Jimmy Carter In Hospice Care

i think you got that backwards buddy.

No, I didn't get that backwards. Iran had a democratically elected Prime Minister. But he did the unthinkable and nationalized Iran's oil industry. At the request of BP Oil, the prime minister was removed in a coup supported by the UK and the US. The Shah was put in power. It is verifiable history.
Jimmy Carter has discontinued medical treatment and transitioned to in home hospice. Sounds like he doesn't have long.

Former US President Jimmy Carter will begin receiving hospice care, according to a statement from The Carter Center on Saturday.

“After a series of short hospital stays, former US President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention. He has the full support of his family and his medical team,” the statement said.

Carter turned 98 years old last year.
My prayers go out to Jimmy Carter and his whole family during this difficult time.
i think you got that backwards buddy.
Really? You don’t know about the US coup that installed the Shah? What about some of the other coups the USG perpetrated? Chile? Ukraine? Guatamala? Congo? Dominican Republic? South Vietnam? Brazil?

Well LBJ was trying to win the war and then he gave up. Nixon just used it as a way to get elected and 25,000 men died for nothing.... Plus probably a couple of million Vietnamese. We should have allowed the election back in 1956 like we promised. But the Dulles boys were in town screwing things up lol... The only way to win the war was to kill every single Vietnamese lol. Oh well that's the Cold War for you. But 9/11 was allowed by pure incompetence and the wars were just as stupid...
So people who died in Vietnam under Johnson died for something because he was trying to win but not Nixon? Criticizing the US policies in Vietnam is one thing but solely blaming the Republicans for it is just blind. As for 9/11, pure incompetence is gutting the intelligence budget and preventing law enforcement agencies from sharing intelligence. These were policies of Clinton in Democrats from 1993 to 2000.
Mixed feelings about this.

Carter was a decent guy who was a completely ineffective president. He's the last president who controlled both chambers of Congress for his entire term, had a pretty friendly Supreme Court... and still had very little to show for his one term.

He was the nice safe guy we wanted after Nixon, but he wasn't up to the task.

Still, a good guy, and he lived a full life after leaving the presidency

Fun fact, when he does pass, he will be the longest lived president.
A president who made a greater impact on our country after he left office.
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Jimmy wanted America to get used to suffering.
12% mortgage rates.
Massive inflation.
He made it clear that America's best days were ovah.
Thirty-year fixed-rate mortgages reached 18 percent. We wished for 12%. I was a REALTOR and it was agony. We'd gasp ourselves when we calculated a monthly payment at those rates. Needless to say, only the strong survived, those being the ones who were adept at creative financing.

His term in office was an ugly nightmare.

I met him when he was on the campaign trail. He came to one of our weekly Kiwanis meetings. This one was at our fairgrounds in a huge tent. I was less than impressed although he seemed like a nice guy.
The Iran hostage crisis was probably as much the cause for his being defeated for a second term as were his economic policies. He was viewed as a weak and ineffective president around the world. Not at all unlike our current administration.

(1979–81) Political crisis involving Iran’s seizure of U.S. citizens in Tehrān. Anti-American sentiment in Iran—fueled in part by close ties between the U.S. and Iran’s unpopular leader Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi—peaked when the shah fled during the Iranian Revolution (1978–79). When he entered the U.S. for medical treatment later that year, militants stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehrān and seized 63 Americans. Three other diplomats were seized at the Iranian Foreign Ministry, resulting in a total of 66 hostages. The hostage-takers, who had the tacit support of the new Iranian regime of Ruhollah Khomeini, demanded Mohammad Reza’s extradition to Iran, but U.S. Pres. Jimmy Carter refused and froze all Iranian assets in the U.S. The Iranians released 13 women and African Americans on Nov. 19–20, 1979, and another hostage was released in July 1980. A rescue attempt in April 1980 failed. Negotiations for the hostages’ return began after the shah died in July 1980, but the remaining 52 hostages were kept in captivity until Jan. 20, 1981, when they were released moments after the inauguration of Ronald Reagan. The crisis contributed to Carter’s failure to win reelection.

