Jimmy Carter, old rich and still breathing.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023

I have seen some recent pictures of Jimmy Carter, a revered figure in the city I grew up in. Carter is nearly a hundred years old and looks like a gasping trout ready for a fisherman's basket. Have you observed that the most destructive people in history live long lives? The Bush family, the Clintons, the Obamas will no doubt attain a ripe old age while you swallow your face in a medical warehouse. They have the money and the influence to keep breathing long after they are biologically dead. Carter ruined the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans with rampant inflation and high interest rates. Interest rates soared to 20 percent devastating marriages and killing the economy to the point that long lines at gas stations were common. Like Barrack Obama, another revered figure in the city, Carter got a Nobel Peace Prize for "looking good". Looking good goes a long way in my home city. It's all about emotions and feelings in the city as a college in the city is busy as a bee turning out testosterone-depleted males and females that discover they are lesbians. It is bizarre and only in the minds of former Bizarro-World Comic readers could this have come about.

I know Donald Trump is seen as bad, nasty, and all sorts of things that do not fit in our new postmodern world where people my age are so stoned most of time they don't care who is in the White House. They get their quadruple bypass surgery and now enjoy the fruits of their chosen lifestyles. They got a pile of cash from their businesses, pensions, and 401k's and they take vacations like kids at an amusement park in their old age. Amusement parks have never been magnets for high intelligence if you have not noticed. I officially apologize to up and coming generations for these people.

My home city is in the state of New Hampshire, the "Live free or die state". If advanced liver disease, lung cancer, and clogged arteries are the prize your eyes are on in the Granite State you are in the right place. It's an open secret that the mission of the state is not so much to live free, but to build bigger and better liquor stores. The state's Governor, Chris Sununu, became a modern hero when in the midst of closing schools and churches during a pandemic, he declared the state's liquor stores essential businesses. While the alcoholic, tobacco smoking, and weed puffing elderly in New Hampshire's nursing homes dropped like victims of the black plague, Sununu became a national spokesman for drinking, smoking, and toking. No wonder Trump is so hated here. He doesn't do any of those things.

A lot of brain damage occurred after the "Great Society" in 1965, and the city here is a poster child for that. The women are covered with tatoos and they have come a long way in the race to an early death. Many local men are impotent, drunk, and self-absorbed with internet porn and vacuous video gaming. These people don't just fall into caskets, they dive into them. There is a good chance that the petri dish of a failed experiment in on the verge of being decomtaminated in the near future and my home city is right at the top of the list for wiping the slate clean and starting the experiment over.

Local media tell people in the city they can rest assured that all those hapless humans being processed across our open borders can't wait to change the diapers of old fat white people that destoyed their hearts, lungs, and livers with the good life of the Great Society. That's only on the poor side of town of course. The rich can afford to insulate themselves from the money-printing snake-pit destination of people who just let this happen as American Exceptionalism. You have to wonder if all that white powder that went up the noses of locals back in the 1980's played a part here. Is the party over for these people? We'll see.

They keep saying Donald Trump is bad and the goverment is good. They can get their poison from the state now so government is looking better all the time. We know how that works don't we? These Boomers are in line at a buffet where they can see the food is going to run out for the children behind them. But they are going to get theirs because that's how our Great Society works. First in time, first in line. Screw you kids! Biden will just print some more money to save you! We are getting on cruise ships!

I'm voting for Trump because I care about those kids.

I have seen some recent pictures of Jimmy Carter, a revered figure in the city I grew up in. Carter is nearly a hundred years old and looks like a gasping trout ready for a fisherman's basket. Have you observed that the most destructive people in history live long lives? The Bush family, the Clintons, the Obamas will no doubt attain a ripe old age while you swallow your face in a medical warehouse. They have the money and the influence to keep breathing long after they are biologically dead. Carter ruined the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans with rampant inflation and high interest rates. Interest rates soared to 20 percent devastating marriages and killing the economy to the point that long lines at gas stations were common. Like Barrack Obama, another revered figure in the city, Carter got a Nobel Peace Prize for "looking good". Looking good goes a long way in my home city. It's all about emotions and feelings in the city as a college in the city is busy as a bee turning out testosterone-depleted males and females that discover they are lesbians. It is bizarre and only in the minds of former Bizarro-World Comic readers could this have come about.

