Jan 6th Committee Lied About The Death Of Officer Sicknick

You and Tucker Carlson.

Pull the other leg.
Tucker got nothing that wasn't publicly available to people that know how to collect data at the right time. Boomer politicians in Congress, which I'm sad to say are being aided and abetted by X-ers, don't do tech for shit. It's magic to the them, as well as the uneducated that supports them.

There is a way to view an entire timeline of pre and post 'shitty insurrection' (my term) video posted to social media from every mobile device broadcasting at the time.

The Congressional dog and pony show the media portrays tells you this is 'all new'.

You believe it. Not my problem.
Talk, talk, talk - meaningless self indulgence
There is no such thing as an "anchor baby." No "anchoring" takes place.
Some believe if you're born on US soil, you're a citizen. Even if your biological parents weren't. This is the true bit.

However, some also believe it's an 'anchor' to citizenship for the scary, undocumented (enter race/color here) parents taking advantage of the the system, and the jobs and benefits so much so that core, conservative christians feel like they're being oppressed (replaced, etc. - stupid shit), details be damned.

And if you disagree? You're a fucking leftist, commie piece of shit. Hallelujah!

^^^^^^Do I agree with any of this? :dunno: Not really.^^^^^^^

Is it 'anchor baby' a real thing in here? Of course it is.
I am being a racist? Bwaaahhaaaaa.....Since when is it okay for people to firebomb minority businesses, throw bricks at police(both black and white) and murder black people who dont agree with their policies? You are the racist, for support the same people who gave us the KKK, now BLM/ANTIFA. Nothing has changed with the Democrat Party, except shooting unarmed white women. That is something new in their "War on Women".
You southern fuckups built monuments to those racists and cry when we remove them.

Don't you fuckup.
Some believe if you're born on US soil, you're a citizen. Even if your biological parents weren't. This is the true bit.

However, some also believe it's an 'anchor' to citizenship for the scary, undocumented (enter race/color here) parents taking advantage of the the system, and the jobs and benefits so much so that core, conservative christians feel like they're being oppressed (replaced, etc. - stupid shit), details be damned.

And if you disagree? You're a fucking leftist, commie piece of shit. Hallelujah!

^^^^^^Do I agree with any of this? :dunno: Not really.^^^^^^^

Is it 'anchor baby' a real thing in here? Of course it is.
How about anchor wives who chain migrate their families after marrying a fat orange fuckup.
300 times an hour in the 50 states? WTF?

Schumer is in the Senate...the House had the 1/6 hearings, dingbat.
In the not too distant future you will become aware of the "Great Lie" and it was funny to see Schumer on TV trying to keep the false narrative of January the sixth a secret by actually his pretense that some of his sycophants will come to disbelieve when they view the video Mr. Tucker Carlson showed the video that shot down the narrative that a man sentenced to four years for "terrorism" was kindly walked peacefully through the Capitol, and his attorney was denied access to videos showing his client was walked peacefully and patriotically with a friendly cop who opened doors and chatted cordially with his demeanor showing appreciation by praying toward the end of his friendly visit that his escorts for their safety as well as for the peaceful protesters alike. He wasn't terrifyng at all.
In the not too distant future you will become aware of the "Great Lie" and it was funny to see Schumer on TV trying to keep the false narrative of January the sixth a secret by actually his pretense that some of his sycophants will come to disbelieve when they view the video Mr. Tucker Carlson showed the video that shot down the narrative that a man sentenced to four years for "terrorism" was kindly walked peacefully through the Capitol, and his attorney was denied access to videos showing his client was walked peacefully and patriotically with a friendly cop who opened doors and chatted cordially with his demeanor showing appreciation by praying toward the end of his friendly visit that his escorts for their safety as well as for the peaceful protesters alike. He wasn't terrifyng at all.
BooHoo little pussy ass bitch.
In the not too distant future you will become aware of the "Great Lie" and it was funny to see Schumer on TV trying to keep the false narrative of January the sixth a secret by actually his pretense that some of his sycophants will come to disbelieve when they view the video Mr. Tucker Carlson showed the video that shot down the narrative that a man sentenced to four years for "terrorism" was kindly walked peacefully through the Capitol, and his attorney was denied access to videos showing his client was walked peacefully and patriotically with a friendly cop who opened doors and chatted cordially with his demeanor showing appreciation by praying toward the end of his friendly visit that his escorts for their safety as well as for the peaceful protesters alike. He wasn't terrifyng at all.
You see it like a magaturd. I watched the entire feed. What I saw was LEO doing what they needed to do, which is escort, even when outnumbered 8 to 1 by angry magaturds.

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