Jan 6th Committee Lied About The Death Of Officer Sicknick

That is so dishonest. :(
Having watched the weaponized press lying 300 times an hour in the 50 states, it is clear the Schumer Gang have a nefarious intention of fooling the low self-esteem Demmies into their alternative universe of deceit to destroy the Constitution for laffs. They really go spastic when their lies are exposed. Dishonesty is Biden pretending he is the House, Senate, and Judicial Director as President who answers first to China, second to his Deep State Attack Dogs, and never to the American people most of whom he ignores with malice aforethought. Less than all the b.s. and engineered alternate universe of today is a lot more than the breakout of a second Civil war brought on by Feminazi Hillary Rodham Clinton who hates the Constitution and the American people who get in her way.
Having watched the weaponized press lying 300 times an hour in the 50 states, it is clear the Schumer Gang have a nefarious intention of fooling the low self-esteem Demmies into their alternative universe of deceit to destroy the Constitution for laffs. They really go spastic when their lies are exposed. Dishonesty is Biden pretending he is the House, Senate, and Judicial Director as President who answers first to China, second to his Deep State Attack Dogs, and never to the American people most of whom he ignores with malice aforethought. Less than all the b.s. and engineered alternate universe of today is a lot more than the breakout of a second Civil war brought on by Feminazi Hillary Rodham Clinton who hates the Constitution and the American people who get in her way.
300 times an hour in the 50 states? WTF?

Schumer is in the Senate...the House had the 1/6 hearings, dingbat.
The Democrats LIED??????



There is no such thing as an "anchor baby," and YOU are NOT going to shoot anyone, you empty big-mouth.
You are an idiot. “No such thing as an anchor baby”. Just to embarrass you again...

Now stupid, go on his property and try something if you’re so sure you cowardly shitstain.

I tell ya wut; The day ANTIFA rolls down my street is the day I kill as many of them as I can. IDGAF!
Do you have a clean throw-down you can use? Because you'll need something beltfed or better to take out that many degenerates.
I always thought a BLM or ANTIFA rally was a great place to drop a Cluster Bomb.
In the process of building a communist society after Fidel Castro came to power in 1959 in Cuba, one of the ideas Che Guevara presented and promoted was the notion of the “new man.” This concept grew out of Guevara’s aversion to capitalism, and was first explained in his note on “Man and Socialism in Cuba“. He believed that “The individual under socialism (…) is more complete,” and that the state should educate men and women in anti-capitalist, cooperative, selfless and non-materialistic values.

Anyone who deviated from the “new man” was seen as a ”counter-revolutionary.” Such was the case of gay men —whom Guevara referred to as “sexual perverts.” Both Guevara and Castro considered homosexuality a bourgeois decadence. In an interview in 1965, Castro explained that “A deviation of that nature clashes with the concept we have of what a militant communist should be.”

Che Guevara also helped establish the first Cuban concentration camp in Guanahacabibes in 1960. This camp was the first of many. From the Nazis, the Cuban government also adapted the motto at Auschwitz, “Work sets you free,” changing it to “Work will make you men.” According to Álvaro Vargas Llosa, homosexuals, Jehova’s Witnesses, Afro-Cuban priests, and others who were believed to have committed a crime against revolutionary morals, were forced to work in these camps to correct their “anti-social behavior.” Many of them died; others were tortured or raped.

Guevara also espoused racist views. In his diary, he referred to black people as “those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing.” He also thought white Europeans were superior to people of African descent, and described Mexicans as “a band of illiterate Indians.”
Bad people these were..

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