Jimmy Carter In Hospice Care

I’ve written this before. I think Carter did everything he could, and nobody could have done better. He inherited the energy crisis. He led by example on that front. He stood before Three Mile Island and risked his life to tell the world that it would not explode.

I could continue. But the one thing that damned him was Iran and the Hostage Crisis. There he had military experience and knew how difficult it was to carry off operations. In the end he ordered the attempted rescue. People blame him for the failure which is dumb and fair. Fair in that he gave the order and is ultimately responsible. Dumb because the plan was the very best the military leaders could come up with.

Charlie Beckworth led the planning. He was a Vietnam Vet. Green Beret. And founder of Delta. This man was literally a legend. If anyone could plan an operation, he could.

Hindsight today allows us to point out the obvious flaws and points of failure. But hindsight doesn’t exist when you are doing it. Only when it is all over.

I repeat. Carter was not a bad President. He was the victim of bad luck. I maintain he did as well as anyone could have.
How was Clinton a nice guy? He sexually abused women, if not outright rape.
He was a nice guy to meet in person......but he was a skirt-chasing womanizer, which was partly Hillary's fault.
Anyone who would marry Hillary either had to be a repressed sex fiend or a glutton for punishment.
Let's just say he was Carlos Danger with a personality.
I’ve written this before. I think Carter did everything he could, and nobody could have done better. He inherited the energy crisis. He led by example on that front. He stood before Three Mile Island and risked his life to tell the world that it would not explode.

I could continue. But the one thing that damned him was Iran and the Hostage Crisis. There he had military experience and knew how difficult it was to carry off operations. In the end he ordered the attempted rescue. People blame him for the failure which is dumb and fair. Fair in that he gave the order and is ultimately responsible. Dumb because the plan was the very best the military leaders could come up with.

Charlie Beckworth led the planning. He was a Vietnam Vet. Green Beret. And founder of Delta. This man was literally a legend. If anyone could plan an operation, he could.

Hindsight today allows us to point out the obvious flaws and points of failure. But hindsight doesn’t exist when you are doing it. Only when it is all over.

I repeat. Carter was not a bad President. He was the victim of bad luck. I maintain he did as well as anyone could have.
Carter was a terrible president....the worse president up until Obama and Biden came along.
I was in the military under Carter.
I felt like he gut the military and took too many risks with our lives.
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Is Carter inviting the Trumpster to his funeral?

Or is he going to continue with the same classlessness of other decedents nowadays?

It would be great to have Trump do the official eulogy.

Trump would just talk about himself for 90% of the time
Mixed feelings about this.

Carter was a decent guy who was a completely ineffective president. He's the last president who controlled both chambers of Congress for his entire term, had a pretty friendly Supreme Court... and still had very little to show for his one term.

He was the nice safe guy we wanted after Nixon, but he wasn't up to the task.

Still, a good guy, and he lived a full life after leaving the presidency

Fun fact, when he does pass, he will be the longest lived president.
He was the guy who ran against the buffoon Ford. Reagan was the right man in 1976. He was screwed over.
Jimmah's major disease was hesitation.

He double-clutched and failed to strike Iran when their new revolutionary Gov't was in it's infancy!!

Another Dimm nutless wonder!
Reagan issued in the era of two people having to work to scrape by.
Reagan did not initiate quotas, diversity, affirmative action and feminism. He abided by it though. When white women went into the workforce enmasse in the 1970's it depressed wages and taxes rose to compensate.
Reagan did not initiate quotas, diversity, affirmative action and feminism. He abided by it though. When white women went into the workforce enmasse in the 1970's it depressed wages and taxes rose to compensate.
So he gets a free pass ?
So he gets a free pass ?
Look up the tax codes before the Reagan tax cuts first. No COLA. Many more tax brackets. People today earning 45 to 60 thousand dollars would be in the 49% tax bracket. The social programs enacted in the 1960's were growing exponentially and the cities and states were mandated to pay for the fed mandates also.

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