Jimmy Carter In Hospice Care

I’ve written this before. I think Carter did everything he could, and nobody could have done better. He inherited the energy crisis. He led by example on that front. He stood before Three Mile Island and risked his life to tell the world that it would not explode.

I could continue. But the one thing that damned him was Iran and the Hostage Crisis. There he had military experience and knew how difficult it was to carry off operations. In the end he ordered the attempted rescue. People blame him for the failure which is dumb and fair. Fair in that he gave the order and is ultimately responsible. Dumb because the plan was the very best the military leaders could come up with.

Charlie Beckworth led the planning. He was a Vietnam Vet. Green Beret. And founder of Delta. This man was literally a legend. If anyone could plan an operation, he could.

Hindsight today allows us to point out the obvious flaws and points of failure. But hindsight doesn’t exist when you are doing it. Only when it is all over.

I repeat. Carter was not a bad President. He was the victim of bad luck. I maintain he did as well as anyone could have.
Well Obama and now Biden, has made him the third worse president. I'm glad he lived long enough to witness it.
Jimmy Carter was a horrible president and an evil calculating human being who should have done the world a favor and died before his election.

After he pissed off the Saudis, he instituted price controls on gas. The result was NO gas and long lines, we had rationing, He told people who could not get heating oil and were freezing to just put on a sweater. He finally had to grovel.

He backstabbed the Iranians and deliberately double crossed the hostages.

His Mish mash caused a hostage crisis so bad that the Israelis had to step in and effect a rescue at Entebbe. As a side disaster, when Kenyans helped the Israelis, Idi Amin ordered that all Kenyans in Uganda be killed. 245 were killed, 3,000 left the country. Thank you Mr. Carter.

What a TRULY disgusting creature he is, even for a Democrat. His vileness will not be missed.
Carter was a terrible president....the worse president up until Obama and Biden came along.
I was in the military under Carter.
I felt like he gut the military and took too many risks with our lives.

There is a number of documentaries on the era. One I watched not long ago called Desert One was including interviews with surviving members of the teams that went in to Iran and surviving Administration officials. People who were there at the time.

It reinforced and expanded many of my ideals and opinions of the truth of the events.

When I was at Fort Bragg a decade later, we trained at MOUT City. A town constructed from concrete and Cinderblock to be used for training in Urban Warfare. This town was constructed for Delta to train the tactics they would need for the assault to rescue the hostages.

Carter delayed the approval of the mission for several factors. Giving the troops more time to train and prepare was a part of it. And his reluctance to risk the lives of the troops.

His behavior is consistent with most of the Veterans I know. Funny thing. About half of the former troops have that Coexist thing made up of religious symbols on their cars.

But back to Carter. Nobody know the risks better than a Veteran. And Carter had been in Submarine’s and risked his own life and the lives of the crew on every single patrol. So he understood the risks. And while he approved the missions to tap Soviet Underwater phone lines thus risking the lives of the sailors. He did so because it was an excellent source of intelligence and we learned much from the effort. It was worth the risk.

He had probably done a mission or two which was similar in his time.

It’s always those who have never been in uniform who are the most willing to send in the military. Those who have been know that the military option is not the guaranteed success that it is made out to be. And both victories and defeats are purchased in the lives of young people.
Jerry Lewis had a bigger impact!

So did Danny Thomas!
Not a single American killed in a stupid GOP war for four years...... Like I said, his tax cuts were obstructed by teddy who also screwed up his reelection...Teddy should have just waited for crying out loud and avoided the mess we are in today.....
Not a single American killed in a stupid GOP war for four years...... Like I said, his tax cuts were obstructed by teddy who also screwed up his reelection...Teddy should have just waited for crying out loud and avoided the mess we are in today.....
Are you trying to claim all our wars are GOP wars?

A story I heard about him from one of my militia buddies who was a former Army helicopter pilot.

He was stationed at Ft Rucker and had to fly a small observation type plane to Savannah. On the way there was a terrific thunderstorm and he had to make an emergency landing in a peanut field. After the storm passed there was no way for him to take off again in the field. A guy drove up in a pickup truck and identified himself as Jimmy. He took the pilot back to his house and Jimmy and his wife Roslyn fed him supper and gave him a place to sleep for the night. In the morning Mr Jimmy called some people and a crew showed up to retrieve the airplane.

