Jan 6th Committee Lied About The Death Of Officer Sicknick

Dang. You're not even close to being sane. Has no one told you this before? I'm sure they have. Why didn't you listen?

Remember, your fellow cultists are not your friends. They just want to use you, so they won't tell you the truth.
As if this poster can't think for herself... ROTFLMBO 🤣

How insulting are you people ?
Who's melting down? You're just a dickhead magaturd without a critical thought in your pointy head. Like always. Same shit, different day. :dunno:
You’re melting down asshole. Screeching and nothing to say but “fuck you”. As usual for an ignorant, uneducated blowhard like you who does nothing but repeat you’re Dim master’s talking points. So you can go fuck yourself.
...You’ve been shown the legal definition. ....
There is no "legal definition" of something with no basis in law. Having a child in America makes that child a US citizen but does NOT change the immigration status of the parents.
There is no "legal definition" of something with no basis in law. Having a child in America makes that child a US citizen but does NOT change the immigration status of the parents.
Yawn. Run along and whine like a troll to somebody who cares. You really shouldn’t be teaching children anything with your ignorant, arrogant, idiotic attitude. Going to cry about fantasy football some more next asshole?
There is no "legal definition" of something with no basis in law. Having a child in America makes that child a US citizen but does NOT change the immigration status of the parents, so no “anchor.”
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You’re melting down asshole. Screeching and nothing to say but “fuck you”. As usual for an ignorant, uneducated blowhard like you who does nothing but repeat you’re Dim master’s talking points. So you can go fuck yourself.
What 'Dim master talking points'? Can you be specific? Or, are you talking out of your ass as usual?
Phone call from Hillary Clinton to the White House " Hey Joe ....can we send a drone over to Tucker Carlson's this weekend ?"
Dang. 1. You're not even close to being sane. 2. Has no one told you this before? 3. I'm sure they have. Why didn't you listen?

(4) Remember, your fellow cultists are not your friends. (5) They just want to use you, so they won't tell you the truth.
1. No, you wish. 2. You are mistaken. 3. No. 4. Three strikes, you're out. (5) Right or wrong, my words are my own. I have extensive course work in communication skills in college, and I truly do know how deceit can convince some people to believe the lies stemming from deceit. I doubt that I'm one of them.

Some debaters claim truths that they cannot fathom are really "misinformation." That word doesn't cover every lie that is told.

Good night everyone. I worked hard with puppy training all day long, Those cute little characters wore me out. God bless America and all those who believe in the creator and serve America with love for all.:bigbed:Have a lovely weekend.
A Deadly Insurrection...A Deadly Insurrection...A Deadly Insurrection...A Deadly Insurrection...A Deadly Insurrection

They are disciples of Goebbels: they favor The Big Lie. Keep repeating it loudly enough and it becomes accepted as fact.
1. There were NEVER any 'Insurrectioinsts'.

2. The FBI testified it had aporox 30 undercover FBI & ATF agents in the crowd the night before and day of J6, to include several FBI Agents dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol before anyone entered the Capitol (obviously to lure people into the Capitol).

No one ever suggested they were 'Insurrectionists' ... except you just now.

The J6 protestors were no more 'Insurrectionists' as the FBI & DOJ claim that parents were 'domestic terrorists' as the same DOJ & FBI falsely labeled them.

The real story is not about faux 'Insurrectionists' but rather how the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, Capitol and local Police, and Democrats responsible for the protection of the Capitol FAILED TO PREVENT J6 / THE CAPITOL DESPITE HAVING MONTHS ADVANCED WARNING WITH THEM PROVEN TO HAVE ALL THE INTEL THEY NEEDED.

How did a reported Democrat Judge's son who had a history of mental issues, dressed in fur and cow horns, 'force' Capitol Police to open the Capitol doors for him and get them to escort him through the Capitol and onto the Senate floor?

All that security - over 30 FBI/ATF undercover agents, Capitol Police inside and out, and they let THIS GUY get past them all, be escorted through the Capitol, and walk onto the Senate floor with a Capitol Police escort....

View attachment 763260

That's the best security Democrats, the DC Mayor, DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and Capitol, local, and District police could come up with in several months of planning and preparation?

And through doors I recall are capable of stopping a car.
And does this "evidence" erase the fact that MAGAt retards stormed the nation's capitol in a deadly failed coup trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in our nation's history?

And that this all happened because they were directed there by Donald Trump because Donald Trump couldn't bear loosing the election and wanted to use these insurgent traitors to hold onto power at all costs?

Tucker can present all the doctored video he wants....it doesn't change a single FACT.
Each and every word of that is a LIE.
What 'Dim master talking points'? Can you be specific? Or, are you talking out of your ass as usual?
Yawning. And laughing. And enjoying your pathetic whining. Can’t remember your own posts moron? All you do is repeat the talking points like a good libtard. Run along little boy. Adults are speaking.

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