Jewish GOP Congressman says he won't take orders from President Trump

GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger: I Will Not Follow Orders from a President Trump - The Gateway Pundit

Hey he wants to play billy badass we can always charge him with some wonderful charges and toss his ass in a military prison! Then not only will he NOT be a congressman he will be in prison! Jew boy needs to learn his place. Plain and simple.

Hey, Kaptain Klan, what are you planning on charging him WITH? Talking while being a Jew? Or do you figure Trump is going to issue an executive order requiring everyone to be a dick-sucking fanboy like you?

Literate people - which, more and more clearly, utterly rules out anyone who supports Trump - read more than the headline and know that he specifically stated he would not follow the illegal orders your "Billy Badass" pussy candidate ran his gums about issuing. You can't charge him with anything for disobeying an illegal order, fool.
He's not Jewish, I don't think so. Jews don't fight in the military, they send white men and women to die for them while they comfortably bathe in wealth and luxury. He's bought out by them though, maybe he will change sides eventually.

The Jewish lobby wants to gather as many congressmen to make government dysfunctional under potential Trump term.
Just shut the fuck up.
Your racist panties are showing.

Mind your own business, Canadian Jewboy.

Not Jewish.
I am a atheist.

Hey asshole, you're a Jewish atheist. You're ethnically Jewish, even as an atheist.
Not even close slapdick.
You should only use words you know ethical is not one of them.

These are great days to be an American, we are gonna take our country back, they're freaking out. :)

There's no going back, this is a revolution. :)
Interesting subject . If you are an elected congressman do you have to follow military orders from a prez who wants to control you?

Congressmen get a lot of legal exemptions .

No, only people in the military and employees of the federal bureaucracy have to take orders from the president. The threat is totally bogus.

He's IN the military. And he's speaking specifically of the illegal orders Trump blustered about giving vis a vis murder of innocent civilians simply for being related to a terrorist.

Dear God, Muhammed and I are the only ones who actually bothered to read past the headline.
Interesting subject . If you are an elected congressman do you have to follow military orders from a prez who wants to control you?

Congressmen get a lot of legal exemptions .

No, only people in the military and employees of the federal bureaucracy have to take orders from the president. The threat is totally bogus.

You didn't read the link, did you? He's a member of the Air National Guard, and has served time in Iraq and Afghanistan, flying missions.

If he was told to target non combatants, then that is an unlawful order, and he has every right to do so.

The chances of that are less than zero. Furthermore, the determination of who the "noncombatants" are is not up to the pilot. He will bomb any targets he's told to bomb or go to jail.

Really? The chances of non combatants getting bombed is less than zero? Doctors Without Borders would disagree with you on that one, especially since one of their hospitals was bombed by the US.

The chance of Trump ordering non combatants to deliberate bomb non combatants isn't going to happen. However, that doesn't mean they won't get bombed because they are in the immediate vicinity of combatants or other legitimate military targets.
Trump or any other president can't order non combatants to do Jackshit.
Desperate much?
Interesting subject . If you are an elected congressman do you have to follow military orders from a prez who wants to control you?

Congressmen get a lot of legal exemptions .

No, only people in the military and employees of the federal bureaucracy have to take orders from the president. The threat is totally bogus.

He's IN the military. And he's speaking specifically of the illegal orders Trump blustered about giving vis a vis murder of innocent civilians simply for being related to a terrorist.

Dear God, Muhammed and I are the only ones who actually bothered to read past the headline.

Trump isn't fighting neocon wars overseas, he will end them. Anyway, that is tactic adopted by your beloved Jews in Israel.

These are great days to be an American, we are gonna take our country back, they're freaking out. :)

There's no going back, this is a revolution. :)
Every slapdick nut job, pants shitter ever has said that .
It's just as much a steaming pile of shit now as it was the first time a sociopath spewed it.
GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger: I Will Not Follow Orders from a President Trump - The Gateway Pundit

Hey he wants to play billy badass we can always charge him with some wonderful charges and toss his ass in a military prison! Then not only will he NOT be a congressman he will be in prison! Jew boy needs to learn his place. Plain and simple.

Hey, Kaptain Klan, what are you planning on charging him WITH? Talking while being a Jew? Or do you figure Trump is going to issue an executive order requiring everyone to be a dick-sucking fanboy like you?

Literate people - which, more and more clearly, utterly rules out anyone who supports Trump - read more than the headline and know that he specifically stated he would not follow the illegal orders your "Billy Badass" pussy candidate ran his gums about issuing. You can't charge him with anything for disobeying an illegal order, fool.
Losing grip with reality are we darling? I laugh at you the more and more you become unglued...I figure by this time tomorrow night you are gonna be frantic once reality sets in that your nominee for the GOP is a an that CAN'T BE BOUGHT!

These are great days to be an American, we are gonna take our country back, they're freaking out. :)

There's no going back, this is a revolution. :)

Absolutely brother! Its a beautiful sight! Watching the juden and their ilk squirm like rats in a cage is a wonderful thing.
Interesting subject . If you are an elected congressman do you have to follow military orders from a prez who wants to control you?

Congressmen get a lot of legal exemptions .

No, only people in the military and employees of the federal bureaucracy have to take orders from the president. The threat is totally bogus.

You didn't read the link, did you? He's a member of the Air National Guard, and has served time in Iraq and Afghanistan, flying missions.

If he was told to target non combatants, then that is an unlawful order, and he has every right to do so.

