Jimmy Carter In Hospice Care

  1. Gerald Ford - Nice guy
  2. Jimmy Carter - Asshole
  3. Ronald Reagon - Really nice guy
  4. Bush Sr - Super Nice guy
  5. Bill Clinton - Nice guy...wife was a c**t
  6. Bush Jr - Nice guy
  7. Barack Obama - Asshole
  8. Donald Trump - Nice guy
  9. Joe Biden - Stupid fucking asshole
Last edited:
  1. Gerald Ford - Nice guy
  2. Jimmy Carter - Asshole
  3. Ronald Reagon - Really nice guy
  4. Bush Sr - Super Nice guy
  5. Bill Clinton - Nice guy...wife was a c**t
  6. Bush Jr - Nice guy
  7. Barack Obama - Asshole
  8. Donald Trump - Nice guy
  9. Joe Biden - Stupid fucking asshole
How was Clinton a nice guy? He sexually abused women, if not outright rape.
He was selected because his homespun nature would be an ostensible balance to the political corruption that preceded him. Problem is that he was in way over his head. He helped create the Iranian crime family and inspired the Soviets to invade Afghanistan.
His post-presidency philanthropy and benevolence earned some respect but he shot that in the foot by butting into political issues from the demmunist perspective.
He was the last POTUS who cared about the average worker. I have zero admiration for all those since.
Jimmy Carter has discontinued medical treatment and transitioned to in home hospice. Sounds like he doesn't have long.

Former US President Jimmy Carter will begin receiving hospice care, according to a statement from The Carter Center on Saturday.

“After a series of short hospital stays, former US President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention. He has the full support of his family and his medical team,” the statement said.

Carter turned 98 years old last year.
Carter was not a good president

But even so he was far better than obama and biden
Good man. Decent governor. Honestly believed he was correct...but was wrong. Presidency was Carter elevated one step above his level of competence.
The impression I got was totally different than the one the media cultivated. They claimed he was a friendly guy with a big smile.
In truth he was a Southern Democrat elitist prick who expected everyone to kiss his ass.
You only spoke to him when spoken to.
He would be the first person to call blacks "BOY" while he was on his farm in Georgia.

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