Jesus Testimonies - How Jesus saved me

Meet Nathaniel!

For anyone who has struggled with homosexual sin - please listen to Nathaniel's story! This story will make you weep for joy! He has such an awesome testimony!
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A cult is anything group that lifts up an organization or someone else other than Jesus Christ as their Savior and LORD. An interesting thing they have in common is that they have listened to false prophets and veered away from Biblical teaching which would have spared them from such deceptions. Without exception - Cults are taught to believe the Bible has mentioned "their Prophet" or religion (false prophet who deceived them into their cult) as "the way" The religion will also teach their followers that unless they do it "their way" (which the King James Bible would clearly identify as NOT the Doctrine of Christ) they cannot enter heaven. A good example is the Catholic Church and their teachings (unscriptural) about Mary and receiving salvation through Mary and through works rather than through the Gospel of Jesus Christ - message of the Cross - John 3:16. The forbidding to marry, abstaining from meat on Friday - praying to dead people, praying to a demon god called Queen of heaven (Semiramis - babylonian cult) all false teachings - that have led to the perishing of millions upon millions of souls. Cults lift up man (in Catholicism it is the Pope - Jesus never appointed any Vicar nor did He teach us to follow a "Vicar". ) He taught us to follow Him! Christianity lifts up Jesus Christ alone as the way to salvation.

A cult is anything group that lifts up an organization or someone else other than Jesus Christ as their Savior and LORD. An interesting thing they have in common is that they have listened to false prophets and veered away from Biblical teaching which would have spared them from such deceptions. Without exception - Cults are taught to believe the Bible has mentioned "their Prophet" or religion (false prophet who deceived them into their cult) as "the way" The religion will also teach their followers that unless they do it "their way" (which the King James Bible would clearly identify as NOT the Doctrine of Christ) they cannot enter heaven. A good example is the Catholic Church and their teachings (unscriptural) about Mary and receiving salvation through Mary and through works rather than through the Gospel of Jesus Christ - message of the Cross - John 3:16. The forbidding to marry, abstaining from meat on Friday - praying to dead people, praying to a demon god called Queen of heaven (Semiramis - babylonian cult) all false teachings - that have led to the perishing of millions upon millions of souls. Cults lift up man (in Catholicism it is the Pope - Jesus never appointed any Vicar nor did He teach us to follow a "Vicar". ) He taught us to follow Him! Christianity lifts up Jesus Christ alone as the way to salvation.

The three main tactics of cults described in the documentary is to worship the founder, make people publicly confess their so called sins, and exploit the gullible, exactly like you do.

If you ever won over a convert what would you do?

Teach them to religiously violate the laws of God by worshiping a false trinity in the form of a human being? Show them how to make easy money by lying in the name of God? Make them twice as fit for hell as you already are?

A cult is anything group that lifts up an organization or someone else other than Jesus Christ as their Savior and LORD. An interesting thing they have in common is that they have listened to false prophets and veered away from Biblical teaching which would have spared them from such deceptions. Without exception - Cults are taught to believe the Bible has mentioned "their Prophet" or religion (false prophet who deceived them into their cult) as "the way" The religion will also teach their followers that unless they do it "their way" (which the King James Bible would clearly identify as NOT the Doctrine of Christ) they cannot enter heaven. A good example is the Catholic Church and their teachings (unscriptural) about Mary and receiving salvation through Mary and through works rather than through the Gospel of Jesus Christ - message of the Cross - John 3:16. The forbidding to marry, abstaining from meat on Friday - praying to dead people, praying to a demon god called Queen of heaven (Semiramis - babylonian cult) all false teachings - that have led to the perishing of millions upon millions of souls. Cults lift up man (in Catholicism it is the Pope - Jesus never appointed any Vicar nor did He teach us to follow a "Vicar". ) He taught us to follow Him! Christianity lifts up Jesus Christ alone as the way to salvation.

The three main tactics of cults described in the documentary is to worship the founder, make people publicly confess their so called sins, and exploit the gullible, exactly like you do.

If you ever won over a convert what would you do?

Teach them to religiously violate the laws of God by worshiping a false trinity in the form of a human being? Show them how to make easy money by lying in the name of God? Make them twice as fit for hell as you already are?

First, Jesus Christ fulfilled the law. He is God, Hobelim. Second, Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and no man can come to the Father except through the Son. Third, I lost count of how many people I've led to the LORD years ago. I have no idea and could not tell you. What I tell everyone is that they should read their bible every day - King James Version Bible - (not a false translation of which there are many) find a good Bible believing Church, be baptized with water and be baptized in the Holy Spirit and it is the Holy Spirit that will teach them and lead them in all truth - just as the Bible tells us.

There is nothing cultish about Christianity. One can go to any church that preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ - denomination matters not. Just follow Jesus and He will lead you to where you need to be.

When you find a church telling you that unless you are their denomination, in their membership and number you cannot go to heaven? You're in a cult. Get out fast.
a cult is inviting but traps people with fear. walking a labyrinth Christian? Ive never heard of it.

