Jan 6th Committee Lied About The Death Of Officer Sicknick

You see it like a magaturd. I watched the entire feed. What I saw was LEO doing what they needed to do, which is escort, even when outnumbered 8 to 1 by angry magaturds.
Your scatalogical and puerile response toward your fellow Americans has earned you time out on my ignore list. You are turning USMB into a scat porn site. I won't have it. Sayonara.
In the not too distant future you will become aware of the "Great Lie" and it was funny to see Schumer on TV trying to keep the false narrative of January the sixth a secret by actually his pretense that some of his sycophants will come to disbelieve when they view the video Mr. Tucker Carlson showed the video that shot down the narrative that a man sentenced to four years for "terrorism" was kindly walked peacefully through the Capitol, and his attorney was denied access to videos showing his client was walked peacefully and patriotically with a friendly cop who opened doors and chatted cordially with his demeanor showing appreciation by praying toward the end of his friendly visit that his escorts for their safety as well as for the peaceful protesters alike. He wasn't terrifyng at all.
Carlson is a propagandist of the worst kind.
And YOU get to spend the rest of your life in jail - or worse. YDGAF!
Not down here in Florida. Sorry but the law says that terrorists can be shot by law abiding citizens. You are such a baby in denial, when it comes to killing terrorists. Do you support terroists?
The "term" unicorn exists. That does NOT mean that actual unicorns exist.
1 horn animals do exist, might want to go back to school and read up on biology. Dumbass.

Yeah fuckup, you're a national socialist.

A fascist.
Capitalist are not national socialists because we dont believe in central government, you fucking moron, which is why we are rebelling against the swamp establishment, while you with the brain less than an ant, just marches to the orders given to you by your Marxist political elites. Why else are you defending them when they have ruined your life, with high fuel prices, high food prices, and high inflation over all. You are such a dumbass sheeple.
Tucker got nothing that wasn't publicly available to people that know how to collect data at the right time. Boomer politicians in Congress, which I'm sad to say are being aided and abetted by X-ers, don't do tech for shit. It's magic to the them, as well as the uneducated that supports them.

There is a way to view an entire timeline of pre and post 'shitty insurrection' (my term) video posted to social media from every mobile device broadcasting at the time.

The Congressional dog and pony show the media portrays tells you this is 'all new'.

You believe it. Not my problem.
It's not all new....just never been made public.
There's a good reason it was never made public.
It destroys the Democrat's fake insurrection claims.
Carlson is a propagandist of the worst kind.
Yes, his unpleasant truths are very inconvenient for the political assassins and fiscal extortionists of the deep state leftists who are knocking themselves out to indoctrinate children to embrace their lies. The deep staters on the left and right confuse people by calling their lies progressive. Nothing except the reality truth is going to put an end to their high taxes imposed on everybody else to pay for their routine laundering their extortion of taxpayer money by way of threatening and demanding that countries receiving US Foreign Aid packages reward them with millions of dollars, free shopping at stores and merchandise malls, and precious jewels as large as the ones Monarchs inherited by way of birth. That is blatantly a no-no in the Constitution of the United States and they well know it and conceal their crimes with omerta pledges to other extortionists in the House ans Senate. People who believe the Constitution is a framework for legislation would be disappointed by the Deep State. This has been going on for decades. If you can't wrap your mind around it, you need to educate yourself by reading a few books by David Berkowitz who was formerly a leftist until he realized how criminal thieving of the US Treasury the working class filled by the sweat of their brows. Love, beautress
Didn't happen, and you should swing at the end of a rope for pushing the false narrative.
Should all of the election deniers be swinging too if that is the criteria?

We're going to need more rope. PS: What's your neck size...a 3?
Nothing except the reality truth is going to put an end to their high taxes imposed on everybody else to pay for their routine laundering their extortion of taxpayer money by way of threatening and demanding that countries receiving US Foreign Aid packages reward them with millions of dollars, free shopping at stores and merchandise malls, and precious jewels as large as the ones Monarchs inherited by way of birth.

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