Comey is 'up to his a$$ in alligators' in the form of FISA Court abuse evidence and investigations. Former FBI DIRECTOR Mueller was hauled before a Secret FISA Court to answer for 75 cases of FBI FISA Court Abuses, which included crimes of giving false statements, knowingly using un-verified information, and for Omission - hiding information from the Court.
--- HIDING information was not anything new to Mueller - as a prosecutor he withheld evidence that proved the 4 men he sent to jail for years were innocent. Jump to the current scandal in which both evidence and testimony prove both Come's FBI and Rosenstein withheld from the court that the Dossier was political propaganda bought by Hillary Clinton.

Comey destroyed the FBI?

By late 2009 the FBI already had strong evidence of kickbacks and money laundering by Russian nuclear-energy entities operating in the United States in clear violation of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
--- Released / exposed FBI records reveal the FBI 'sat' on the information / evidence, and Justice Department waited until December of 2015 – five years after the first evidence of criminal wrongdoing-- to offer a plea bargain and jail sentence for the Russian executive in charge of Tenex, the U.S. affiliate of Russia’s nuclear energy agency, Rosatom.

-- Why Was Obama's Justice Department Silent On Criminal Activity By Russia's Nuclear Agency?


"Mikerin was charged and convicted, along with some American officials, but not until many years later. Ironically, the case was brought by none other than current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein— a magnet for controversy, it turns out.

But the years-long delay in prosecution mean that no one in the public, or in Congress, was aware that the FBI knew through Campbell about the Russian bribery plot as early as 2009 — well before the Obama-led Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approved Uranium One in fall 2010."

-- FBI’s 37 secret pages of memos about Russia, Clintons and Uranium One

Evidence - even the FBI's own documents - shows the FBI was already compromised / corrupt before Comey took over ... or should I say before Mueller handed the reins to his protégé?!

(And when you look at all of the MSSIVE Conflicts of Interest involving Mueller...

- Comey's Mentor

- Former Director of the FBI

- Involved with 75 FBI FISA Court Abuses

- Withheld evidence of Russia crimes for YEARS

- Had been working with Ohr and Steele on the Dossier before an official investigation on Trump had even been opened and before he had been appointed Special Counsel...

...if you are honest, you wonder how the hell Mueller was allowed to be appointed Special Counsel)
I think we were fooled, Easyt65. When he was appointed special counsel, Mueller seemed a good choice. I had no idea of his fall, as I thought he was a good cop from administrations on both sides of the aisle. And other than his 200 page inappropriate rant (#2 add-on) in the wrongful allegation case of Obama/Hillary Democrats v. Trump, that basically went nowhere, he did find no collusion according to the factual part of his findings (#1). At least, that's what I remember. I guess I'm partial to cops. They deal with bad stuff for years, then to keep their job, they have to put up with a corrupt boss or resign and lose their family's retirement security they worked so hard to build. I hate it when good cops go bad, and those temptations are on steroids when it comes to working for the government. :(
I think we were fooled, Easyt65. When he was appointed special counsel, Mueller seemed a good choice.

Mueller was NEVER a good choice. From DAY 1 all the same information was out there for anyone to see....who actually gave a damn:

As FBI Director in 2014 he hid Russian crimes

As FBI Director he was called to answer for 75 incidents of FBI FISA Court Abuses

He was previously FBI Director and Comey's Mentor

As Prosecutor he hid evidence proving the innocence of 4 mean he sent to prison for decades
-- His ass should have been dis-barred permanently for that one, if not also sent to prison to serve a day for every day he stole from those 4 men by knowingly sending them to prison illegally

None of this was 'secret' / hidden from view.
I think we were fooled, Easyt65. When he was appointed special counsel, Mueller seemed a good choice.

Mueller was NEVER a good choice. From DAY 1 all the same information was out there for anyone to see....who actually gave a damn:

As FBI Director in 2014 he hid Russian crimes

As FBI Director he was called to answer for 75 incidents of FBI FISA Court Abuses

He was previously FBI Director and Comey's Mentor

As Prosecutor he hid evidence proving the innocence of 4 mean he sent to prison for decades
-- His ass should have been dis-barred permanently for that one, if not also sent to prison to serve a day for every day he stole from those 4 men by knowingly sending them to prison illegally

None of this was 'secret' / hidden from view.
easyt65, in 2014 when Mueller was hiding his crimes, I was in mourning for my late husband. After 2 years of elder care major issues, he passed, but he was such a good man, full of grace, that I mourned his loss for over two years. I had no interest in things I've attended to all my life. I posted at USMB several years before his illness became a full-time plus overtime job. I can't describe how unfair his illness was, I can only say I was lost for a couple of years, even though I knew that watching over him had to be done rather than stashing him away in a nursing home in which he could not enjoy the wonderful home he provided us. So I bit the bullet, and did my best to take care of him in spite of my own limitations. I never met a more perfect man in this world than he was for the majority of his 44 years of our happy marriage. Watching him lose one faculty after another over time, until the last year when his issues snowballed, was hard. I'm sorry for my 4-year loss of interest in politics. I've been interested since I was 6 years old, when I brought the newspaper into my mama asking who's that man on the front page? Then both my parents explained and talked about how Ike Eisenhower led the world in victory over the Nazis of Germany. I was hooked on presidents and what they do, ever since that day, but all school offered was Weekly Readers which discussed stuff like the tornado that devastated Wichita Falls, Texas, etc. That just made me feel sorry for people. Reading about presidents was my apple pie for dessert, though. Sorry I missed so much in between time, and thank you so kindly for catching me up on what went down in my 4 years of first, confusion, then deep human sorrow after my dear man's passing.
did you hit the nail on the head or what.
beautress ...Once you 'connect the dots', you can see a much clearer picture of what really went down.
Remember, Comey was the Director of the FBI under Obama. I am sure that the former AG Jeff Sessions had secret meetings with former Director James Comey. And met secretly with then-President Obama.
Just follow the white rabbit...so the say.
did you hit the nail on the head or what.
beautress ...Once you 'connect the dots', you can see a much clearer picture of what really went down.
Remember, Comey was the Director of the FBI under Obama. I am sure that the former AG Jeff Sessions had secret meetings with former Director James Comey. And met secretly with then-President Obama.
Just follow the white rabbit...so the say.
Thanks, Ichigo. The white rabbit I found may differ from others. In its beginning, the white rabbit was 900 FBI files found in Hillary Clinton's White House quarters, and given her propensity to lie her ass off and her monumental lack respect for the laws and Constitution she supposedly studied at Yale, I'm pretty sure information became her obsession, because wherever she goes, just one look sends chills up people's spines. All dots lead to Hillary Clinton's spy headquarters. I'm just wondering which of her professors made her so fond of Communism she'd spend years thinking up ways to soft-pedal it to the nation, and she did exactly that when she proclaimed, "It takes a village to raise a child," when in America before Hillary, all it took was two parents to raise a child. I don't like what she's doing to this country. Congress needs to do away with the "I forget" law that removes personal responsibility from the sight of the court, which is particularly nauseating when it is used as a "Get out of jail free" card lawyering brought about.

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