Jan 6th Committee Lied About The Death Of Officer Sicknick

I have seen videos, as you probably have, of Officers telling citizens 'if someone breaks into your home SHOOT THEM, don't wait on the police because it will take 'us' too long to get there'.

To protect my family, I have no problem with that.
We were literally told that by a police officer in the late 80's after a family down the street came to our house for refuge after being terrorized by drunk, enraged, estranged father and husband who they were afraid was going to kill them. The brute had already attacked several people in the neighborhood. That was when my stepfather bought his first gun. A few years I bought my first gun when HIS mother was raped by an intruder in the middle of the night! Those police officers told us to "shoot to kill" in exactly those words.
Having watched the weaponized press lying 300 times an hour in the 50 states, it is clear the Schumer Gang have a nefarious intention of fooling the low self-esteem Demmies into their alternative universe of deceit to destroy the Constitution for laffs. They really go spastic when their lies are exposed. Dishonesty is Biden pretending he is the House, Senate, and Judicial Director as President who answers first to China, second to his Deep State Attack Dogs, and never to the American people most of whom he ignores with malice aforethought. Less than all the b.s. and engineered alternate universe of today is a lot more than the breakout of a second Civil war brought on by Feminazi Hillary Rodham Clinton who hates the Constitution and the American people who get in her way.
Are you off your meds again?
I guess when you saw the suitcases being pulled out from under the tables by Marxists election talliers after 2am,
Nobody saw that.

Now, a few lying fascist traitors pretend they do, but since they're fascist traitors, destined to freeze in Hell for eternity, nobody cares about them.

Your RepubliRussian masters aren't going to be happy with your output here. They expect better lies from you. And so do we. Given how many years you've been lying, you have no excuse for sucking at it so badly.

Now run along, little commie-enabler. Putin needs another coat of saliva applied, so your skills are required
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You were there? If not, you saw nothing but what your Dem masters allowed you to see. And you refuse to watch the rest of the footage. So your claim is that the videos being shown are lying? Prove it.
We all saw the live TV coverage sycophant fuckup.

No tiny snippet of video will change that.
We all saw the live TV coverage sycophant fuckup.

No tiny snippet of video will change that.
No. You saw a tiny snippet that your masters showed you you racist fuck. Now you’re crying because the truth has been shown. Continue your meltdown.
What did I claim I would do that I will not? Have you ever even heard of logic?
I’ll type slowly for you. YOU claim nobody will shoot anybody. Yet you don’t have the guts to prove your idiotic claim. Just more bluster from a phony “teacher”.
Everything that the Democrats told everyone about Jan 6th was a lie.

All together now..........

THERE! We stopped them!! :auiqs.jpg:
No, you saw what your Dem masters let you see. While ignoring the rest.
This one and his fellow lead-paint-chip-eaters actually believe that if there's a snippet of someone not committing a crime, then snippets of that person committing a crime can be ignored.

The scary thing is that they vote, and that their votes count as much as any normal person's.
I’ll type slowly for you. YOU claim nobody will shoot anybody. Yet you don’t have the guts to prove your idiotic claim....
You really have no idea what logic is, do you? I didn't say I would do anything. I said he would not shoot political idiots the moment they set foot in the state. You know damn well he will not. The conversation was not about midnight home invasion, it was not about shooting back in self defense, it was about some bullshitting blowhard trying to thump his little chest on the internet. Is any of this starting to get through to you?
Carlson is a propagandist of the worst kind.
Of course you see it that way cultist, but thinking folks know how to discern the bad from the good whenever listening to these talk shows. Tucker has some great show's and material, but of course he isn't perfect, and nobody thinks that he is, but flip the script and you cultist won't break from the narrative until hell freezes over. ....
This one and his fellow lead-paint-chip-eaters actually believe that if there's a snippet of someone not committing a crime, then snippets of that person committing a crime can be ignored.

The scary thing is that they vote, and that their votes count as much as any normal person's.
Talking about leftist right ? Oh yes, that's right you are. Duh me.
This one and his fellow lead-paint-chip-eaters actually believe that if there's a snippet of someone not committing a crime, then snippets of that person committing a crime can be ignored.

The scary thing is that they vote, and that their votes count as much as any normal person's.
Pathetic attempt at a retorts. This one and his fellow degenerate defenders think that withholding exculpatory evidence is perfectly fine. “He” and his fellow shit eaters applaud a corrupt DOJ and are crying because the truth has come out.
You really have no idea what logic is, do you? I didn't say I would do anything. I said he would not shoot political idiots the moment they set foot in the state. You know damn well he will not. The conversation was not about midnight home invasion, it was not about shooting back in self defense, it was about some bullshitting blowhard trying to thump his little chest on the internet. Is any of this starting to get through to you?
Hey asshole, you made an assumption that made you look like an ASS. As usual. You’re nothing but a coward who shouldn’t be teaching kids. So go prove how tough you are. Oh wait....

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