Jobs Report

Early reports are often wrong but this just cleared the wires:

The economy added 157,000 jobs in July, the Labor Department reported today, a sharp downturn from 248,000 in June.

Average hourly private-sector earnings were up 2.7 percent over the previous year, unchanged from June. The unemployment rate was 3.9 percent, down from 4 percent in June.

Analysts surveyed by Bloomberg had predicted the creation of 190,000 jobs.

The trade wars are causing mass uncertainty in the hiring market.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and state that you weren't one of the 157,000 that got a job
Where I live people are hiring all over and businesses are springing up.

Hope it continues.

Take a look at those ads, will they feed a family of 4. Are they part time jobs without benefits. The paper is full of them here, but they are not good paying jobs of any substance and many are seasonal.

Jobs are jobs and there are more jobs then there are people to fill them.

That is what we’re experiencing at the Hospital. I am the one who checks the credentials with the state boards as part of the disaster preparedness team. I used to do it after the hire but now I do it as part of the hiring process….

I used to get about 50-80 per month. I think I had 8 last month.

The immigration policy is steering a lot of applicants away.
Of course when you say immigration you mean illegals. Lol

Illegals? Yes, a misdemeanor. Instead of prosecuting them, maybe some work visas would be more beneficial.
Supervised work details? You might be on to something there.
Early reports are often wrong but this just cleared the wires:

The economy added 157,000 jobs in July, the Labor Department reported today, a sharp downturn from 248,000 in June.

Average hourly private-sector earnings were up 2.7 percent over the previous year, unchanged from June. The unemployment rate was 3.9 percent, down from 4 percent in June.

Analysts surveyed by Bloomberg had predicted the creation of 190,000 jobs.

The trade wars are causing mass uncertainty in the hiring market.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and state that you weren't one of the 157,000 that got a job
Take a look at those ads, will they feed a family of 4. Are they part time jobs without benefits. The paper is full of them here, but they are not good paying jobs of any substance and many are seasonal.

Jobs are jobs and there are more jobs then there are people to fill them.

That is what we’re experiencing at the Hospital. I am the one who checks the credentials with the state boards as part of the disaster preparedness team. I used to do it after the hire but now I do it as part of the hiring process….

I used to get about 50-80 per month. I think I had 8 last month.

The immigration policy is steering a lot of applicants away.
Of course when you say immigration you mean illegals. Lol

Illegals? Yes, a misdemeanor. Instead of prosecuting them, maybe some work visas would be more beneficial.
Too bad the vast majority of ILLEGALS have no skills needed here today.

That's right. Not a one works when they come here.
Early reports are often wrong but this just cleared the wires:

The economy added 157,000 jobs in July, the Labor Department reported today, a sharp downturn from 248,000 in June.

Average hourly private-sector earnings were up 2.7 percent over the previous year, unchanged from June. The unemployment rate was 3.9 percent, down from 4 percent in June.

Analysts surveyed by Bloomberg had predicted the creation of 190,000 jobs.

The trade wars are causing mass uncertainty in the hiring market.
157,000 jobs is a disgrace

The Great Obama gave us over 200,000
/——-/ Employers can’t find people to fill vacant jobs.

We're separating and deporting a viable labor force.
/----/ Because they are illegals. Let Americans have the opportunity to be sought after and be in demand. They deserve it after the 8 horrible years of Obozo when they had to settle for whatever job and salary that came along.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and state that you weren't one of the 157,000 that got a job
Jobs are jobs and there are more jobs then there are people to fill them.

That is what we’re experiencing at the Hospital. I am the one who checks the credentials with the state boards as part of the disaster preparedness team. I used to do it after the hire but now I do it as part of the hiring process….

I used to get about 50-80 per month. I think I had 8 last month.

The immigration policy is steering a lot of applicants away.
Of course when you say immigration you mean illegals. Lol

Illegals? Yes, a misdemeanor. Instead of prosecuting them, maybe some work visas would be more beneficial.
Too bad the vast majority of ILLEGALS have no skills needed here today.