Walking a labyrinth is not of God. No. I do agree with you that cults will be very inviting - and they trap people with fear. They can also use control, intimidation, manipulation, other family members or friends who are in the same "religion", traditionalism, false obligation, other methods to hold on to people.

Walking a Labyrinth Exposed 01 Kundalini and Sacred Geometry episode 158 Youth Apologetics Training

...... examine an occult practice that is creeping into the church. It’s called walking a labyrinth. Some of you are asking “what the heck iswalking a labyrinth”. That’s a good question.

Col 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

What is a Labyrinth?

The labyrinth that is being used here is usually circular and is composed of a series of concentric rings that wind back and forth like a maze. There is three different styles primarily used; a seven, eleven and a twelve ring format. There is only one way in, one way out, no forks in the path and no dead ends. The idea is, you walk one single path in to the center and then walk the same path from the center, back out. Many of these labyrinths incorporate what is known as sacred geometry.

What is Sacred Geometry?

Sacred Geometry is the use of sacred shapes and patterns of either nature or God (take your pick), for the purpose of healing and spiritual communion. It’s the idea that God or Mother Nature has placed patterns and shapes in itscreation and by using this sacred geometry; we are able to touch the divine. We will cover sacred geometry in a future miniseries. The path uses a number of 180 degree turns to the left and right introducing the walker to new circuits. With each turn of the path, the left and right sides of the brain are said to be stimulated and thus an altered state of consciousness is supposed to be induced. It is claimed that walking a labyrinth can align the chakras and awaken the serpent spirit (Kundalini) at the base of the spine.

Kundalini and walking a labyrinth

Kundalini is a practice associated with Hinduism, and obviously should not be incorporated into Christianity. It is said that if you walk the labyrinth counter clockwise, you can unwind the Shakti (kundalini serpent) at at the base of your spine. This serpent is sometimes described as the sacred snake of sex and liberation. The Shakti is said to wind its way through your chakras to reunite with Sahasrara, the crown chakra. I will cover Kundalini and the Chakras in a future series as well.

Deu 18:9 When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee,thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

What is, walking a Labyrinth used for?

Walking a labyrinth is useful for meditation, refection, prayer and communion with the divine (sometimes referred to as the divine feminine). They are also used to promote unity of all faiths. This is just one more arrow in the quiver of ecumenicalism. This is the idea that we can unify all faiths of the world into a one world religion. The Bible predicts this will eventually happen. To walk a labyrinth, it is said, you are embarking on a journey of soul searching where you will increase your knowledge of self. Walking a labyrinth is also used as a tool for self-examination. Others claim it is a journey to commune with God. Christians claim they are seeking forgiveness, empowerment and communion with Christ. New Agers claim that brain re-mapping and energy production can occur.

What is walking a labyrinth?

Step one-The Journey Inward: During the first stage of the journey, labyrinth walkers are to quiet their minds, forget all things in life and focus on opening their hearts. This is a time of preparation. As they let go of the things of life, they often will incorporate a chant, or mantra, like “om shanti shanti”. Some go as far as to chant” I am”, over and over. Catholics will pray the Rosary as they walk the labyrinth.

Mat 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
here are some more links to what Labryinth's are about and why Christians should have nothing to do with them or those who promote the practice of such things.
Walking a Labyrinth Exposed 01 Kundalini and Sacred Geometry -episode 158

Walking a Labyrinth Exposed 02 New Age, Mystics and Wiccans -episode 159

Walking a Labyrinth Exposed 03 shamanism, Freemasonry and Catholicism episode 160

Walking a Labyrinth Exposed 04 Labyrinths in the Church episode 162

Walking a Labyrinth Exposed 05 Labyrinths in the Church episode 163
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I knew a little about it...not much. When I first heard about it..just didnt seem right. Get out of the darkness just to walk back into it.
I knew a little about it...not much. When I first heard about it..just didnt seem right. Get out of the darkness just to walk back into it.

The enemy can be very subtle and crafty about how he will try to deceive us and "add" to the Word of God with things like this. It's not unusual, featherlite. Another one of his deceptions is that he calls himself The presence or His presence - one of the things I noted about a church in my own city that is known to be run by Luciferians is their bill board almost always has something posted about "His presence" .....they are of course speaking of Lucifer and not the Lord Jesus Christ but people who do not realize this and become deceived into believing they are a Christian church. My praise report is I began praying against it some time ago and heard that most of the people (who were innocent and had no idea what they were visiting) have all left there and it's all but empty now. To God be the glory - God answers prayer! When you see a group that is misleading Christians with such things just start praying against it and ask God to shut them down. He will!
First, Jesus Christ fulfilled the law. He is God, Hobelim. Second, Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and no man can come to the Father except through the Son. Third, I lost count of how many people I've led to the LORD years ago. I have no idea and could not tell you.

To fulfill the law is to conform to it. If you do not comply with the law's demands you cannot have the life promised for obedience to it in you.

You worship a false trinity in the form of a human being in open violation of the law of God and teach countless others to do the same which makes you into what amounts to being a serial murderer.

That you do not even have an inkling that your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field shows that you have your reward already.
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