Overall, it was a dark time.
His antisemitism cost him a lot during the hostage crisis, failing the rescue mission due to arrogance and not consulting the Israelis for advice on operations in those conditions, and caused him to lose re-election,
Yes, because anyone who doesn't bow down to the Zionist Entity is an "Anti-Semite"

Forget about brokering the Camp David Accords, where the Zionists made out like bandits.

Still hoping for a President who puts America's interests above Israel's.
I suppose there were a couple things I like about Jimmy Carter's presidency. He was a staunch believer in nuclear energy--unlike today's anarchists who control the democratic agenda; and ironically enough, along the same lines, he is the reason we have fracking today which is the bane of the left. The industry had almost died off but during the energy crisis he enacted legislation that incentivized non-traditional energy sources and suddenly fracking was off and running again.

The nuclear industry died off because of Three Mile Island. Not because of anything Carter did.
I could continue. But the one thing that damned him was Iran and the Hostage Crisis. There he had military experience and knew how difficult it was to carry off operations. In the end he ordered the attempted rescue. People blame him for the failure which is dumb and fair. Fair in that he gave the order and is ultimately responsible. Dumb because the plan was the very best the military leaders could come up with.

Charlie Beckworth led the planning. He was a Vietnam Vet. Green Beret. And founder of Delta. This man was literally a legend. If anyone could plan an operation, he could.

Hindsight today allows us to point out the obvious flaws and points of failure. But hindsight doesn’t exist when you are doing it. Only when it is all over.

I repeat. Carter was not a bad President. He was the victim of bad luck. I maintain he did as well as anyone could have.
Actually, what he should have done was give them back the Shah.

Problem solved. The fucker was going to die anyway.
You've got to be the biggest asswipe on this board. And that's saying something.

Jimmy Carter was one of the greatest Presidents this country has had. No Republican before or since is worth the shit he wiped off his shoes.
You are confused Moon Bat.

If it wasn't for The Worthless Negro and Joe Potatohead he would be considered the worst President in the history of the Republic. Weak, confused, inept, woke and and embarrassment to this country. The job was over his head.

He did do one thing though. He was the reason my wife quit the Teacher's Union.

She join the Union as a new teacher because they provided liability insurance. However, in 1976 the Libtard filth in the Union leadership used some of her Union dues to support that sonofabitch for President. She didn't like that and quit the Union. She could do it because Florida is a Right to Work State.

Only you stupid confused Moon Bats would say that a President that decreased poverty, had good economic growth, lower welfare, increased family income, lowered taxes, had the lowest minority unemployment in history, sealed the border, had energy independence, brought high paying jobs back to the US and managed Potatohead's Chicom buddies pandemic in a competent way from the Federal level was not better than those massive failures Carter, Obama and Biden.
Say what you will about his presidency, but his legacy as a decent human being is pretty solid.
Only you stupid confused Moon Bats would say that a President that decreased poverty, had good economic growth, lower welfare, increased family income, lowered taxes, had the lowest minority unemployment in history, sealed the border, had energy independence, brought high paying jobs back to the US and managed Potatohead's Chicom buddies pandemic in a competent way from the Federal level was not better than those massive failures Carter, Obama and Biden.

Except Trump didn't do any of those things.
He was the first president to post a net job loss since Hoover.
His average GDP growth was 1% for his entire term, the weakest of any president since FDR.

He didn't "Seal the border". In fact, the number of crossers increased on his watch.


Also, "Energy independence" is a lie. We were not energy independent. The only way you get to the "net exporter" number is by counting export of processed petroleum from other countries.

As for managing Covid competently? Uh, he lost 400,000 people, we had 4000 people dying a day when he left.
Only you stupid confused Moon Bats would say that a President that decreased poverty, had good economic growth, lower welfare, increased family income, lowered taxes, had the lowest minority unemployment in history, sealed the border, had energy independence, brought high paying jobs back to the US and managed Potatohead's Chicom buddies pandemic in a competent way from the Federal level was not better than those massive failures Carter, Obama and Biden.
WHICH president ever did that?

Certainly NOT the three worst US presidents in history, Reagan, Bush and Trump.

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