That's right. Not a one works when they come here.
I never said that troll. Gotta learn that we can see through your spin attempts to diminish what is the truth about the illegal invaders.
The trade wars are causing mass uncertainty in the hiring market.

What data are you basing that assertion on?

"Correlation does not imply causation"
Umm....the very quantifiable rise in costs associated with increased tariffs and the uncertainty of future costs.

Playing "dumb" is just dumb.
Troll, tariffs will have two major effects long term, one being people here forced to make more products and raw materials here, thereby creating more jobs. Two, making more America hating liars speak up.

Uh huh. That's why we've worked for the last thirty years to eliminate them.

Well if they applied legally for a work permit then they would be more than welcome here.

Once their job was done they could all go back to Mexico or wherever the hell they came from.

Of course most could do that but decide to cross the border instead.

What's the difference? They came here for the opportunities this country offers. Crossing the border illegally does not makw someone a bad person.
What data are you basing that assertion on?

"Correlation does not imply causation"
Umm....the very quantifiable rise in costs associated with increased tariffs and the uncertainty of future costs.

Playing "dumb" is just dumb.
Troll, tariffs will have two major effects long term, one being people here forced to make more products and raw materials here, thereby creating more jobs. Two, making more America hating liars speak up.

Uh huh. That's why we've worked for the last thirty years to eliminate them.

Well if they applied legally for a work permit then they would be more than welcome here.

Once their job was done they could all go back to Mexico or wherever the hell they came from.

Of course most could do that but decide to cross the border instead.

What's the difference? They came here for the opportunities this country offers. Crossing the border illegally does not makw someone a bad person.
Yes it does, it makes them a criminal. Most liberals support criminals which is why we have so much crime today. Thanks for coming out.
Many businesses are having a hard time finding workers. I see plenty of businesses with "now hiring" signs out front. Kind of hard to make the employment numbers go up when you can't find workers.

Yep, that's the crux of the (one of) the major problems in the U.S. Labor Market, businesses are struggling to match available labor with the skills they need to fill job openings. The last JOLTS showed 6.6 million unfilled job openings in May with only a slight decline of 224,000 (3.29%) from the previous month, the job openings are out there the market is just running short of qualified labor to fill them.

Might be time to start looking at loosening up the work visa programs, so we can get these jobs filled and avoid running into output capacity constraints.

I agree. My landscaper almost went under this year because the Trump admin wouldn't extend the number of H2B visas allowed this year as every president has for the last 20 years. He may still quit if there is no guarantee for next year. Instead of opening visas for those outside, maybe we should grant them to those already here.

Oh nooo, a tragedy, you may have to mow your own lawn....or even worse, find a kid in the neighborhood.

There is no kid, dope. That's the point. He couldn't get anyone to work. His entire family was out there sweating their asses off til dark seven days a week. He only uses legal H2B labor.

Why are you against small business?

No kidding, you live in a neighborhood that doesn't have any kids?
What data are you basing that assertion on?

"Correlation does not imply causation"
Umm....the very quantifiable rise in costs associated with increased tariffs and the uncertainty of future costs.

Playing "dumb" is just dumb.
Troll, tariffs will have two major effects long term, one being people here forced to make more products and raw materials here, thereby creating more jobs. Two, making more America hating liars speak up.

Uh huh. That's why we've worked for the last thirty years to eliminate them.

Well if they applied legally for a work permit then they would be more than welcome here.

Once their job was done they could all go back to Mexico or wherever the hell they came from.

Of course most could do that but decide to cross the border instead.

What's the difference? They came here for the opportunities this country offers. Crossing the border illegally does not makw someone a bad person.

Yup....for the opportunity.
Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch
What data are you basing that assertion on?

"Correlation does not imply causation"
Umm....the very quantifiable rise in costs associated with increased tariffs and the uncertainty of future costs.

Playing "dumb" is just dumb.
Troll, tariffs will have two major effects long term, one being people here forced to make more products and raw materials here, thereby creating more jobs. Two, making more America hating liars speak up.

