Jodi Arias Penalty

Also, technically, if you are not a registered not-for-profit charitable organization, you are supposed to pay taxes on sales.
WomenShelter of Long Beach doesn't seem happy about those survivor Tees:

I wonder if any of the profit went to them?

Oh snap!

Copyright infringements all around.

But they were also collecting money for the shirts. If nothing went to the shelter, it's not just copyright infringement, it's fraud.

M1 stab29times/shootwithgrandpasgun/slitthroat - check
Dior Copyright Lawsuit - check
DV Fraud - check

What's a little fraud and tracing pictures anyways?
I found it! Thanks Testarosa... I will do my best not to accuse certain posters of spending their day in mommys basement and only leaving to empty the bucket he/she poops in!
I found it! Thanks Testarosa... I will do my best not to accuse certain posters of spending their day in mommys basement and only leaving to empty the bucket he/she poops in!

That didn't work, anyway, welcome.
Hey Testy, what is Feisty's twitter handle? I want to go read what she wrote.
I have to spread the reps around doc, can't hit you yet. Mornin'. Looks like you've been making busy with the rep situation, I see.
I found it! Thanks Testarosa... I will do my best not to accuse certain posters of spending their day in mommys basement and only leaving to empty the bucket he/she poops in!

Well, thank God you're here, now we can get the party started. :)

We have new emoticons if you get out of hand:

Only a repwhore™ could be here less than 24 hours and already rack up 18 reps.
HLN isn't always as sensation-driven during the day as it is at night with newsertainment programs. When they are covering the trial during the day, they have some guest attorneys who can be decent. I don't think they require the level of screaming that they do at night. You know, that is in the contracts of the personalities there at night.

Clause 128: TALK VERY LOUDLY, shout over guests, make statements without fact-finding.

That's because they have to keep waking the audience up. LOL They bore viewers to sleep by re-telling and re-telling everything already reported on during the day. :eusa_wall:

I do watch the shows after I get home from work, always hoping there will be "breaking news" that I haven't already heard and that their "exclusive" info hasn't already been 'leaked' out by other sources. :eek:
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Hey Testy, what is Feisty's twitter handle? I want to go read what she wrote.

Sorry, I was spacing.

I'll pm-errr-something it to you in case she doesn't want it broadcasted.

She said:
I will do the best I can The best is yet to come all closed hearing to be releasted

And there's a link somewhere here that I can't find, there was a lot of tweeting going on.
Hey Testy, what is Feisty's twitter handle? I want to go read what she wrote.

Sorry, I was spacing.

I'll pm-errr-something it to you in case she doesn't want it broadcasted.

She said:
I will do the best I can The best is yet to come all closed hearing to be releasted

And there's a link somewhere here that I can't find, there was a lot of tweeting going on.

Oh, so maybe it's about ALL closed hearings, not just Thursday's. That will be VERY interesting.:dance::dance:

No reason for that emoticon, really.

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