James Madison thought we should live by the ten commandments

Once I prove that then you will ask for the original parchment it was written on and have it carbon dated. I just don't have time for that so I am going to have to trust that people lifted these from other books that got them from other books that was orginally copied when he said them.

See post #32 of this thread.

Ignorant American.
And I have no doubt that every new example will succeed, as every past one has done, in showing that religion and Government will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together.

James Madison

The point you are trying to make does not pertain to this since no one has said that religion is to mandated on the people. All I said that the people are free to choose their religion and have that religion be the restraints that make them civilized. I can't understand how that is a threat to anyone's freedom when they can choose whatever religion they want and are free to do that under the first amendment.

Your thread title has the word 'we' in it.
☭proletarian☭;2108520 said:
In no instance have... the churches been guardians of the liberties of the people.

James Madison

Church was never a threat to your liberties since you can't be compelled to join one by any law and because of that you can not be compelled to abide by their edicts that might endanger your liberities.
(tell that to the pilgrims) :eusa_shhh:

That's kinda why the US exists...

Even when I say that religion exist in the private sphere you still try to attack it. Even when others are free to choose a separate religion you still attack it. Even when I say that people have the right to choose two opposite religions such as satanism and christianity you still attack it.
And I have no doubt that every new example will succeed, as every past one has done, in showing that religion and Government will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together.

James Madison

The point you are trying to make does not pertain to this since no one has said that religion is to mandated on the people. All I said that the people are free to choose their religion and have that religion be the restraints that make them civilized. I can't understand how that is a threat to anyone's freedom when they can choose whatever religion they want and are free to do that under the first amendment.

Your thread title has the word 'we' in it.

He did think we should live by the ten commandments just as he thought we should be self-governed by our choice of religion (or whatever moral code we want). They are not incompatable with each other.
☭proletarian☭;2108515 said:
How bout book, publication date, publisher, and page number?

Or document and paragraph?

With idiots, you have to take slow steps. :eusa_shhh: :lol:
He's had three pages to source it! A page and a half since he was called on it.
He did think we should live by the ten commandments just as he thought we should be self-governed by our choice of religion (or whatever moral code we want). They are not incompatable with each other.

No he didn't, you twit. Did you not bother to read that you and the rest of your ridiculous right wing blogs are all taking a quote from Madison that he never said.

Let me repeat that so you can't avoid saying you never saw it.

Madison never said that quote, ever.
Those were legitmate so if you don't believe them that is your problem. I assume that if people repeat that so many times that it probably got checked along the line.

You're not listening, like you, they all got them from emails.

snopes.com: Religious Symbols in the U.S. National Capital

James Madison, the fourth president, known as "The Father of Our Constitution" made the following statement "We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."

Actually, this statement appears nowhere in the writings or recorded utterances of James Madison and is completely contradictory to his character as a strong proponent of the separation of church and state.

Ignorant American.

I KNEW it didn't sound like something he'd have believed.

I should have known, given the source, that it was a lie.
☭proletarian☭;2108556 said:
He's had three pages to source it! A page and a half since he was called on it.

I actually asked him for a source in the 2nd post of this thread.

It shows you he's purposefully being a ignorant fool.
☭proletarian☭;2108556 said:
He's had three pages to source it! A page and a half since he was called on it.

I actually asked him for a source in the 2nd post of this thread.

I stand corrected. :redface:


This is for you Ihope.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPHuE5pDlEs]YouTube - Say What Again!![/ame]

Time to fess up to your bullshit.
☭proletarian☭;2108556 said:
☭proletarian☭;2108515 said:
How bout book, publication date, publisher, and page number?

Or document and paragraph?

With idiots, you have to take slow steps. :eusa_shhh: :lol:
He's had three pages to source it! A page and a half since he was called on it.

I suspect this tactic comes right out of the rules for radicals. I'll have to read it to make sure but I'm betting that it is.
I suspect this tactic comes right out of the rules for radicals. I'll have to read it to make sure but I'm betting that it is.

Asking someone to source their bullshit is a radical idea?

