James Webb space telescope. 10 billion dollars, wasted in space.

The only thing Biden wanted to improve with his "infrastructure" package is the bank accounts of his cronies.
I don't know about there, but I see more construction going on, especially Bridges here in the Midwest than I've ever seen before. I suggest you get your head out of your ass and get out and about and look around at everything that's going on.
I don't know about there, but I see more construction going on, especially Bridges here in the Midwest than I've ever seen before. I suggest you get your head out of your ass and get out and about and look around at everything that's going on.
Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.
ten billion spent on a telescope is not ten million flushed down the toilet. That money pays for equipment, materials, scientists, technicians, etc., etc. It flows down into the economy, it doesn't to out into space.
You're giving Creepy Joe credit for replacing bridges in your area when it's doubtful any infrastructure money has even flowed yet.

Might wanna be a little more careful flinging the "moron" label about.
Nebraska is getting 3 billion from the infrastructure bill Iowa even more. These dot projects are depending on that money. They've already begun. This is the biggest improvement since the interstate system was developed.
Nebraska is getting 3 billion from the infrastructure bill Iowa even more. These dot projects are depending on that money. They've already begun. This is the biggest improvement since the interstate system was developed.
There is a distinct lack of links in your post.
There is a distinct lack of links in your post.
Right ! You got me there as usual you pricks I don't know how to post things so you got me I can't prove it but you don't have the courtesy to look it up.
Right ! You got me there as usual you pricks I don't know how to post things so you got me I can't prove it but you don't have the courtesy to look it up.
I have no obligation to do your homework for you, boy. That didn't work for you last year in middle school, and it ain't gonna work now.

So since you refuse to back up your claim, your claim is garbage and dismissed.
I have no obligation to do your homework for you, boy. That didn't work for you last year in middle school, and it ain't gonna work now.

So since you refuse to back up your claim, your claim is garbage and dismissed.
I hope you understand you are the garbage. There are answers everywhere, but you have to be open to them in the first place. And I'm no boy, I'm 71 years of age in this lifetime. I thank GOD everyday that I don't have to return to this miserable planet. Actually the planet is beautiful and could be a paradise but the human beings that inhabited have ruined all that and are slowly but surely destroying what's left of the good. They can't even act civilized to one another, so it ends.
We should first try to solve the many problems here on Earth, before we look to colonize or venture out to other planets, that may not even be able to support human existence. Fix the problems in our home Earth, before we look to venture away from the Earth.
I agree with that, but the James Webb space telescope helped us learn more about the other planets such as we can't colonize the moon, Mars and other planets in our solar system. I think we learned that we can't live on Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter that we thought was similar to Earth. I think that kills colonizing any planets and moons in our solar system. In our solar system, we can only live on giant satellites. It added to what we learned from the Hubble telescope.
I agree with that, but the James Webb space telescope helped us learn more about the other planets such as we can't colonize the moon, Mars and other planets in our solar system. I think we learned that we can't live on Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter that we thought was similar to Earth. I think that kills colonizing any planets and moons in our solar system. In our solar system, we can only live on giant satellites. It added to what we learned from the Hubble telescope.

How did the telescope show us we can't colonize the moon?
I would consider $10 billion going to welfare to be a complete waste of money. A despicable waste.

$10 billion going to leading edge scientific research would a good use of my tax money. Better than hundreds of other ways the government spends my money.
How did the telescope show us we can't colonize the moon?
We know the moon and Mars aren't protected from solar winds by at a moderate magnetic field like Earth. The longest astronauts stayed on the moon was about 18 hours by Apollo 17. There was no life, no even a microbe on the moon or Mars. NASA is afraid of sending a crew out to Mars because they'll have to stay longer. What if a crew member died of radiation? That would be a catastrophe.
I hear that the James Webb space telescope cost 10 billion dollars to make. When will this throwing money away on these space projects end.? We keeps spending money on these Mars rovers, exploring a dead planet, now we have just wasted 10 billion dollars on this James Webb telescope. People are still starving here on Earth, in Afghanistan, and Ethiopia. When will this wasting money in insignificant space exploration going to end? Your thoughts.
Why are we throwing money away on Ukraine and Biden's BS infrastructure???
I hope you understand you are the garbage. There are answers everywhere, but you have to be open to them in the first place. And I'm no boy, I'm 71 years of age in this lifetime. I thank GOD everyday that I don't have to return to this miserable planet. Actually the planet is beautiful and could be a paradise but the human beings that inhabited have ruined all that and are slowly but surely destroying what's left of the good. They can't even act civilized to one another, so it ends.
In 71 years you should have learned that no one is obligated to believe something simply because you say it.

If you're not a child, stop acting like a child.

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