Jimmy Carter In Hospice Care

The happest day in Carter's life was when The Worthless Negro was elected. He knew then he would not be considered the Worst President Ever. He was even more happy when Potatohead stole the election because he knew then he would be bumped to Third Worst President.
Jimmy Carter has discontinued medical treatment and transitioned to in home hospice. Sounds like he doesn't have long.

Former US President Jimmy Carter will begin receiving hospice care, according to a statement from The Carter Center on Saturday.

“After a series of short hospital stays, former US President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention. He has the full support of his family and his medical team,” the statement said.

Carter turned 98 years old last year.
A great guy and president, too bad teddy obstructed him.... He wanted to have tax cuts like Reagan as well as a bunch of good stuff instead of give away to the rich
The happest day in Carter's life was when The Worthless Negro was elected. He knew then he would not be considered the Worst President Ever. He was even more happy when Potatohead stole the election because he knew then he would be bumped to Third Worst President.

The worthless Negro is still running things by proxy through Joey's 'white privilege'!!
His wife is up to bat next in 2024.
Is Carter inviting the Trumpster to his funeral?

Or is he going to continue with the same classlessness of other decedents nowadays?

It would be great to have Trump do the official eulogy.

Trump attending the funeral would be one thing. But delivering the eulogy? No, I don't see that happening. If there needs to be a former president offering the eulogy, have one of the ones he worked with. There is a long list of international leaders that Carter worked with. There are plenty of people with whom he served. But Trump is not one of those.

Personally, I think one of the people he worked with building houses would be the ideal choice.
I can happily piss all over much of the crappy decisions Carter made as President and the lame ass shit he said.
But I see no good reason to malign him as a person.
The worthless Negro is still running things by proxy through Joey's 'white privilege'!!
His wife is up to bat next in 2024.
All Democrats basically want the same policies which are good for regular people instead of a giveaway to the rich GOP POS. God knows what you racist bigots are thinking lol. Your brainwashed love and admiration for greedy lying megarich GOP swine is noted

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