I know Donald Trump is seen as bad, nasty, and all sorts of things that do not fit in our new postmodern world where people my age are so stoned most of time they don't care who is in the White House. They get their quadruple bypass surgery and now enjoy the fruits of their chosen lifestyles. They got a pile of cash from their businesses, pensions, and 401k's and they take vacations like kids at an amusement park in their old age. Amusement parks have never been magnets for high intelligence if you have not noticed. I officially apologize to up and coming generations for these people.

My home city is in the state of New Hampshire, the "Live free or die state". If advanced liver disease, lung cancer, and clogged arteries are the prize your eyes are on in the Granite State you are in the right place. It's an open secret that the mission of the state is not so much to live free, but to build bigger and better liquor stores. The state's Governor, Chris Sununu, became a modern hero when in the midst of closing schools and churches during a pandemic, he declared the state's liquor stores essential businesses. While the alcoholic, tobacco smoking, and weed puffing elderly in New Hampshire's nursing homes dropped like victims of the black plague, Sununu became a national spokesman for drinking, smoking, and toking. No wonder Trump is so hated here. He doesn't do any of those things.

A lot of brain damage occurred after the "Great Society" in 1965, and the city here is a poster child for that. The women are covered with tatoos and they have come a long way in the race to an early death. Many local men are impotent, drunk, and self-absorbed with internet porn and vacuous video gaming. These people don't just fall into caskets, they dive into them. There is a good chance that the petri dish of a failed experiment in on the verge of being decomtaminated in the near future and my home city is right at the top of the list for wiping the slate clean and starting the experiment over.

Local media tell people in the city they can rest assured that all those hapless humans being processed across our open borders can't wait to change the diapers of old fat white people that destoyed their hearts, lungs, and livers with the good life of the Great Society. That's only on the poor side of town of course. The rich can afford to insulate themselves from the money-printing snake-pit destination of people who just let this happen as American Exceptionalism. You have to wonder if all that white powder that went up the noses of locals back in the 1980's played a part here. Is the party over for these people? We'll see.

They keep saying Donald Trump is bad and the goverment is good. They can get their poison from the state now so government is looking better all the time. We know how that works don't we? These Boomers are in line at a buffet where they can see the food is going to run out for the children behind them. But they are going to get theirs because that's how our Great Society works. First in time, first in line. Screw you kids! Biden will just print some more money to save you! We are getting on cruise ships!

I'm voting for Trump because I care about those kids.

When Chris Sununu backed Niki Haley I knew she wasn't the right person to back. I saw Sununu on Bill Maher a few months back.....and he's just another version of Chris Christy only not as fat. He's a jack ass.
When Chris Sununu backed Niki Haley I knew she wasn't the right person to back. I saw Sununu on Bill Maher a few months back.....and he's just another version of Chris Christy only not as fat. He's a jack ass.
Sununu is just another RINO.

I have seen some recent pictures of Jimmy Carter, a revered figure in the city I grew up in. Carter is nearly a hundred years old and looks like a gasping trout ready for a fisherman's basket. Have you observed that the most destructive people in history live long lives? The Bush family, the Clintons, the Obamas will no doubt attain a ripe old age while you swallow your face in a medical warehouse. They have the money and the influence to keep breathing long after they are biologically dead. Carter ruined the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans with rampant inflation and high interest rates. Interest rates soared to 20 percent devastating marriages and killing the economy to the point that long lines at gas stations were common. Like Barrack Obama, another revered figure in the city, Carter got a Nobel Peace Prize for "looking good". Looking good goes a long way in my home city. It's all about emotions and feelings in the city as a college in the city is busy as a bee turning out testosterone-depleted males and females that discover they are lesbians. It is bizarre and only in the minds of former Bizarro-World Comic readers could this have come about.

I know Donald Trump is seen as bad, nasty, and all sorts of things that do not fit in our new postmodern world where people my age are so stoned most of time they don't care who is in the White House. They get their quadruple bypass surgery and now enjoy the fruits of their chosen lifestyles. They got a pile of cash from their businesses, pensions, and 401k's and they take vacations like kids at an amusement park in their old age. Amusement parks have never been magnets for high intelligence if you have not noticed. I officially apologize to up and coming generations for these people.