English motherfucker, do you speak it?
☭proletarian☭;2108556 said:
With idiots, you have to take slow steps. :eusa_shhh: :lol:
He's had three pages to source it! A page and a half since he was called on it.

I suspect this tactic comes right out of the rules for radicals. I'll have to read it to make sure but I'm betting that it is.
Never read it, but I think when I read the Federalist Papers (annotated), they referenced everything.

In fact, all the books I read have references either in the footnotes or in the back of the books.

I'd tell you whether they were mostly APA or MLA, but I don't remember the difference and I don't feel like Googling it.
The point you are trying to make does not pertain to this since no one has said that religion is to mandated on the people. All I said that the people are free to choose their religion and have that religion be the restraints that make them civilized. I can't understand how that is a threat to anyone's freedom when they can choose whatever religion they want and are free to do that under the first amendment.

Your thread title has the word 'we' in it.

He did think we should live by the ten commandments just as he thought we should be self-governed by our choice of religion (or whatever moral code we want). They are not incompatable with each other.

"He did think we should live by the ten commandments just as he thought we should be self-governed by our choice of religion (or whatever moral code we want). They are not incompatable with each other. "

many people need religion.

many christians admit that they would not know right from wrong without a guide book to tell them.

they go on to admit that they ONLY Reason they behave relatively decently is because they are afraid of burning in hell forever.

belief in (and fear of) god and hell keep them from raping and beating and stealing and killing.

so I encourage you to continue in your belief as long as it keeps you from behaving badly.

As for me...
I don't need no god

I KNOW right from wrong! like the back of my hand!

don't kill!
don't steal!
don't lie!
don't cheat!
don't rape!
don't enslave anyone
don't force everyone to obey YOUR OWN STUPID RULES!
live and let live!
do unto others!
help when you can!

now THESE are better words to live by than the 10 commandments

I mean....really..

"BE NICE!" beats the hell out of "worship ONLY ME!"

and "help when you can" is much better than "make no craven images"

I daresay that we'd all be better of if you and madison followed MY philosophy
Maybe Ihope is a communist?

After all, he doesn't want people to commit adultery, which means he's for legalizing the behavior of others.

He's agreeing that people shouldn't work on the sabbath or be killed, so he's for the government controlling the work force.

He's against coveting neighbor's goods, so it's clearly obvious he's against capitalism.


This explains everything! He goes after what he considers communists as to not draw suspicion upon himself! :eek:

In case you did not read the entire thing he said that the government was not to restrict people and that people were to be guided by their conscience. In his case it meant the ten commandments. This he chose for himself but other people may choose other things to follow. I am free not to do all the things you said a Christian should do. I should not have to explain this but it is becoming more common with people who believe in the god-like status of government.

Hopeless, James Madison never said those words. They are lies concocted for propaganda purposes by Conservatives that have nothing but disdain for our founding fathers.
In case you did not read the entire thing he said that the government was not to restrict people and that people were to be guided by their conscience. In his case it meant the ten commandments. This he chose for himself but other people may choose other things to follow. I am free not to do all the things you said a Christian should do. I should not have to explain this but it is becoming more common with people who believe in the god-like status of government.

Except Madison never said that quote.

Are you an American? If the answer is no the but out.

I am an American. And have a nice little dd214 that says honorable.

Which still has nothing at all to do with the fact that you are attempting to put words that James Madison never said, and would not have said, into his mouth.

In case you are not aware of it, Madison's home was quite near Jefferson's, and they often visited each other, and were both of the same opinion concerning the wall of seperation between church and state. And both were Diests, not Christians.
The point you are trying to make does not pertain to this since no one has said that religion is to mandated on the people. All I said that the people are free to choose their religion and have that religion be the restraints that make them civilized. I can't understand how that is a threat to anyone's freedom when they can choose whatever religion they want and are free to do that under the first amendment.

Your thread title has the word 'we' in it.

He did think we should live by the ten commandments just as he thought we should be self-governed by our choice of religion (or whatever moral code we want). They are not incompatable with each other.

Hopeless you just don't get it, do you? James Madison never said those words.

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