Jan 24th will mark 1000 days that the senate has not passed a budget

The Senate cannot fulfill it's role in the budget process without the house being cooperative in some measure. If the house is unwilling to compromise during the reconciliation phase then there will be no budget.

In your previous post you stated that the Senate voted on the House budget.
The entire Senate or just a budget committee?

If it was voted on by the entire Senate and killed, the House would then have to re-submit a budget wouldn't they? Or would it fall on the Senate to take up the task?

Because, right now, the House can pass just about any Budget they want to with a (R) majority.
With whom would they 'compromise'?

The Dems proposed a Budget and it was literally death-by-suicide. Their own party voted against it. :lol:

Isn't the President supposed to come up with some sort of a recommendation? Where is that at?

Did you ever get an answer to your questions???? Hmmmm....didn't see any. Wonder where Occupied went???

Probably back to his cardboard tent downtown
Don't blame the prez (past and present) the congress (house and senate) is and has been the problem.
"Can't we just file it under 'money in, money out' and have done with it?" Blank Reg (Max Headroom)

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