My home city is in the state of New Hampshire, the "Live free or die state". If advanced liver disease, lung cancer, and clogged arteries are the prize your eyes are on in the Granite State you are in the right place. It's an open secret that the mission of the state is not so much to live free, but to build bigger and better liquor stores. The state's Governor, Chris Sununu, became a modern hero when in the midst of closing schools and churches during a pandemic, he declared the state's liquor stores essential businesses. While the alcoholic, tobacco smoking, and weed puffing elderly in New Hampshire's nursing homes dropped like victims of the black plague, Sununu became a national spokesman for drinking, smoking, and toking. No wonder Trump is so hated here. He doesn't do any of those things.

A lot of brain damage occurred after the "Great Society" in 1965, and the city here is a poster child for that. The women are covered with tatoos and they have come a long way in the race to an early death. Many local men are impotent, drunk, and self-absorbed with internet porn and vacuous video gaming. These people don't just fall into caskets, they dive into them. There is a good chance that the petri dish of a failed experiment in on the verge of being decomtaminated in the near future and my home city is right at the top of the list for wiping the slate clean and starting the experiment over.

Local media tell people in the city they can rest assured that all those hapless humans being processed across our open borders can't wait to change the diapers of old fat white people that destoyed their hearts, lungs, and livers with the good life of the Great Society. That's only on the poor side of town of course. The rich can afford to insulate themselves from the money-printing snake-pit destination of people who just let this happen as American Exceptionalism. You have to wonder if all that white powder that went up the noses of locals back in the 1980's played a part here. Is the party over for these people? We'll see.

They keep saying Donald Trump is bad and the goverment is good. They can get their poison from the state now so government is looking better all the time. We know how that works don't we? These Boomers are in line at a buffet where they can see the food is going to run out for the children behind them. But they are going to get theirs because that's how our Great Society works. First in time, first in line. Screw you kids! Biden will just print some more money to save you! We are getting on cruise ships!

I'm voting for Trump because I care about those kids.
Will those kids take part in his next riot when he loses?
Jimmy Carter ... the Joe Biden v1.0 ..
Ole Jimmy held the indisputable record of being the worst President in America history until Queer Barry took the title away about three decades later.

Then along came Ole Potatohead took the title away from Queer Barry.

It will take a tremendous amount of fuck ups, corruption and incompetence to ever unseat Potatohead as being The Worst President in the History of the Republic but I am sure there is someone in the ranks of the Democrat Party or maybe even a RINO that could pull it off.

I have seen some recent pictures of Jimmy Carter, a revered figure in the city I grew up in. Carter is nearly a hundred years old and looks like a gasping trout ready for a fisherman's basket. Have you observed that the most destructive people in history live long lives? The Bush family, the Clintons, the Obamas will no doubt attain a ripe old age while you swallow your face in a medical warehouse. They have the money and the influence to keep breathing long after they are biologically dead. Carter ruined the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans with rampant inflation and high interest rates. Interest rates soared to 20 percent devastating marriages and killing the economy to the point that long lines at gas stations were common. Like Barrack Obama, another revered figure in the city, Carter got a Nobel Peace Prize for "looking good". Looking good goes a long way in my home city. It's all about emotions and feelings in the city as a college in the city is busy as a bee turning out testosterone-depleted males and females that discover they are lesbians. It is bizarre and only in the minds of former Bizarro-World Comic readers could this have come about.

I know Donald Trump is seen as bad, nasty, and all sorts of things that do not fit in our new postmodern world where people my age are so stoned most of time they don't care who is in the White House. They get their quadruple bypass surgery and now enjoy the fruits of their chosen lifestyles. They got a pile of cash from their businesses, pensions, and 401k's and they take vacations like kids at an amusement park in their old age. Amusement parks have never been magnets for high intelligence if you have not noticed. I officially apologize to up and coming generations for these people.

My home city is in the state of New Hampshire, the "Live free or die state". If advanced liver disease, lung cancer, and clogged arteries are the prize your eyes are on in the Granite State you are in the right place. It's an open secret that the mission of the state is not so much to live free, but to build bigger and better liquor stores. The state's Governor, Chris Sununu, became a modern hero when in the midst of closing schools and churches during a pandemic, he declared the state's liquor stores essential businesses. While the alcoholic, tobacco smoking, and weed puffing elderly in New Hampshire's nursing homes dropped like victims of the black plague, Sununu became a national spokesman for drinking, smoking, and toking. No wonder Trump is so hated here. He doesn't do any of those things.

