Jane Fonda triples down on her insanity


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.

Jane Fonda decries inaction on climate, apologizes to the young: ‘Sorry that we’ve created this issue for you’

I’m sorry she’s so fucking absurd.

Is there anyone alive who takes that moron seriously?
View attachment 931767

Jane Fonda decries inaction on climate, apologizes to the young: ‘Sorry that we’ve created this issue for you’

I’m sorry she’s so fucking absurd.

Is there anyone alive who takes that moron seriously?
she is saner than you are and probably correct on this issue.

and look at that , ted turner did not need to marry a younger woman. this girl takes reasonable care of herself. ted may not need to pay hush money to porn stars, but he pays our un dues.
she is saner than you are and probably correct on this issue

^ proof that you lost all your marbles long ago.
and look, ted turner did not need to marry a younger woman. this girl takes reasonable care of herself. ted may not need to pay hush money to porn stars, but he pays our un due

Yeah. That’s the point. 🙄
she is saner than you are and probably correct on this issue.

and look at that , ted turner did not need to marry a younger woman. this girl takes reasonable care of herself. ted may not need to pay hush money to porn stars, but he pays our un dues.
She's been an anti-American bitch since her Hanoi Jane days throwing Viet Nam vets under the bus. She isn't any better 60 years later.
She was always a bit crazy.... always defending silly causes.... a very insecure woman all her life.... she never

could get away from the fact that she had a very popular and famous father, always living under his

View attachment 931767

Jane Fonda decries inaction on climate, apologizes to the young: ‘Sorry that we’ve created this issue for you’

I’m sorry she’s so fucking absurd.

Is there anyone alive who takes that moron seriously?
This is a representation of much of humanity. Weak minded. Followers. Easily influenced and desperate to be a part of the group regardless of how absurd a statement sounds.

How many people were murdered by otherwise, law-abiding citizens during covid because someone was a foot too close to them, not outside the arbitrary "six foot" recommendation?

Think about that. People were MURDERED in cold blood because they weren't wearing a mask or didn't give space to another around them.

This is our species. I've experienced it here in another cult-like Security Industrial Complex. They spit on the graves of those who lost their lives for our freedom, they know better but don't care.

Our species ultimately won't last nearly as long as we could have. Too smart for our own good, but also too obedient in large masses in the face of immoral or illogical circumstances.
she is saner than you are and probably correct on this issue.

and look at that , ted turner did not need to marry a younger woman. this girl takes reasonable care of herself. ted may not need to pay hush money to porn stars, but he pays our un dues.
As opposed to POTUS known as Bathhouse Barry.

Another POTUS who showered with his daughter and has a crackhead son who fucked his brother's wife and his daughter.

I'd take the word of a former president who never did any of the above, over the word of a porn star, a convicted perjurer,......


Raise your hand if you thought that smelly gash was dead.... yeah, me too.

Soon enough, I'm sure.... patience, grasshopper. OJ was just ahead of that godless shit missile....

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