Jimmy Carter In Hospice Care

He still gave away the Panama Canal to the Chinese and helped overthrow the Shah of Iran which has led to decades of Islamic terrorism all over the world.

The US installed the Shah in a coup. THAT is what led to Islamic terrorism. Given what we know about the Shah and his secret police, he was long overdue to be removed. At least the people of Iran did it themselves. You know, determining their own leaders.






Vietnam only became incredibly ugly after Nixon took over with his secret plan to win the war and bombed the hell out of north Vietnam. Balkans Clinton won no casualties. Not democratic wars. If you are against helping democracies like Ukraine, you are a brainwashed functional moron anti American Russian swine.
The US installed the Shah in a coup. THAT is what led to Islamic terrorism. Given what we know about the Shah and his secret police, he was long overdue to be removed. At least the people of Iran did it themselves. You know, determining their own leaders.
No. They didn't. Removing the Shah, who modernized Iran, was not the work of the people. It was done by a violent Muslim army of activists who installed the brutal Ayatollah. Under the Shah women had rights, homosexuals were not murdered. It was not Iranians who installed the brutal Ayatollah. It was idealized Muslim students and Foreign fighters.
he US installed the Shah in a coup. THAT is what led to Islamic terrorism.

Rubbish. The US saved Iran from being turned into a another Soviet run shithole after WW II. The terrorists of course turned it back into a violent shithole far worse than the Shah's regime. You left that part out.
While he was not a great president, he is a great human being.
He was a POS.
What I heard about him basically erased of the hard work he seemed to be doing for homes for humanity.
I don't like a president who thinks he's a king.
The US installed the Shah in a coup. THAT is what led to Islamic terrorism. Given what we know about the Shah and his secret police, he was long overdue to be removed. At least the people of Iran did it themselves. You know, determining their own leaders.
One dictator for another.
Vietnam only became incredibly ugly after Nixon took over with his secret plan to win the war and bombed the hell out of north Vietnam. Balkans Clinton won no casualties. Not democratic wars. If you are against helping democracies like Ukraine, you are a brainwashed functional moron anti American Russian swine.
Vietnam was not ugly during Johnson? Goddamnit you are fucking delusional.
Vietnam was not ugly during Johnson? Goddamnit you are fucking delusional.
Well LBJ was trying to win the war and then he gave up. Nixon just used it as a way to get elected and 25,000 men died for nothing.... Plus probably a couple of million Vietnamese. We should have allowed the election back in 1956 like we promised. But the Dulles boys were in town screwing things up lol... The only way to win the war was to kill every single Vietnamese lol. Oh well that's the Cold War for you. But 9/11 was allowed by pure incompetence and the wars were just as stupid...
Carter will be remembered for the gift he gave the United States, the Misery Index which defined his presidency.
Being a Sub Commander and a Delta Team member cannot be compared. The differences are astronomical.

Anyone who knows how officers are in the Navy they'll know that many of them think they know everything.
I've had Navy Commanders telling me my job as a scene leader knowing full well they're full of crap, but you have to stand there and listen to them dress you down for no God Damned reason.

Once they leave you go ahead and do your job the way you were trained, or risk the lives of your men. Knowing the UCMJ, I knew that only a lawful order can change the way I performed my duties as a qualified Damage Control Scene Leader.

I spent time on ODAs in the Army after my time in the Navy ended, and I know that sometimes officers will try to tell you how to do your job. Every single member of the team knows his job inside and out.
Carter tried to tell them how to do their jobs. That's why everything went to shit.

Delta is willing to do the mission....but once the mission is under way it's up to the teams to decide what to do, and they know sometimes they have to FRAGO the mission and decide to proceed or return the base. The conditions dictate. Equipment started malfunctioning. Two choppers wouldn't work which made it impossible to get all of the hostages to safety.
This mission never should have taken place from the beginning. Instead....I would have given the Iranian government 72 hours to turn over the hostages or we'd begin bombing their homes. They would have done it or died in a very nasty manner. Reagan said that was what he was ready to do....and they released the hostages the minute he was sworn in.

It was far more complicated than that. And it is far more complicated than that.

First not every superior or person in authority is going to be excellent. Sometimes they are going to suck and sometimes they are going to be fools or Idiots. See Chauvin as an example of an idiot in authority.

Second. The mission into Iran. Let’s back up and be honest. Much like the Space Missions there were several Go or No Go points in the mission. When working up the mission rules there is always. Always. A series of conditions that must be met.

Let’s use your Naval experience as an example. For entering or leaving a harbor. There are minimum safe conditions that must be met under normal conditions. If there is thick fog the harbor is closed. It is too dangerous to continue. Now if the harbor is under attack it may be safer to risk the navigation than remain. But generally those rules are written in blood by people who didn’t survive the attempt.

For the Rescue Mission. The original plan had it that six Helicopters would be assigned and all of them had to be operational. The Generals added a seventh giving a safety cushion for the operation. One Helicopter could break and the mission could still go. Carter personally added Helo 8 to the roster for an additional safety cushion.

On the initial incursion one helicopter had a failure of the hydraulic system. One flew into a sandstorm and became disoriented and returned to the point of origin. One suffered a cracked rotor blade.

When drawing up the plan, Charlie Beckworth, who again was legendary at Fort Bragg even a decade later when I was there. Beckworth set the conditions for abort. Why? Because those were his troops. And the plan was risky enough without continuing while underequipped.

As a Paratrooper such things are familiar to me. When we would go up to Jump, we would be told the conditions for the drop. Winds could not be above a level on the ground. We either had, or had been denied permission to jump in the rain. How much cloud cover at night. How much moon was considered minimally acceptable.

More than once we would be on the plane and return to the airfield because conditions were too extreme to drop.

You say that Delta could have continued. Should have continued. To that I say bullshit. Changing plans to a seat of the pants operation while invading the capital of a hostile nation is idiotic.

I’ll explain. Let’s say Bob comes up with a variation of the original plan and begins. Bob is rendered Hors de Combat, killed or wounded. Doesn’t matter. Now Mike is in charge and he thinks he has a better way. So Mike comes up with a variation of the amended. But some of the team is confused. What happens next is the team is decimated at best. Mission failure is almost certain.

Part of the mission planning includes Contingency plans. If we find that instead we do this. This makes sure everyone is on the same sheet of music. And they all move towards the same goal instead of pulling in different directions.

Operations Orders take an hour or more to brief the troops on for even a fairly simple and routine operation. The aforementioned Parachute jump with airfield clearance and follow on mission of seizing a road junction take an hour to brief. St least. And as Engineers we had done that mission a dozen times in training.

You take that time so that every soldier knows his part of the plan. And he knows the parts of his fellows in case one of them is killed or wounded, the next man knows what he is supposed to be doing. They know the plan. They know what they are supposed to do, their little part. And they know the big picture, how their little part fits in.

You might have to pull something out of your ass if everything goes wrong. But that presupposes that you are committed.

Let’s say you are flying towards the target. The wind on the ground is twenty knots and gusting. Cloud clover has blocked the moonlight. That means you are going to suffer ten to twenty percent casualties just from weather. Ten to twenty percent of your people are going to be injured on the jump in, before the enemy opens fire.

Part of your mission planning will be minimum numbers of troops to accomplish the mission.

For the rescue mission. The commanders on the ground recommended the abort. Telling them to continue the mission, pull it out of their asses, just figure it out. That would have been the worst call by any President. Ever. Of all time.

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