A lot of brain damage occurred after the "Great Society" in 1965, and the city here is a poster child for that. The women are covered with tatoos and they have come a long way in the race to an early death. Many local men are impotent, drunk, and self-absorbed with internet porn and vacuous video gaming. These people don't just fall into caskets, they dive into them. There is a good chance that the petri dish of a failed experiment in on the verge of being decomtaminated in the near future and my home city is right at the top of the list for wiping the slate clean and starting the experiment over.

Local media tell people in the city they can rest assured that all those hapless humans being processed across our open borders can't wait to change the diapers of old fat white people that destoyed their hearts, lungs, and livers with the good life of the Great Society. That's only on the poor side of town of course. The rich can afford to insulate themselves from the money-printing snake-pit destination of people who just let this happen as American Exceptionalism. You have to wonder if all that white powder that went up the noses of locals back in the 1980's played a part here. Is the party over for these people? We'll see.

They keep saying Donald Trump is bad and the goverment is good. They can get their poison from the state now so government is looking better all the time. We know how that works don't we? These Boomers are in line at a buffet where they can see the food is going to run out for the children behind them. But they are going to get theirs because that's how our Great Society works. First in time, first in line. Screw you kids! Biden will just print some more money to save you! We are getting on cruise ships!

I'm voting for Trump because I care about those kids.
All negativity. Bummer your life sucks so bad. Maybe you should consider another country at your advanced age since you seem to believe this one is so terrible. :itsok:
Carter ruined the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans with rampant inflation and high interest rates. Interest rates soared to 20 percent devastating marriages and killing the economy to the point that long lines at gas stations were common.

You're criticizing the move that saved America's economy. Did Nixon's wage and price controls or Ford's WIN buttons succeed in beating inflation? Hell no. Today's inflation has nothing on what was going on throughout the 70's. And about those long lines at the gasoline pump (along with the resulting double nickel speed limit), that all started with OPEC gas embargo in reaction to Nixon's military aid to Israel. Yeah, as if Nixon's knifing Taiwan in the back wasn't damage enough.

I have seen some recent pictures of Jimmy Carter, a revered figure in the city I grew up in. Carter is nearly a hundred years old and looks like a gasping trout ready for a fisherman's basket. Have you observed that the most destructive people in history live long lives? The Bush family, the Clintons, the Obamas will no doubt attain a ripe old age while you swallow your face in a medical warehouse. They have the money and the influence to keep breathing long after they are biologically dead. Carter ruined the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans with rampant inflation and high interest rates. Interest rates soared to 20 percent devastating marriages and killing the economy to the point that long lines at gas stations were common. Like Barrack Obama, another revered figure in the city, Carter got a Nobel Peace Prize for "looking good". Looking good goes a long way in my home city. It's all about emotions and feelings in the city as a college in the city is busy as a bee turning out testosterone-depleted males and females that discover they are lesbians. It is bizarre and only in the minds of former Bizarro-World Comic readers could this have come about.

I know Donald Trump is seen as bad, nasty, and all sorts of things that do not fit in our new postmodern world where people my age are so stoned most of time they don't care who is in the White House. They get their quadruple bypass surgery and now enjoy the fruits of their chosen lifestyles. They got a pile of cash from their businesses, pensions, and 401k's and they take vacations like kids at an amusement park in their old age. Amusement parks have never been magnets for high intelligence if you have not noticed. I officially apologize to up and coming generations for these people.

My home city is in the state of New Hampshire, the "Live free or die state". If advanced liver disease, lung cancer, and clogged arteries are the prize your eyes are on in the Granite State you are in the right place. It's an open secret that the mission of the state is not so much to live free, but to build bigger and better liquor stores. The state's Governor, Chris Sununu, became a modern hero when in the midst of closing schools and churches during a pandemic, he declared the state's liquor stores essential businesses. While the alcoholic, tobacco smoking, and weed puffing elderly in New Hampshire's nursing homes dropped like victims of the black plague, Sununu became a national spokesman for drinking, smoking, and toking. No wonder Trump is so hated here. He doesn't do any of those things.

A lot of brain damage occurred after the "Great Society" in 1965, and the city here is a poster child for that. The women are covered with tatoos and they have come a long way in the race to an early death. Many local men are impotent, drunk, and self-absorbed with internet porn and vacuous video gaming. These people don't just fall into caskets, they dive into them. There is a good chance that the petri dish of a failed experiment in on the verge of being decomtaminated in the near future and my home city is right at the top of the list for wiping the slate clean and starting the experiment over.

