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Jihad or just plain anger?

Just speak to Muslim Youths in Western Europe. They're extremely angry. Islam and Western Democracy likely aren't compatible. This is becoming dangerously evident.

However, the Western European Immigration flood gates were opened by the Left years ago. There's no turning back now. Expect Civil War-like battles in many Western European nations for years to come.
As one Paris Muslim youth put it... "One day we're gonna burn all this shit down." I don't think it was just bluster. I think he meant it.
As one Paris Muslim youth put it... "One day we're gonna burn all this shit down." I don't think it was just bluster. I think he meant it.

Kill him

There are laws regarding that sort of thing. Authorities in most Western European nations do not condone police killing a perpetrator setting a fire. I see a day when many Western European cities will burn. I feel sad saying that, but i believe it's inevitable.
The intent doesn't matter, just track them down and kill them, kill those that support them, level any village harboring them

If something is a problem, and you fight the cause of the problem, then you can stop it from happening. If you are fighting a different problem to the real one, are you going to solve it?

Who are you hunting down?

Can the US govt hunt down the next school shooter before they strike again? Or will they just wait until a dozen innocent people are lying dead?

LOL The "cause" has existed for centuries, just kill them. If it's death they desire give them death. It's past time to stop coddling them, making excuses for their actions and get down to the dirty business of eradicating them like the rabid animals they are

Kill who?

You do realize that your suggestion is fucking ridiculous don't you?

In order to stop killing, your suggestion is to go on a killing spree..........

So your plan is to appease and coddle them?

And we have this...

State Department spokesperson Marie Harf explains to no lesser pillar of unbiased reporting than Chris Matthews that - as opposed to President Obama's 'bomb them into oblivion' perspective, "we can't kill our way out of this war [with ISIS]... we must address the root causes - like joblessness." Even Matthews is stunned at this perspective, exclaiming "we're never going to chieve that in 50 lifetimes, there'll always be poor muslims." But, as the administration appears to be suggesting, even every radical muslim deserves $10.25 an hour to work at Baghdad McDonalds...

I guess we must show compassion and understanding to the Muslim community that feels sorry for itself
and accept that they are pissed off and because they don't have a job they have the right to murder people.
And we have this...

State Department spokesperson Marie Harf explains to no lesser pillar of unbiased reporting than Chris Matthews that - as opposed to President Obama's 'bomb them into oblivion' perspective, "we can't kill our way out of this war [with ISIS]... we must address the root causes - like joblessness." Even Matthews is stunned at this perspective, exclaiming "we're never going to chieve that in 50 lifetimes, there'll always be poor muslims." But, as the administration appears to be suggesting, even every radical muslim deserves $10.25 an hour to work at Baghdad McDonalds...

I guess we must show compassion and understanding to the Muslim community that feels sorry for itself
and accept that they are pissed off and because they don't have a job they have the right to murder people.

Sorry but it's difficult to feel compassion for a bunch of morons that can't get their shit together and go around killing innocents because they CAN'T get their shit together and haven't for a millennium
I'm waiting for the Democrat think tank that termed the phrase 'White privilege' to make black people understand why they are being held back from achieving anything in life
to come up with....'Western privilege' to help the Muslims deal with their issues.... LOL
Well there's the first example in this thread of someone on the right calling someone an "Islamapologist" or an "Islamic apologist".

You know when someone doesn't have an argument when they bring out the insults.

Man up and stop whining

If manning up is suggesting genocide, I'd rather not.

To be honest, I'm not sure which is worse, those on the radical right in Islam, or those on the radical right in wherever the hell you are.

I've seen so much disgusting and down right ignorant crap being spouted, not just these last few day, but it happens a lot around this time, that you wonder if there is any difference between people who go and blow people up, and people like you.

You're advocating killing people, because they kill people.

Then when people tell you what you're doing, you come out with nonsense sentences designed to stop people talking. I'd call it bullying, but bullying that has left school and gone and learned how to use a gun and kill people.

If I were you, I'd take a very long hard look at myself and see what the hell went wrong inside that head of yours.

I tell ya what, my best friend went to Iraq and came home with a lot less than he left with...I have no love for the goat fuggers. I know all about the hatred they have for anyone not of their "faith" whatever the hell that is. It's past time....kill them. If the moderates bitch and moan...kill them too

So, your best friend went to another country, not because he was invited, not because he wanted to see the sights, but he went with a gun in hand, and on behalf of a government that told him to kill people in that country?

When other people go to the US, or Belgium, or France, armed and with the intent of killing people, similar to your friend, they're bad people, yet when your friend does it, those from the country who try and stop him killing people are bad.

Sorry, what's your point here?