Uh huh. That's why we've worked for the last thirty years to eliminate them.

Well if they applied legally for a work permit then they would be more than welcome here.

Once their job was done they could all go back to Mexico or wherever the hell they came from.

Of course most could do that but decide to cross the border instead.

What's the difference? They came here for the opportunities this country offers. Crossing the border illegally does not makw someone a bad person.

No. Just a person here illegally.

The work permit is a good idea.

That's how they do it in Canada. The Canadian Government contacts the Mexican Govt. Canada tells them how many workers they need and for how long and they are sent.

Once the job is done they go back to Mexico. Works well for Canada and work well here as well.
How many illegal mexicans come over here and then get welfare? Lets see some stats.

Yes, that's the first place they go! Right to the nearest Welfare Office where some friendly government worker signs them up with no documentation required.

LOL, but thats not what Fox News told him.
So predictable, always the same.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump TrumpTrump Trump
Early reports are often wrong but this just cleared the wires:

The economy added 157,000 jobs in July, the Labor Department reported today, a sharp downturn from 248,000 in June.

Average hourly private-sector earnings were up 2.7 percent over the previous year, unchanged from June. The unemployment rate was 3.9 percent, down from 4 percent in June.

Analysts surveyed by Bloomberg had predicted the creation of 190,000 jobs.

The trade wars are causing mass uncertainty in the hiring market.
157,000 jobs is a disgrace

The Great Obama gave us over 200,000
/——-/ Employers can’t find people to fill vacant jobs.

We're separating and deporting a viable labor force.
/----/ Because they are illegals. Let Americans have the opportunity to be sought after and be in demand. They deserve it after the 8 horrible years of Obozo when they had to settle for whatever job and salary that came along.

Americans aren't lining up for those sweet meat processing jobs.
Early reports are often wrong but this just cleared the wires:

The economy added 157,000 jobs in July, the Labor Department reported today, a sharp downturn from 248,000 in June.

Average hourly private-sector earnings were up 2.7 percent over the previous year, unchanged from June. The unemployment rate was 3.9 percent, down from 4 percent in June.

Analysts surveyed by Bloomberg had predicted the creation of 190,000 jobs.

The trade wars are causing mass uncertainty in the hiring market.
157,000 jobs is a disgrace

The Great Obama gave us over 200,000
/——-/ Employers can’t find people to fill vacant jobs.

We're separating and deporting a viable labor force.
/----/ Because they are illegals. Let Americans have the opportunity to be sought after and be in demand. They deserve it after the 8 horrible years of Obozo when they had to settle for whatever job and salary that came along.

Americans aren't lining up for those sweet meat processing jobs.
You don't have any idea what Americans are doing. You're to busy batting for illegals!
That is what we’re experiencing at the Hospital. I am the one who checks the credentials with the state boards as part of the disaster preparedness team. I used to do it after the hire but now I do it as part of the hiring process….

I used to get about 50-80 per month. I think I had 8 last month.

The immigration policy is steering a lot of applicants away.
Of course when you say immigration you mean illegals. Lol

Illegals? Yes, a misdemeanor. Instead of prosecuting them, maybe some work visas would be more beneficial.
Too bad the vast majority of ILLEGALS have no skills needed here today.

That's right. Not a one works when they come here.
I never said that troll. Gotta learn that we can see through your spin attempts to diminish what is the truth about the illegal invaders.

By saying they have no skills, you're implying they can't or won't work.
157,000 jobs is a disgrace

The Great Obama gave us over 200,000
/——-/ Employers can’t find people to fill vacant jobs.

We're separating and deporting a viable labor force.
/----/ Because they are illegals. Let Americans have the opportunity to be sought after and be in demand. They deserve it after the 8 horrible years of Obozo when they had to settle for whatever job and salary that came along.

Americans aren't lining up for those sweet meat processing jobs.
You don't have any idea what Americans are doing. You're to busy batting for illegals!