This all happen between the time Carter was Governor and just thinking about running for President. My friend said that Carter and his wife were very kind to him.

By the way, one of my good friends is Roslyn's Carters cousin. He loves the family but didn't vote for Carter.
I can happily piss all over much of the crappy decisions Carter made as President and the lame ass shit he said.
But I see no good reason to malign him as a person.

I agree. Especially since he has continually shown us what kind of person he is.
Are you trying to claim all our wars are GOP wars?

just the stupid and disgraceful ones... W had the stupidest wars ever. And they all do disgusting covert stuff. Mainly in Latin America, Carter made human rights an important part of our diplomacy for a change and absolutely no one got killed
There is a number of documentaries on the era. One I watched not long ago called Desert One was including interviews with surviving members of the teams that went in to Iran and surviving Administration officials. People who were there at the time.

It reinforced and expanded many of my ideals and opinions of the truth of the events.

When I was at Fort Bragg a decade later, we trained at MOUT City. A town constructed from concrete and Cinderblock to be used for training in Urban Warfare. This town was constructed for Delta to train the tactics they would need for the assault to rescue the hostages.

Carter delayed the approval of the mission for several factors. Giving the troops more time to train and prepare was a part of it. And his reluctance to risk the lives of the troops.

His behavior is consistent with most of the Veterans I know. Funny thing. About half of the former troops have that Coexist thing made up of religious symbols on their cars.

But back to Carter. Nobody know the risks better than a Veteran. And Carter had been in Submarine’s and risked his own life and the lives of the crew on every single patrol. So he understood the risks. And while he approved the missions to tap Soviet Underwater phone lines thus risking the lives of the sailors. He did so because it was an excellent source of intelligence and we learned much from the effort. It was worth the risk.

He had probably done a mission or two which was similar in his time.

It’s always those who have never been in uniform who are the most willing to send in the military. Those who have been know that the military option is not the guaranteed success that it is made out to be. And both victories and defeats are purchased in the lives of young people.
Being a Sub Commander and a Delta Team member cannot be compared. The differences are astronomical.

Anyone who knows how officers are in the Navy they'll know that many of them think they know everything.
I've had Navy Commanders telling me my job as a scene leader knowing full well they're full of crap, but you have to stand there and listen to them dress you down for no God Damned reason.

Once they leave you go ahead and do your job the way you were trained, or risk the lives of your men. Knowing the UCMJ, I knew that only a lawful order can change the way I performed my duties as a qualified Damage Control Scene Leader.

I spent time on ODAs in the Army after my time in the Navy ended, and I know that sometimes officers will try to tell you how to do your job. Every single member of the team knows his job inside and out.
Carter tried to tell them how to do their jobs. That's why everything went to shit.

Delta is willing to do the mission....but once the mission is under way it's up to the teams to decide what to do, and they know sometimes they have to FRAGO the mission and decide to proceed or return the base. The conditions dictate. Equipment started malfunctioning. Two choppers wouldn't work which made it impossible to get all of the hostages to safety.
This mission never should have taken place from the beginning. Instead....I would have given the Iranian government 72 hours to turn over the hostages or we'd begin bombing their homes. They would have done it or died in a very nasty manner. Reagan said that was what he was ready to do....and they released the hostages the minute he was sworn in.
He still gave away the Panama Canal to the Chinese and helped overthrow the Shah of Iran which has led to decades of Islamic terrorism all over the world.

He still gave away the Panama Canal to the Chinese and helped overthrow the Shah of Iran which has led to decades of Islamic terrorism all over the world.

You've got to be the biggest asswipe on this board. And that's saying something.

Jimmy Carter was one of the greatest Presidents this country has had. No Republican before or since is worth the shit he wiped off his shoes.
You've got to be the biggest asswipe on this board. And that's saying something.

Jimmy Carter was one of the greatest Presidents this country has had. No Republican before or since is worth the shit he wiped off his shoes.
just the stupid and disgraceful ones... W had the stupidest wars ever. And they all do disgusting covert stuff. Mainly in Latin America, Carter made human rights an important part of our diplomacy for a change and absolutely no one got killed






He still gave away the Panama Canal to the Chinese and helped overthrow the Shah of Iran which has led to decades of Islamic terrorism all over the world.

I said he was a bad president

He also stuck his nose into the north korea nuclear bomb crisis and I think enabled kim to build his bomb

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