Jason Chaffetz, other GOP, voted to cut funding for embassy security

This falls on Hillary and Obama, dont try to distract from the real problem here because it wont work.

Except that Hillary warned Republicans a year ago. It's in the congressional record. She is out on front on this. Republicans will look like fools once again. Just like 9/11, this proves that you warn Republicans again and again and it simply doesn't "take". They don't believe in anything except their own delusions until they get smacked in the face. Then it's the Democrats fault.

One thing Republicans still haven't learned: Don't mess with the Clintons.
Amazing the liberals are running with this..there is no low they will crawl to take the heat off this administration's involvement in the killing of this Ambassador

The only thing Republicans take credit for is killing Bin Laden. And it was Republicans who let him go.

Sorry Staph, Hillary warned Republicans a year ago that this could happen. Perhaps Republicans simply can't take warnings from the Clinton's. History repeating itself?
Don't mess with the Clintons?

Funny Bill Clinton had Bin Laden handed to him on a silver platter and he wouldn't take him, left him for the next administration to deal with and we got 9/11..

Now we have ANOTHER Clinton involved in a terrorist attack that they were WARNED about and we have some more people killed.

But we are so lucky we have THE CLINTONS watching our backs..
02/14/2011 Secretary Clinton: "House Republican budget cuts will endanger national security."

And now she has been proven correct.
Vote this administration out folks, they are UNFIT to PROTECT us and our interest over seas
Vote this administration out folks, they are UNFIT to PROTECT us and our interest over seas
No, I think we'll vote to keep them in, and turn the House blue while we are at it.

America is ready for Speaker Pelosi once again!
This falls on Hillary and Obama, dont try to distract from the real problem here because it wont work.

One more Democrat than Republican voted to decrease the security. All that shit's coming out in the wash of the hearings. Tee Hee Hee.
And remember: they voted to CUT spending for security.

Can you post a link or a quote or anything that directly ties any decrease in the security budget to the death of the Ambassador and the 3 others?

Even Obama and Hillary aren't trying that straw man argument...yet.
Congress, and especially the House, is in charge of the country's wallet.

Only the Congress can increase or decrease funding.

149 dems and 147 reps voted to pull 500 Mn of the 2.3 Bn for that, so this absolves the admin of fucking up, how?

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