He went to serve this nation,not to see "the sights" you fucking asshole.

So he went to serve a nation, and many terrorists do the same thing, they go and serve those who send them there.

Just because you serve someone, doesn't mean you aren't doing wrong.

You don't seem to realize that you're judging two sides of the same coin in two different ways. They're still part of the coins.

And now we're getting onto insults. My, you don't have much of an argument, do you?
A comparison here that I am making between Columbine and the Paris and Brussels attacks.

Molenbeek's gangster jihadis - BBC News

This article from the BBC puts some perspective into where the terrorists came from and what motivated them to do what they did.

Did they do what they did because they were deeply religious people who wanted to take down the west and impose their version of Islam onto everyone else, or were they kids who grew up angry and wanted to do something similar to Columbine?

Molenbeek (in Brussels), "this densely populated district of Brussels has 40% youth unemployment."

"But one phrase you often hear when foreign journalists attempt a vox pop is that "terrorism has nothing to do with Islam"."

"Certainly, many of those who joined IS from the area did not come from particularly religious backgrounds."

"Salah Abdeslam and his elder brother Brahim - who blew himself up in the Paris attacks - used to run a cafe in Molenbeek that sold alcohol and was closed down for drug offences. One friend of the brothers who used to hang out there told me he would regularly see Brahim Abdeslam "watching IS videos, with a joint in one hand, and a beer in another". He said Brahim would spout off radical statements but that no-one took him seriously."

"There is certainly a sense of disaffection among many in Molenbeek."

"It was the fault of domestic conditions. He railed against the Belgian government - against white Belgians, who hated those of Arab descent, he said. And he would repeat "there is no democracy here" - a feeling that you can't express any view dissenting from the mainstream without being labelled extreme."

""The young people from Molenbeek feel frustrated because they were marginalised by the Belgian government. They have never tried to give them work, education, social help in order to get them integrated into society," he [Sheikh Bassam Ayachi ] said."

The rest you can read if you choose to do so.

However the question is, if people who commit these attacks smoke, drink and do all kinds of things, are they really the religious people we think they are?

Is IS just a way for angry young people to fight back at whatever it is they have learned to hate, similar to what happens with school attacks in the US? Rather than just simply religious?

When my daughters were young, if we didn't give them enough they too cried.
Man up and stop whining

If manning up is suggesting genocide, I'd rather not.

To be honest, I'm not sure which is worse, those on the radical right in Islam, or those on the radical right in wherever the hell you are.

I've seen so much disgusting and down right ignorant crap being spouted, not just these last few day, but it happens a lot around this time, that you wonder if there is any difference between people who go and blow people up, and people like you.

You're advocating killing people, because they kill people.

Then when people tell you what you're doing, you come out with nonsense sentences designed to stop people talking. I'd call it bullying, but bullying that has left school and gone and learned how to use a gun and kill people.

If I were you, I'd take a very long hard look at myself and see what the hell went wrong inside that head of yours.

I tell ya what, my best friend went to Iraq and came home with a lot less than he left with...I have no love for the goat fuggers. I know all about the hatred they have for anyone not of their "faith" whatever the hell that is. It's past time....kill them. If the moderates bitch and moan...kill them too

So, your best friend went to another country, not because he was invited, not because he wanted to see the sights, but he went with a gun in hand, and on behalf of a government that told him to kill people in that country?

When other people go to the US, or Belgium, or France, armed and with the intent of killing people, similar to your friend, they're bad people, yet when your friend does it, those from the country who try and stop him killing people are bad.

Sorry, what's your point here?

He went to serve this nation,not to see "the sights" you fucking asshole.

So he went to serve a nation, and many terrorists do the same thing, they go and serve those who send them there.

Just because you serve someone, doesn't mean you aren't doing wrong.

You don't seem to realize that you're judging two sides of the same coin in two different ways. They're still part of the coins.

And now we're getting onto insults. My, you don't have much of an argument, do you?

I don't think enough are gettin it. They just don't understand. That's especially true of the Left in the U.S. and Western Europe. Unfortunately, 'Moderate' Muslims are a problem for Western Democracies as well. All Muslims, not just radicalized ones, have a duty to seek revenge on anyone perceived to have insulted Islam or the Prophet. It's their law. And they enforce it dutifully.

Muslims are not like Christians and Jews. Christians and Jews are far more tolerant of attacks and insults on their faith. They don't feel a duty to seek revenge and kill those insulting their faith. This is a big difference. So Islamic Terrorism is more complicated than most understand. Muslims, even 'Moderate' ones, are potential terrorists. Because they live to obey their religious law. If they feel their faith or Prophet has been insulted, they will seek retribution. It's their duty.