Local media tell people in the city they can rest assured that all those hapless humans being processed across our open borders can't wait to change the diapers of old fat white people that destoyed their hearts, lungs, and livers with the good life of the Great Society. That's only on the poor side of town of course. The rich can afford to insulate themselves from the money-printing snake-pit destination of people who just let this happen as American Exceptionalism. You have to wonder if all that white powder that went up the noses of locals back in the 1980's played a part here. Is the party over for these people? We'll see.

They keep saying Donald Trump is bad and the goverment is good. They can get their poison from the state now so government is looking better all the time. We know how that works don't we? These Boomers are in line at a buffet where they can see the food is going to run out for the children behind them. But they are going to get theirs because that's how our Great Society works. First in time, first in line. Screw you kids! Biden will just print some more money to save you! We are getting on cruise ships!

I'm voting for Trump because I care about those kids.
I have to ask. If you hate N.H. & it's people so much why do you live there? Ever hear of voting with your feet?

I was going to suggest Florida but with the percentage of aging boomers who live there that state probably wouldn't be a good choice.

BTW, I'm assuming that you're fairly young. Think you're not going to age just like the boomers whom you despise? And not all boomers are former dope addicts, alcoholics, burnt out pot heads etc.

I have seen some recent pictures of Jimmy Carter, a revered figure in the city I grew up in. Carter is nearly a hundred years old and looks like a gasping trout ready for a fisherman's basket. Have you observed that the most destructive people in history live long lives? The Bush family, the Clintons, the Obamas will no doubt attain a ripe old age while you swallow your face in a medical warehouse. They have the money and the influence to keep breathing long after they are biologically dead. Carter ruined the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans with rampant inflation and high interest rates. Interest rates soared to 20 percent devastating marriages and killing the economy to the point that long lines at gas stations were common. Like Barrack Obama, another revered figure in the city, Carter got a Nobel Peace Prize for "looking good". Looking good goes a long way in my home city. It's all about emotions and feelings in the city as a college in the city is busy as a bee turning out testosterone-depleted males and females that discover they are lesbians. It is bizarre and only in the minds of former Bizarro-World Comic readers could this have come about.

I know Donald Trump is seen as bad, nasty, and all sorts of things that do not fit in our new postmodern world where people my age are so stoned most of time they don't care who is in the White House. They get their quadruple bypass surgery and now enjoy the fruits of their chosen lifestyles. They got a pile of cash from their businesses, pensions, and 401k's and they take vacations like kids at an amusement park in their old age. Amusement parks have never been magnets for high intelligence if you have not noticed. I officially apologize to up and coming generations for these people.

My home city is in the state of New Hampshire, the "Live free or die state". If advanced liver disease, lung cancer, and clogged arteries are the prize your eyes are on in the Granite State you are in the right place. It's an open secret that the mission of the state is not so much to live free, but to build bigger and better liquor stores. The state's Governor, Chris Sununu, became a modern hero when in the midst of closing schools and churches during a pandemic, he declared the state's liquor stores essential businesses. While the alcoholic, tobacco smoking, and weed puffing elderly in New Hampshire's nursing homes dropped like victims of the black plague, Sununu became a national spokesman for drinking, smoking, and toking. No wonder Trump is so hated here. He doesn't do any of those things.

A lot of brain damage occurred after the "Great Society" in 1965, and the city here is a poster child for that. The women are covered with tatoos and they have come a long way in the race to an early death. Many local men are impotent, drunk, and self-absorbed with internet porn and vacuous video gaming. These people don't just fall into caskets, they dive into them. There is a good chance that the petri dish of a failed experiment in on the verge of being decomtaminated in the near future and my home city is right at the top of the list for wiping the slate clean and starting the experiment over.

Local media tell people in the city they can rest assured that all those hapless humans being processed across our open borders can't wait to change the diapers of old fat white people that destoyed their hearts, lungs, and livers with the good life of the Great Society. That's only on the poor side of town of course. The rich can afford to insulate themselves from the money-printing snake-pit destination of people who just let this happen as American Exceptionalism. You have to wonder if all that white powder that went up the noses of locals back in the 1980's played a part here. Is the party over for these people? We'll see.