The chances of that are less than zero. Furthermore, the determination of who the "noncombatants" are is not up to the pilot. He will bomb any targets he's told to bomb or go to jail.

Really? The chances of non combatants getting bombed is less than zero? Doctors Without Borders would disagree with you on that one, especially since one of their hospitals was bombed by the US.

The chance of Trump ordering non combatants to deliberate bomb non combatants isn't going to happen. However, that doesn't mean they won't get bombed because they are in the immediate vicinity of combatants or other legitimate military targets.

You apparently don't know how the military operates. If a Reservist is called up to active duty (and this congressman has been called up a couple of times), the second he reports to his command over there, he IS a combatant. And, if he was told to bomb a place that he knew was a non combatant area, he could refuse.

Matter of fact, those people who bombed the DWB hospital questioned their orders a couple of times before following them.
No, only people in the military and employees of the federal bureaucracy have to take orders from the president. The threat is totally bogus.

You didn't read the link, did you? He's a member of the Air National Guard, and has served time in Iraq and Afghanistan, flying missions.

If he was told to target non combatants, then that is an unlawful order, and he has every right to do so.

The chances of that are less than zero. Furthermore, the determination of who the "noncombatants" are is not up to the pilot. He will bomb any targets he's told to bomb or go to jail.

Really? The chances of non combatants getting bombed is less than zero? Doctors Without Borders would disagree with you on that one, especially since one of their hospitals was bombed by the US.

The chance of Trump ordering non combatants to deliberate bomb non combatants isn't going to happen. However, that doesn't mean they won't get bombed because they are in the immediate vicinity of combatants or other legitimate military targets.

You apparently don't know how the military operates. If a Reservist is called up to active duty (and this congressman has been called up a couple of times), the second he reports to his command over there, he IS a combatant. And, if he was told to bomb a place that he knew was a non combatant area, he could refuse.

Matter of fact, those people who bombed the DWB hospital questioned their orders a couple of times before following them.

As I already explained, he doesn't get to choose who is a combatant and who isn't. If he refused to complete his mission, he's looking at a court martial. You're talking about a fiction that never happens. I'm talking about how things actually work.
So, as I say the election not happened as yet, and The Donald has been Impeached and Convicted and has the shortest time in office in history....yes, it appears, we've entered The Twilight Zone.

I sincerely apologise for the confusion at this time, I'm having problem with the quotes thing and it not working for me, I know it's annoying to people having stand-alone comments, but this post is for Jake and I can't remember who agreed with him, but it's for those also....oh dear, what's a girl to do? *Sigh*
dcbl said:
If this congressman is indeed Jewish, he needs to be kicked out. All Jews are Israel firsters. America is not their first best interest.

that's a crock of shit

you do know that Trump's daughter is Jewish - right?
She converted but that was not Trump's fault.

She converted because his Jewish family wouldn't accept a non-Jewish mother. They want to preserve their tribe/Jewish linage. But they scream 'white privilege!' if European Americans seek to preserve their heritage.

These are great days to be an American, we are gonna take our country back, they're freaking out. :)

There's no going back, this is a revolution. :)
Every slapdick nut job, pants shitter ever has said that .
It's just as much a steaming pile of shit now as it was the first time a sociopath spewed it.

Don't blow a fuse, bud! :lmao:
I'm laughing too hard at your ignorance to waste time being angry about your massive stupidity:happy-1::lmao::lol::muahaha::piss2::poke:
dcbl said:
If this congressman is indeed Jewish, he needs to be kicked out. All Jews are Israel firsters. America is not their first best interest.

that's a crock of shit

you do know that Trump's daughter is Jewish - right?
She converted but that was not Trump's fault.

She converted because his Jewish family wouldn't accept a non-Jewish mother. They want to preserve their tribe/Jewish linage. But they scream 'white privilege!' if European Americans seek to preserve their heritage.
The melodrama is getting deep in here.

These are great days to be an American, we are gonna take our country back, they're freaking out. :)

There's no going back, this is a revolution. :)
Every slapdick nut job, pants shitter ever has said that .
It's just as much a steaming pile of shit now as it was the first time a sociopath spewed it.

Don't blow a fuse, bud! :lmao:
I'm laughing too hard at your ignorance to waste time being angry about your massive stupidity:happy-1::lmao::lol::muahaha::piss2::poke:

Look at CNN right now, the Jew analysts are panicking about 'antisemitic' sentiment among Trump camp. :lol:

The hot patriotic girl Kayleigh has our back. :)

Great job, girl! :)
He's not Jewish, I don't think so. Jews don't fight in the military, they send white men and women to die for them while they comfortably bathe in wealth and luxury. He's bought out by them though, maybe he will change sides eventually.

The Jewish lobby wants to gather as many congressmen to make government dysfunctional under potential Trump term.
I have many Jewish friends and colleagues in my twelve year active duty career in the Army. And I remember you writing that you had not served. You don't count.
He's not Jewish, I don't think so. Jews don't fight in the military, they send white men and women to die for them while they comfortably bathe in wealth and luxury. He's bought out by them though, maybe he will change sides eventually.

The Jewish lobby wants to gather as many congressmen to make government dysfunctional under potential Trump term.
I have many Jewish friends and colleagues in my twelve year active duty career in the Army. And I remember you writing that you had not served. You don't count.

Hey.............I met several Jewish people over the 20 years that I served in the military.

They do just as good as everyone else.

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