Jodi Arias Penalty

Here is an interesting article, although it is a bit old:

The distinction between personality disorder and mental illness

And another, describing BPD and co-morbid conditions:

NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness | Mental Illnesses

Borderline Personality Disorder


Co-occurring Disorders

Borderline Personality Disorder rarely stands alone. BPD occurs with, and complicates, other disorders.

Co-morbidity with other disorders:

Major Depressive Disorder -- 60 percent

Dysthymia (chronic, moderate to mild depression) -- 70 percent

Eating Disorders -- 25 percent

Substance Abuse -- 35 percent

Bipolar Disorder -- 15 percent

Antisocial Personality Disorder -- 25 percent

Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- 25 percent

It seems like Arias has a few of these.

It's scary to think there's more people like her in this world.
You guys are so quiet. I feel like I'm talking to myself.

Seeing Jesus in The Flame Zone freaked me out a little and I'm deadlining...

IMO - those depression numbers are encouraged and largely a result of the pharmaceutical companies and the barrage of advertising and it's something like "oh which one are you on!?". I read that something like 25% of women over 40 take antidepressants. Go plant a garden, ride a dirt bike, change your life, go do something :)

Thanks for that BPD link, saving that for next break. I'm s.u.r.e I'll have comments on that lol
You guys are so quiet. I feel like I'm talking to myself.

Seeing Jesus in The Flame Zone freaked me out a little and I'm deadlining...

IMO - those depression numbers are encouraged and largely a result of the pharmaceutical companies and the barrage of advertising and it's something like "oh which one are you on!?". I read that something like 25% of women over 40 take antidepressants. Go plant a garden, ride a dirt bike, change your life, go do something :)

Thanks for that BPD link, saving that for next break. I'm s.u.r.e I'll have comments on that lol

Follow me on twitter. Ha,ha.:evil:
You guys are so quiet. I feel like I'm talking to myself.

Seeing Jesus in The Flame Zone freaked me out a little and I'm deadlining...

IMO - those depression numbers are encouraged and largely a result of the pharmaceutical companies and the barrage of advertising and it's something like "oh which one are you on!?". I read that something like 25% of women over 40 take antidepressants. Go plant a garden, ride a dirt bike, change your life, go do something :)

Thanks for that BPD link, saving that for next break. I'm s.u.r.e I'll have comments on that lol

BBM I think you have the start of some interesting lyrics there.

I agree on the second point. The degree of anti-depressant medication prescribing is ridiculous. Even normal mourning seems to have been removed from the nomenclature. Life is not always happy and it's beyond stupid to expect not to be sad under all circumstances. There is a time for grief. I'm not religious, but to everything, there is a season.."4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance".

The American culture seems to want to avoid some harsh realities at all costs. Plus they want to make a buck at your expense or weakness.
You guys are so quiet. I feel like I'm talking to myself.

Seeing Jesus in The Flame Zone freaked me out a little and I'm deadlining...

IMO - those depression numbers are encouraged and largely a result of the pharmaceutical companies and the barrage of advertising and it's something like "oh which one are you on!?". I read that something like 25% of women over 40 take antidepressants. Go plant a garden, ride a dirt bike, change your life, go do something :)

Thanks for that BPD link, saving that for next break. I'm s.u.r.e I'll have comments on that lol

BBM I think you have the start of some interesting lyrics there.

I agree on the second point. The degree of anti-depressant medication prescribing is ridiculous. Even normal mourning seems to have been removed from the nomenclature. Life is not always happy and it's beyond stupid to expect not to be sad under all circumstances. There is a time for grief. I'm not religious, but to everything, there is a season.."4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance".

The American culture seems to want to avoid some harsh realities at all costs. Plus they want to make a buck at your expense or weakness.

Ha Ha, I should have read that before I hit enter.

Antidepressants are up 400%, if that isn't effective marketing, I don't know what is. It's the age of "just take a pill".

PS Imitrex sales have also had a recent spike. Imitrex, the take a break from court cure.
Seeing Jesus in The Flame Zone freaked me out a little and I'm deadlining...

IMO - those depression numbers are encouraged and largely a result of the pharmaceutical companies and the barrage of advertising and it's something like "oh which one are you on!?". I read that something like 25% of women over 40 take antidepressants. Go plant a garden, ride a dirt bike, change your life, go do something :)

Thanks for that BPD link, saving that for next break. I'm s.u.r.e I'll have comments on that lol

BBM I think you have the start of some interesting lyrics there.

I agree on the second point. The degree of anti-depressant medication prescribing is ridiculous. Even normal mourning seems to have been removed from the nomenclature. Life is not always happy and it's beyond stupid to expect not to be sad under all circumstances. There is a time for grief. I'm not religious, but to everything, there is a season.."4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance".

The American culture seems to want to avoid some harsh realities at all costs. Plus they want to make a buck at your expense or weakness.

Ha Ha, I should have read that before I hit enter.

Antidepressants are up 400%, if that isn't effective marketing, I don't know what is. It's the age of "just take a pill".

PS Imitrex sales have also had a recent spike. Imitrex, the take a break from court cure.

Hmm, I thought it was "wear an ugly green shirt, look peaked, get out of court free pass"?
BBM I think you have the start of some interesting lyrics there.

