Jimmy Carter In Hospice Care

The nuclear industry died off because of Three Mile Island. Not because of anything Carter did.

Sorry that was a reference to fracking almost dying off until Carter revived it. Carter's promotion of nuclear was uphill all the way, even before three mile island. The environmentalists du jour were already promoting all natural coal as the alternative to that yucky nuclear energy.
He was a trash President and he decided to take shots at a current President…breaking the tradition of former Presidents keeping their mouths shut.

He trashed the US economy. Gas crisis, inflation. 17% mortgages. Drive 55 to save gas, wear a sweater when its cold.



Look at that 1976 map, my how things have changed.
Say what you will about his presidency, but his legacy as a decent human being is pretty solid.
Can't believe he lasted so long. How proud would you be when you are dying to know you will go down in history as one of our presidents? Sucks he was only a 1 timer but that just gave him 4 more years to do great things for Americans because he never stopped serving us.

He was too good/nice to be POTUS.
Imagine how much better this country would be if other former Presidents actively volunteered as much as Jimmy Carter did. That man made a difference after he left office. That's something noone can take from him.

He served 4 years and then did a lot of great things for the rest of his life.

Compared to serving 8 and then doing this afterward

Say what you will about his presidency, but his legacy as a decent human being is pretty solid.
Worst President, but an outstanding humanitarian after his term.
You are confused Moon Bat.

If it wasn't for The Worthless Negro and Joe Potatohead he would be considered the worst President in the history of the Republic. Weak, confused, inept, woke and and embarrassment to this country. The job was over his head.

He did do one thing though. He was the reason my wife quit the Teacher's Union.

She join the Union as a new teacher because they provided liability insurance. However, in 1976 the Libtard filth in the Union leadership used some of her Union dues to support that sonofabitch for President. She didn't like that and quit the Union. She could do it because Florida is a Right to Work State.
W and trump are the worst presidents we've ever had, easily. Teddy ruined Carter stopped his tax cuts and ruined his reelection...
Dupe thread, at least 3 threads on this already.

He was a terrible President. Seems like an overall good person. But a bad President.

He lived a long and apparently fulfilled life. I hope he goes peacefully and surrounded by loved ones.

I will not deify him just because he is passing on like we all will.

I pass along the same sentiments to Carter that cult fucks pass along to Pubs who die.

Look at the Daily Kos hit piece and Comments when GHWB died.


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