Jason Chaffetz, other GOP, voted to cut funding for embassy security

This falls on Hillary and Obama, dont try to distract from the real problem here because it wont work.

How does one increase security when the budget for said security is being cut?

Right-Wing Media's Libya Consulate Security Mythology Falls Apart

The conservative media talking point that the White House abdicated its responsibility to secure the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, took a hit Wednesday when CNN's Soledad O'Brien pressed Congressman Jason Chaffetz to acknowledge that he joined House Republicans in voting to cut funding for embassy security.

Since the September attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, the right-wing media have attacked the Obama administration for supposedly not having enough security at the compound. That myth is undermined by a State Department explanation that "no reasonable security presence could have successfully fended" off the attack.

Chaffetz, a surrogate for Mitt Romney's presidential campaign who is helping to lead an investigation into the attack, appeared to discuss that investigation on CNN's Starting Point with Soledad O'Brien. During the interview, Chaffetz echoed the right-wing media talking point that security was insufficient in Benghazi. But O'Brien pointed out the fundamental hypocrisy in this argument by noting that Chaffetz, like other Republicans in the House, voted to cut funding for embassy security.

O'Brien asked: "Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?" Chaffetz responded: "Absolutely. Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country."

What a load of shit, although typical of mediamatters. There were repeated requests for additional security from embassy staff that were ignored by Clinton-Obama and now, typically, all they can do is whine that the Republicans were mean to them. It's time to throw these incompetents out.
This falls on Hillary and Obama, dont try to distract from the real problem here because it wont work.

How does one increase security when the budget for said security is being cut?

No appropriation has passed the executive cutting security. That's how. It's a false argument made to try adn shift the fact that the white house lied, did not follow through on known security risks and is now trying to push damage control thorugh LOLberal media outlets that are deliberately smearing facts to change the topic from what really happened, to false premise.
This falls on Hillary and Obama, dont try to distract from the real problem here because it wont work.

How does one increase security when the budget for said security is being cut?

That is what executive orders are form.....when something comes up that is urgent and does not have the time to go theorugh the legislative branch.

Curious.....exactly where is the memorandum to congress that there was an urgent situation that required re-thinking of a budget cut?

FYI...if you are watching the hearings you would know that the person who fielded the reuqest made it clear in her response to the request that she did not PERSONALLY agree with the request....and then ironically admitted later on that she had NEVER been to Libya.

Seems to me there is a serious lack of true leadership with this adminhistration.

Fast and Furious...no one knew
Libya security issues.....no one knew
Severity of the economy....no one knew

When will "no one knew" going to be considered NOT a valid answer?
Exactkly what does that have to do with the State Department and The Admninistration KNOWINGLY and FALSLEY blaming the first ammendment on the death of 4 Americans?

It has nothing to do with it. It also has nothing to do with current security. Considering the appropriation in question has only passed the house adn has not passed the senate or teh white house. This is typical LOLberal spin in order to try and place blame where it doesn't belong.

Are the LOLberal media outlets talking about

H.R. 1: Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011?

Because if so, since they didn't bother to cite any legislation sources (how convenient), this bill has yet to pass the senate or the white house.

It's foolishness from those covering tracks for the failure of the dministration and a way to tow people into thinking we need more security money instead of appropriating the current resources properly. Then of course the lies of the white house on what happened.

What does this have to do with them voting against the funding?

Oh, that's right: nothing. :lol:
So..from what I'm hearing....we take from Peter to pay Paul when our funding is cut. Ok...someone explain to me....WHICH ME embassy should have been beefed up and which ones should have had cuts to pay for it?

Hindsight is 20/20 folks....show me that the Administration SHOULD HAVE known exactly which embassy security to beef up and which to cut IN TIME to have made a difference.......maybe cut Syria's staff security?
They were asked at the Congressional hearing today if lack of funds played any part in denying additional security to our consulate staff in Libya, and the answer under oath was no. Partisans on this board will try any and all tactics to try to steer responsibility away from Obama on this, but it's not going to work.
How much security could be bought with the 90 billion dollars dropped into green energy by this administration. If you're on a budget, then you should pay for those things that are required before you buy those things you want.
Amazing the liberals are running with this..there is no low they will crawl to take the heat off this administration's involvement in the killing of this Ambassador
So..from what I'm hearing....we take from Peter to pay Paul when our funding is cut. Ok...someone explain to me....WHICH ME embassy should have been beefed up and which ones should have had cuts to pay for it?

Hindsight is 20/20 folks....show me that the Administration SHOULD HAVE known exactly which embassy security to beef up and which to cut IN TIME to have made a difference.......maybe cut Syria's staff security?

231 security incidents are what the Ambassador that testified today said. Do you think that might have given them a clue? How about when you have your ambassador sending you cables asking for more security? Or when your allies in Britain say hey, it's too dangerous here. We're bugging out and suggest you do the same. Does that give some clues as to where to allocate your resources?
And remember: they voted to CUT spending for security.

Who cares , If they took the Ambassador out of there it would have cost less anyway then to try to stay in Libya . Quit making excuses for this loser president. The buck always stops at the highest person in charge and Obama bin Ladin is in charge period. He needs to be fired
This falls of the administration and the congress. Let's a cluster foul up by everybody in power. Chaffetz is the type of LDS Utahn and Representative that I despise: pretends to be a conservative but is a libertarian in disguise.

This falls on Hillary and Obama, dont try to distract from the real problem here because it wont work.

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