I just gave an example, dope. Many others have also posted the difficulty in finding workers. It is you who are battling over "illegals".
Of course when you say immigration you mean illegals. Lol

Illegals? Yes, a misdemeanor. Instead of prosecuting them, maybe some work visas would be more beneficial.
Too bad the vast majority of ILLEGALS have no skills needed here today.

That's right. Not a one works when they come here.
I never said that troll. Gotta learn that we can see through your spin attempts to diminish what is the truth about the illegal invaders.

By saying they have no skills, you're implying they can't or won't work.
You are again twisting what I said, liar. I stated "...the vast majority have no skills needed here today...."

Now twist smoke and spin some more America hater.
/——-/ Employers can’t find people to fill vacant jobs.

We're separating and deporting a viable labor force.
/----/ Because they are illegals. Let Americans have the opportunity to be sought after and be in demand. They deserve it after the 8 horrible years of Obozo when they had to settle for whatever job and salary that came along.

Americans aren't lining up for those sweet meat processing jobs.
You don't have any idea what Americans are doing. You're to busy batting for illegals!

I just gave an example, dope. Many others have also posted the difficulty in finding workers. It is you who are battling over "illegals".
Goebbels strikes again! If they got such great skill sets why aren't they finding jobs in Mexico? Why do they trudge across a desert to swim a river to come here illegally? Why aren't they an asset to Mexico?

Smoke spin twist, lather rinse repeat.

trolling for dummies.jpg
The democrats like to ignore the fact that the economy took a tank in 06 when THEY took over congress. Bush was a lame duck the last two years yet liberals want to blame him. WTF was he supposed to do? Republicans couldn't get shit passed because of liberals saying "no" to everything. Isn't that funny. The minute the democrats get control of congress the economy tanks. It continues to stagnate until they are finally relieved of duty in 2017. Then it takes off like a rocket.

And people STILL vote in liberals into office. You have to wonder why.
Last edited:
Early reports are often wrong but this just cleared the wires:

The economy added 157,000 jobs in July, the Labor Department reported today, a sharp downturn from 248,000 in June.

Average hourly private-sector earnings were up 2.7 percent over the previous year, unchanged from June. The unemployment rate was 3.9 percent, down from 4 percent in June.

Analysts surveyed by Bloomberg had predicted the creation of 190,000 jobs.

The trade wars are causing mass uncertainty in the hiring market.
More liberal butt hurt. Where I live they can't find enough people to work.

Yet, you're worried about mexicans stealing jobs, right? We need a wall paid by our tax dollars, right?

Do you idiots think anything through?
Never said that liar. I'm worried about mexicans and others coming here illegally and needing welfare assistance immediately and committing crimes, like they have been doing for God only knows how long. Next lie?

How many illegal mexicans come over here and then get welfare? Lets see some stats.
Like free healthcare and free schooling for the illegal kiddos?
Yes, that doesnt happen :rolleyes:
The democrats like to ignore the fact that the economy took a tank in 06 when THEY took over congress. Bush was a lame duck the last two years yet liberals want to blame him. WTF was he supposed to do? Republicans couldn't get shit passed because of liberals saying "no" to everything. Isn't that funny. The minute the democrats get control of congress the economy tanks. It continues to stagnate until they are finally relieved of duty in 2017. Then it takes off like a rocket.

And people STILL vote in liberals into office. You have to wonder why.
2006 is pre-recession. The effects of subprime mortgage meltdown peaked in 2009.
Real estate peaked in 2007.
The democrats like to ignore the fact that the economy took a tank in 06 when THEY took over congress. Bush was a lame duck the last two years yet liberals want to blame him. WTF was he supposed to do? Republicans couldn't get shit passed because of liberals saying "no" to everything. Isn't that funny. The minute the democrats get control of congress the economy tanks. It continues to stagnate until they are finally relieved of duty in 2017. Then it takes off like a rocket.

And people STILL vote in liberals into office. You have to wonder why.
2006 is pre-recession. The effects of subprime mortgage meltdown peaked in 2009.
Real estate peaked in 2007.

There you go. Give liberals the keys to the car and they wreck it. Liberals got the keys in Jan of 2007. Thanks for proving my point!

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