Jan 6th Committee Lied About The Death Of Officer Sicknick

Relax, big mouth. YOU are not going to shoot anyone. If anyone breaks the law, have law enforcement arrest and charge them. That is reality, not your wannabe tough guy fantasy bullshit.

I have seen videos, as you probably have, of Officers telling citizens 'if someone breaks into your home SHOOT THEM, don't wait on the police because it will take 'us' too long to get there'.

To protect my family, I have no problem with that.
I have seen videos, as you probably have, of Officers telling citizens 'if someone breaks into your home SHOOT THEM, don't wait on the police because it will take 'us' too long to get there'.

To protect my family, I have no problem with that.
Wannabe tough boy wasn't talking about someone breaking into his house in the middle of the night. He was gassing on about gunning down anyone who enters the state if he doesn't like them. There are too many assholes in the world to run around shooting them all. Tough boy is absolutely NOT going to shoot anyone in the streets. All talk bullshitters are a dime a dozen on the internet.
Everything that the Democrats told everyone about Jan 6th was a lie.

Care4All says the claim that Officer Sicknick was murdered during the violent protest is NOT a 'false narrative'. I called her out on it.

After thinki g about it I have decided she wa right.
Everything that the Democrats told everyone about Jan 6th was a lie.

Care4All says the claim that Officer Sicknick was murdered during the violent protest is NOT a 'false narrative'. I called her out on it.

After thinking about it I have decided she was right.

It isn't a 'false narrative' - it's a flat-out LIE
Care4All says the claim that Officer Sicknick was murdered during the violent protest is NOT a 'false narrative'. I called her out on it.

After thinki g about it I have decided she wa right.

Care4All says the claim that Officer Sicknick was murdered during the violent protest is NOT a 'false narrative'. I called her out on it.

After thinking about it I have decided she was right.

It isn't a 'false narrative' - it's a flat-out LIE
Care4All is basically a well-meaning person who refuses to have an open mind.
She cannot ever bring herself to admit she was snookered by the left once again.
She takes her cues from the mainstream media and will trust them to her grave no matter how many times they're caught red-handed committing fraud.
It's not all new....just never been made public.
There's a good reason it was never made public.
It destroys the Democrat's fake insurrection claims.
Much of it was public information, and It sure as fuck doesn't make magaturds look like non violent, patriotic Americans like they're trying to gaslight the public with.
Because he's a nitwit.
Then so is Liz Cheney and the rest of the Jan 6th Committee that attempted to seal the videos for 50 yrs as if they were the Zapruter Tapes.

The fact remains....they desperately tried to keep all of the evidence from coming out because it totally changes the reality on the ground on Jan 6th. A lot of funny shit was going on and the public needed to know it. But they chose to present doctored evidence in those hearings that tainted public opinion.

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I know what you dumbfucks think, i am not socialist, but a capitalist and believe in nationalism. While you a Marxist socialist, hates this country and anyone who wants to defend it from shits like you.

View attachment 763244
Hilarious fuckup

Again, I didn't call you a socialist. I called you what you are...a national socialist.
So you admit you refuse to leave your echo chamber to watch the actual footage. Your cowardice is noted.
We all saw what the insurrection was about and who participated in it.

Your sycophant lies will not change that.
We all saw what the insurrection was about and who participated in it.

Your sycophant lies will not change that.
You were there? If not, you saw nothing but what your Dem masters allowed you to see. And you refuse to watch the rest of the footage. So your claim is that the videos being shown are lying? Prove it.

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