They keep saying Donald Trump is bad and the goverment is good. They can get their poison from the state now so government is looking better all the time. We know how that works don't we? These Boomers are in line at a buffet where they can see the food is going to run out for the children behind them. But they are going to get theirs because that's how our Great Society works. First in time, first in line. Screw you kids! Biden will just print some more money to save you! We are getting on cruise ships!

I'm voting for Trump because I care about those kids.


I have seen some recent pictures of Jimmy Carter, a revered figure in the city I grew up in. Carter is nearly a hundred years old and looks like a gasping trout ready for a fisherman's basket. Have you observed that the most destructive people in history live long lives? The Bush family, the Clintons, the Obamas will no doubt attain a ripe old age while you swallow your face in a medical warehouse. They have the money and the influence to keep breathing long after they are biologically dead. Carter ruined the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans with rampant inflation and high interest rates. Interest rates soared to 20 percent devastating marriages and killing the economy to the point that long lines at gas stations were common. Like Barrack Obama, another revered figure in the city, Carter got a Nobel Peace Prize for "looking good". Looking good goes a long way in my home city. It's all about emotions and feelings in the city as a college in the city is busy as a bee turning out testosterone-depleted males and females that discover they are lesbians. It is bizarre and only in the minds of former Bizarro-World Comic readers could this have come about.

I know Donald Trump is seen as bad, nasty, and all sorts of things that do not fit in our new postmodern world where people my age are so stoned most of time they don't care who is in the White House. They get their quadruple bypass surgery and now enjoy the fruits of their chosen lifestyles. They got a pile of cash from their businesses, pensions, and 401k's and they take vacations like kids at an amusement park in their old age. Amusement parks have never been magnets for high intelligence if you have not noticed. I officially apologize to up and coming generations for these people.

My home city is in the state of New Hampshire, the "Live free or die state". If advanced liver disease, lung cancer, and clogged arteries are the prize your eyes are on in the Granite State you are in the right place. It's an open secret that the mission of the state is not so much to live free, but to build bigger and better liquor stores. The state's Governor, Chris Sununu, became a modern hero when in the midst of closing schools and churches during a pandemic, he declared the state's liquor stores essential businesses. While the alcoholic, tobacco smoking, and weed puffing elderly in New Hampshire's nursing homes dropped like victims of the black plague, Sununu became a national spokesman for drinking, smoking, and toking. No wonder Trump is so hated here. He doesn't do any of those things.

A lot of brain damage occurred after the "Great Society" in 1965, and the city here is a poster child for that. The women are covered with tatoos and they have come a long way in the race to an early death. Many local men are impotent, drunk, and self-absorbed with internet porn and vacuous video gaming. These people don't just fall into caskets, they dive into them. There is a good chance that the petri dish of a failed experiment in on the verge of being decomtaminated in the near future and my home city is right at the top of the list for wiping the slate clean and starting the experiment over.

Local media tell people in the city they can rest assured that all those hapless humans being processed across our open borders can't wait to change the diapers of old fat white people that destoyed their hearts, lungs, and livers with the good life of the Great Society. That's only on the poor side of town of course. The rich can afford to insulate themselves from the money-printing snake-pit destination of people who just let this happen as American Exceptionalism. You have to wonder if all that white powder that went up the noses of locals back in the 1980's played a part here. Is the party over for these people? We'll see.

They keep saying Donald Trump is bad and the goverment is good. They can get their poison from the state now so government is looking better all the time. We know how that works don't we? These Boomers are in line at a buffet where they can see the food is going to run out for the children behind them. But they are going to get theirs because that's how our Great Society works. First in time, first in line. Screw you kids! Biden will just print some more money to save you! We are getting on cruise ships!

I'm voting for Trump because I care about those kids.
Carter was one of our greatest presidents, and a wonderful human being.

You sound like a piece of shit, so there's that too. :)
You're criticizing the move that saved America's economy. Did Nixon's wage and price controls or Ford's WIN buttons succeed in beating inflation? Hell no. Today's inflation has nothing on what was going on throughout the 70's. And about those long lines at the gasoline pump (along with the resulting double nickel speed limit), that all started with OPEC gas embargo in reaction to Nixon's military aid to Israel. Yeah, as if Nixon's knifing Taiwan in the back wasn't damage enough.
i consider the late 1970s to be a golden age. no one "crushed my hopes and dreams."

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