I agree on the second point. The degree of anti-depressant medication prescribing is ridiculous. Even normal mourning seems to have been removed from the nomenclature. Life is not always happy and it's beyond stupid to expect not to be sad under all circumstances. There is a time for grief. I'm not religious, but to everything, there is a season.."4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance".

The American culture seems to want to avoid some harsh realities at all costs. Plus they want to make a buck at your expense or weakness.

Ha Ha, I should have read that before I hit enter.

Antidepressants are up 400%, if that isn't effective marketing, I don't know what is. It's the age of "just take a pill".

PS Imitrex sales have also had a recent spike. Imitrex, the take a break from court cure.

Hmm, I thought it was "wear an ugly green shirt, look peaked, get out of court free pass"?

Eaannnddd, green shirts just hit record sales numbers.
Ha Ha, I should have read that before I hit enter.

Antidepressants are up 400%, if that isn't effective marketing, I don't know what is. It's the age of "just take a pill".

PS Imitrex sales have also had a recent spike. Imitrex, the take a break from court cure.

Hmm, I thought it was "wear an ugly green shirt, look peaked, get out of court free pass"?

Eaannnddd, green shirts just hit record sales numbers.

Not all green shirts, just ones that make skin tone look sallow, pasty or pukey.
Whatever happened to Memi, BTW? She's the one who brought up the green shirt joke. I miss her.
Good Morning Everyone!

I see my name...LOL...have to read back to learn why the research about BPS and ASPD. Sooo back to earlier pages to get the context...
Loading up the reading for later. We need the resident "expert" @santefeway

Similarities and differences between BPD/ASPD

Similarities and differences between antisocial personality disorder and borderline personality disorder

I think Jodi, is a special kind of monster. She is borderline, with psychopathy. ie, she is evil.

I have to wonder what came first for her; the mental illness or the evil. I think pure evil allows Dr.s to diagnose a mental illness. We have got to put a label on that which we do not understand. Just a thought.

[ame=]Jodi Arias Trial - Jodi's little owie VS getting stabbed in the chest - YouTube[/ame]

Jodi is in here somewhere
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Good Morning Everyone!

I see my name...LOL...have to read back to learn why the research about BPS and ASPD. Sooo back to earlier pages to get the context...

We're on the what the hell is a psychopath kick again, Santy. lol
You guys are so quiet. I feel like I'm talking to myself.

Seeing Jesus in The Flame Zone freaked me out a little and I'm deadlining...

IMO - those depression numbers are encouraged and largely a result of the pharmaceutical companies and the barrage of advertising and it's something like "oh which one are you on!?". I read that something like 25% of women over 40 take antidepressants. Go plant a garden, ride a dirt bike, change your life, go do something :)

Thanks for that BPD link, saving that for next break. I'm s.u.r.e I'll have comments on that lol
Link to that thread?
Loading up the reading for later. We need the resident "expert" @santefeway

Similarities and differences between BPD/ASPD

Similarities and differences between antisocial personality disorder and borderline personality disorder

I think Jodi, is a special kind of monster. She is borderline, with psychopathy. ie, she is evil.

I have to wonder what came first for her; the mental illness or the evil. I think pure evil allows Dr.s to diagnose a mental illness. We have got to put a label on that which we do not understand. Just a thought.

[ame=]Jodi Arias Trial - Jodi's little owie VS getting stabbed in the chest - YouTube[/ame]

Jodi is in here somewhere
Antisocial Personality, Sociopathy & Psychopathy

Totally agree. I think the mental illness and the evil went hand in hand since she was young. She displayed aggressive behavior when she was younger - i.e. kicking Doggy Boy, kicking her mom. Her mom and dad weren't "surprised" in their interviews that their baby girl did something like this.

We do have to label those things we don't understand, but for some of us fanatics, we've been trying to understand the un-understandable and break it down and figure what makes them think the way they think and what is that "brain defect" for 5 months. That's the most interesting part of this whole thing for me.

Santy has some invaluable personal experience and a daughter in the field so whenever "psycho" comes up we have to get her. lol
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I wish there was a better descriptor than "evil". For me, it is far too religiously loaded. I don't want to call people who do terribly unimaginable acts as "animals", because I have a fondness for many of them. Maybe since they are devoid of normal characteristics, like empathy, there should be some word, like "subhuman", to describe murderous behavior and lack of remorse combined.
You guys are so quiet. I feel like I'm talking to myself.

Seeing Jesus in The Flame Zone freaked me out a little and I'm deadlining...

IMO - those depression numbers are encouraged and largely a result of the pharmaceutical companies and the barrage of advertising and it's something like "oh which one are you on!?". I read that something like 25% of women over 40 take antidepressants. Go plant a garden, ride a dirt bike, change your life, go do something :)

Thanks for that BPD link, saving that for next break. I'm s.u.r.e I'll have comments on that lol
Link to that thread?

Jesus in The Flame Zone sending people to hell?

Synonyms: angry, atrocious, bad, baneful, base, beastly, calamitous, corrupt, damnable, depraved, destructive, disastrous, execrable, flagitious, foul, harmful, hateful, heinous, hideous, iniquitous, injurious, loathsome, low, maleficent, malevolent, malicious, malignant, nefarious, no good, obscene, offensive, pernicious, poison, rancorous, reprobate, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, spiteful, stinking, ugly, unpleasant, unpropitious, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, wrathful, wrong

Instead of evil, we will just use these words. :tongue:

How's that? :D

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