I think that the problem isn't Islam.

The problem is that many countries that are backwards are Muslims, and this is the problem. India has a problem with being backwards too. However Christianity was backwards and have developed, if the west helps Muslims to develop, then this sort of thing will change.

Now, you have places like Saudi Arabia and UAE which have developed so fast with oil money, this is false development, it's economic development without the social development taking place at the same pace, and so socially they are backwards, some as much as places that are economically backwards.

This stuff takes time. But making the people angry isn't going to help, and you make backwards people angry, and they come out with blood lust. You can see it even on here, many Americans also have the blood lust. They complain about Muslims having it, and to solve this problem we need to blood lust back. It's ridiculous.

Complaining about what you are.

Even 'Moderate' Muslims have a duty to defend the faith and their Prophet. Anytime they perceive a slight, it's their duty to respond. That's unlike most Christians and Jews. They're very tolerant of the attacks and insults. They're not bound to seek revenge.

Western Europeans and Amerians are just clueless when it comes to Islam and the Koran. A perceived insult to Islam can't go unchecked. It's all Muslims' duty to respond. That's the reality. So when nations decide to accept mass Muslim emigration, they better really understand what it means. It may not be compatible with Western Democracy.

Actually whenever I compare Islam and Christianity, I get a mouthful of abuse on here.

Yes, Christianity and Islam are different. Very different.

Christianity is a popular religion because you can do whatever you like, then go to church on Sunday and you're told that you're still a great person, even if you did happen to deliberately kill Mrs Smith because you were bored, as long as you make it to church on a Sunday, you're a great guy.

Islam is popular because a lot of people don't want to make decisions in life, they like to have others to tell them what to do, and Islam is so full of rules, you pray all the time, you work hard, you do all of that and there's no time to think much.

Both are a crock of shit. Both lead to people killing, how Bush could get away with killing, how the conquistadores could get away with killing, how Washington could get away with killing and then stand up and feel great about themselves I'll never know.

The reality though is there are different levels of acceptance in religion. Some people take it all on, they have to practice it 100%. Some do it 50%, Muslims drink, but do Ramadan, Christians go to church at Christmas but blaspheme, whatever.

In the UK only 50% of Muslims have ever gone to a mosque. They're Muslims lite. They identify with Islam because their parents were. But they've learned to prefer their life to the one their grandparents or parents left. They don't need religion to tell them how to lead their life. They just get on with their life.

Those who become radical, do so because they're angry kids. ISIS is a way to go and get that anger out of their system. We've offered them this on a plate, and ISIS is attracting these people. Even some non-Muslim born kids are converting and going for the fight.

Muslims can live side by side with others, you go to Malaysia, a Democracy, a safe country, where ethnic Chinese, Ethnic Indians live side by side with the local Muslim Malays.

But then most people don't care for the reality and the facts, they pick and choose.

Islam could be just like Christianity, another religion, however Bush and Trump and others are pushing them away from this.
It's past time to stop coddling them, making excuses for their actions and get down to the dirty business of eradicating them like the rabid animals they are

Yea yea kill em all and let Allah sort them out.

Works for me
Stop being a coward and go for it...

Get lost, runt
Always wanting someone else to do the dirty work, eh?
Since ISIS has claimed credit for the attack I'm going with Jihad if something comes to light to show the attackers were just angry disillusioned youths I will reconsider this.

It's both.

ISIS pays these people, apparently 50,000 euros (or perhaps dollars, not much difference) to commit these attacks.

They do so because they are angry disillusioned youths, but they do so in the name of ISIS. ISIS uses them, it's happy to take such kids and have them carry the banner, to spread the fear, and these kids are happy to take the money and get their revenge.

it's a partnership made in the same hell as the one Bush and Halliburton made.
It's past time to stop coddling them, making excuses for their actions and get down to the dirty business of eradicating them like the rabid animals they are

Yea yea kill em all and let Allah sort them out.

Works for me
Stop being a coward and go for it...

Get lost, runt

As everyone can see, some people prefer to insult, rather than debate.
Since ISIS has claimed credit for the attack I'm going with Jihad if something comes to light to show the attackers were just angry disillusioned youths I will reconsider this.

It's both.

ISIS pays these people, apparently 50,000 euros (or perhaps dollars, not much difference) to commit these attacks.

They do so because they are angry disillusioned youths, but they do so in the name of ISIS. ISIS uses them, it's happy to take such kids and have them carry the banner, to spread the fear, and these kids are happy to take the money and get their revenge.

it's a partnership made in the same hell as the one Bush and Halliburton made.
And it's just as possible they do this because they are true believers in the ISIS ideology.

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