Zone1 Jews: Do you blame Jesus for all the persecution our people have suffered?

The Catholic Church isn't the Whore of Babylon. Martin Luther started that about 1500 AD after he fell out with Rome.

Rome never had anything to do with Babylon. The Whore of Babylon is Israel.
Eusebius of Caesarea said it was rome 1700 years ago.
The Catholic Church isn't the Whore of Babylon. Martin Luther started that about 1500 AD after he fell out with Rome.

Rome never had anything to do with Babylon. The Whore of Babylon is Israel.

Waldo was 300 years before Martin Luther ... his followers were zealously advocating poverty for the Church ... the whole Church ... very unpopular in Rome ... these are the folks who said the RCC is the Great Whore ... 12th Century France/Italy ...
Waldo was 300 years before Martin Luther ... his followers were zealously advocating poverty for the Church ... the whole Church ... very unpopular in Rome ... these are the folks who said the RCC is the Great Whore ... 12th Century ...
with special thanks to SHOEHORN COMMENTARY

I'm from the Waldensee tradition ... with a heavy heavy dose of Anabaptism ... Catholics, Calvinists, Lutherians and Angelicans all would put me and my kind to death ... it was just too muddy in North Holland/West Frisia to do so ... everybody hates pacifists, especially during the Wars of Religion ... alas, the Mennonites got rich here in America, come WWII we had reasons to fight: money ... what happens when you let hard working people own land in Kansas ...

Those who care, consider the Catholic Church as the Great Harlot Babylon ... and several hundred years before the Protestant movement ... I'm not so harsh, I ask what does sub-Roman Europe look like without the RCC? ... as pagans, aren't we just animals? ...

My claim is that the true and accurate Bible is written in our hearts ... meaning we know right from wrong instinctually ... God caused this to be written down because they are liars among us ... for the exact same reason we here in the USA are governed by written laws ... less arguments ... it's written "Thou shall not steal" ... both in the Bible and US criminal code ... and in our hearts, we know it's wrong to steal ...
Okay - a Pauperes and IIRC Valdes, aka Waldo was a former Rabbi. Not sure however if Waldensee's are a pure Jewish sub group or intermixed or deriving from Christians - who in turn rely heavily onto Hebrew customs and scripts. - the latter would help to explain the existence of the first non Latin written Bible around the 11th-12th century.

As for, where would the pagans be without the Roman Church; - well the Celtic and Germanic tribes had clear customs and definitions of moral - most of the now Christian termed festivities or rituals e.g. marriage rituals actually derive from e.g. Germanic religious customs. The Romans had their clear laws and moral values as well - ages before Christianity came up. Christians call him God and those Celtics or Germanic's called him Odin or respectively Wotan - plus some other deities to make the whole thing a bit more colorful.

The only real significant difference obvious to me is that these 3 Monotheistic religions are pure power concentrated/projected religions in contra to e.g. Hinduism, the classic Greek believes or those of the Germanic and Celtic people. In other words those three Monos project the power of those power circles pulling the strings behind the religion into a single source of command and utter obedience.

So if you defy a single Gods words (actually their words and intentions) you are dead meat, since no other power can help you - one is therefore at the utter mercy of the respective religious power group. Whilst in religions that also behold other deities - one can still find a way to wiggle himself out of having defied or angered e.g. Wotan - by being at good odds with e,g, Thor or Donar, or Shiva in case you are at odds with Ganesha. As such these religious power circles do not posses an ultimate power such as the Monos.
Yes, but my point is that the way SOME Christians describe Jesus’ crucifixion, one would think there was a small population of Jews alove at the time, all of whom rallied around executing him.

The Bible exaggerates everything. Jerusalem was 10 acres and less than a thousand people at the time of David.

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