Jodi Arias Penalty

Maybe the judge thought JA was a skank and wanted JA's answer to it. LOL

Hardy har, I don't think that is grounds for appeal itself. All's Juan has to do is flash the 2hole huge douche photo to back up that question.

I wasn't going to post this, it is of questionable taste, but since you brought it up:
Love Letters to Jodi Arias

Tell me if thats 2hole before I click the link. I can't take it again.
He has a 4 to 6 week annoyed Z pass with me. "What are you doing?" "Standing in the middle of 5B surrounded by 18 million fn media people". "Ok. Catch ya later"


Embrace the frenzy. It's all you can do.
Okay, I'll be back later, you snotty people. I meant that literally not figuratively.
Aye what happened with your pup the last few years?

Short version:

3 days after I got her I had to rush her to the vet. She had PARVO!!! She was given less than a 20% chance of surviving. 7 days and $1257 later, I took her home. The vet wanted to keep her another week, I said NO, she'll do better at home.

Fast forward 6 months - My daughter decided she was going to give Polly to her uncle for Christmas. Why? I have no friggin idea! A week later, I was helping my sister at her house and Polly hears me, comes walking really slow to me and was limping, crying every few steps. I asked what was wrong with her, was told they didn't know, but they were taking her to be looked at that week. A month later, I'm back at my sister's house. I was on the floor, here Polly comes crawling to me (she couldn't walk), in more pain than before, very weak, shaking, and puts her head in my lap. I put my head down on hers and started crying (which I'm doing now thinking about what she went through). She couldn't be touched without yelping in severe pain. She let me pick her up, and I took her home. I got her to the vet (they stayed open late for me), many x-rays were taken, and nothing was found. She couldn't walk from pain, couldn't move her neck from pain which meant she couldn't eat or drink. Vet was moving his hand down her spine and at one spot she jumped. He knew right away what it was, since he had the same thing happen to him the previous year. She has a ruptured disc in her spine; she'll have it flare up the rest of her life. How it happened, I don't know. She was all bones when I got her back. I had to hand feed her and hold water up to her mouth to get her to drink. She wouldn't leave my side. As much pain as she was in, she'd force herself to go everywhere I did in the house. I would carry her to bed with me so she wouldn't hurt herself worse. I locked her in a kennel during the day when I was at work (when she wasn't with me after getting shots). I was taking her 3 times a week to the vet for shots - morphine, steroids, and other anti-inflammatory meds. On top of that, she was on 4 prescriptions - 2 pain killers, 1 steroid, 1 anti-inflammatory. They were strong enough to put an elephant down, yet she was still hurting. It took nearly 6 months before she was ok. On the mornings I took her for the shots, she'd be with me at work, right under my feet. When she started feeling better, she'd put her paws around my neck, like she was hugging me. She did the same thing when she had Parvo - she'd jump on the couch, put her paws around my neck, then take off playing again. She knew she was dying (both times) and that I saved her.

I'll tell y'all later how I got her!
WTF pRick Scott just broke into the newsfeed to advise on what to do about the tropical storm. Yeah, pRick, it's going to rain, we've done this whole storm thing before. Get off the feed.

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