Jodi Arias Penalty

Additionally, we don't know if the person who asked it was ultimately a participant of deliberations.

The skank question was asked by the DUI juror at least he took credit for it on Dr. Drew. However, normally I would agree not much difference if not part of deliberations but since all of these questions are asked in open court for all jurors to hear, if they were influenced by media that's a problem.

In other news does anyone know of a quicker remedy for laryngitis I've been with out my voice for over a week and its getting old fast.

The skank issue came up in court through Arias, so it wasn't something influenced by media. If it was a question that the judge decided wouldn't be used then it boggles the mind why, she, herself, would ask it.
I wasn't talking about the skank question in particular being influenced by the media. I was just saying in general if some of the jurors were influenced by the media and asked questions because of it then it could be a problem even if they weren't in deliberations. The skank question IMO had no actual value in the trial and was just smart assy, I remember wondering why it was allowed in the first place when it was read. Apparently there were over 400 questions that were not read, can you imagine how long that would have taken. Its possible the question was mixed in there and with so many other questions not allowed she may not have remembered or something who knows. I'm interested to know what else wasn't allowed.
What? I never heard about photos with Dr. Drew Jurors.
Oh yeah that alternate had her profile pic with Katie Wick from the Dr. Drew Jurors. I mean it could be that they became friends seeing each other in court daily who knows.

During the trial though?

I have no way of knowing that since I didn't know who she was during the trial and no one else did either, but it was certainly there with in minutes of the trials end. And she had contacted the state v JA FB as well that very same day.
One more thing on the Arias case: does anyone else feel that Martinez was a bit of douche to Willmott?
Or am I alone on that?

Oh he was a total douche, but that's his MO. Glad someone else finally sees it.

He grated on my nerves with the shouting from the beginning, and the quicksand episodes. He is, however, very good at his job, and was highly effective in closing arguments when he modulated his volume and tone.

The skank question was asked by the DUI juror at least he took credit for it on Dr. Drew. However, normally I would agree not much difference if not part of deliberations but since all of these questions are asked in open court for all jurors to hear, if they were influenced by media that's a problem.

In other news does anyone know of a quicker remedy for laryngitis I've been with out my voice for over a week and its getting old fast.

The skank issue came up in court through Arias, so it wasn't something influenced by media. If it was a question that the judge decided wouldn't be used then it boggles the mind why, she, herself, would ask it.
I wasn't talking about the skank question in particular being influenced by the media. I was just saying in general if some of the jurors were influenced by the media and asked questions because of it then it could be a problem even if they weren't in deliberations. The skank question IMO had no actual value in the trial and was just smart assy, I remember wondering why it was allowed in the first place when it was read. Apparently there were over 400 questions that were not read, can you imagine how long that would have taken. Its possible the question was mixed in there and with so many other questions not allowed she may not have remembered or something who knows. I'm interested to know what else wasn't allowed.

As an aside, I do like the idea of jury questions, the skank thing notwithstanding. It really does get the trial closer to a search for the truth rather than manipulation via either side's narrative, and really, isn't that what we want, real justice? Not having people being locked up or released because one side or the other was craftier, but rather because they are actually guilty or innocent, appeals to me.
I'm curious to see if the judge actually rules that its not allowed to be said that Zimmerman followed Martin after being told not to by the dispatcher. I saw that in the motion yesterday and was puzzled by it since it seems part of the facts of the case. Can someone who is watching let me know because I refuse to watch another trial right now I'm still trying to catch up on all my tv Shows that I didn't watch while the Jodi show was on.
The skank issue came up in court through Arias, so it wasn't something influenced by media. If it was a question that the judge decided wouldn't be used then it boggles the mind why, she, herself, would ask it.
I wasn't talking about the skank question in particular being influenced by the media. I was just saying in general if some of the jurors were influenced by the media and asked questions because of it then it could be a problem even if they weren't in deliberations. The skank question IMO had no actual value in the trial and was just smart assy, I remember wondering why it was allowed in the first place when it was read. Apparently there were over 400 questions that were not read, can you imagine how long that would have taken. Its possible the question was mixed in there and with so many other questions not allowed she may not have remembered or something who knows. I'm interested to know what else wasn't allowed.

As an aside, I do like the idea of jury questions, the skank thing notwithstanding. It really does get the trial closer to a search for the truth rather than manipulation via either side's narrative, and really, isn't that what we want, real justice? Not having people being locked up or released because one side or the other was craftier, but rather because they are actually guilty or innocent, appeals to me.

Absolutely! I have been saying that since the beginning. I love the idea of the jury questions and more of a search for the truth.
I'm curious to see if the judge actually rules that its not allowed to be said that Zimmerman followed Martin after being told not to by the dispatcher. I saw that in the motion yesterday and was puzzled by it since it seems part of the facts of the case. Can someone who is watching let me know because I refuse to watch another trial right now I'm still trying to catch up on all my tv Shows that I didn't watch while the Jodi show was on.

I'm not watching the trial but I think that they will try to assert that he was already out of the car and approached by Martin. However, I think there was no reason for him to be out of the car in the first place, even if they argue that.
I have to get a bit more work done. I'll see you a little later, Tinkster.

Oh, also are you gargling? Maybe with some salt water?
I'll try that again TW thanks. I need to get some things done too. But I'll be in and out! Seems like everyone always leaves when I come on haha
I'm curious to see if the judge actually rules that its not allowed to be said that Zimmerman followed Martin after being told not to by the dispatcher. I saw that in the motion yesterday and was puzzled by it since it seems part of the facts of the case. Can someone who is watching let me know because I refuse to watch another trial right now I'm still trying to catch up on all my tv Shows that I didn't watch while the Jodi show was on.

I'm not watching the trial but I think that they will try to assert that he was already out of the car and approached by Martin. However, I think there was no reason for him to be out of the car in the first place, even if they argue that.

She denies everything so it will probably be denied, she hasn't got her denial stick out yet.

Mark O'Mara tried to call the prosecutor to the stand. lmao There was an attorney pissing match, quite entertaining.

@Tink - try steam steam steam, if you don't have a humidifier, boil a pot of water and stick your head over it with a towel over your head, wrap a hot towel around your neck, anything like that. Drink hot water with lemon and honey or just eat the honey. Honey is a natural antiseptic you could put on a cut that works like Neosporin would work.

And like TW said, shut up. No talky-talky. Just typey-typey for a day or two.
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I'll try that again TW thanks. I need to get some things done too. But I'll be in and out! Seems like everyone always leaves when I come on haha

Tink that has nothing to do with you. You are much appreciated here.
The sound is terrible.


And this psycho has a ready and elaborate answer for everything. It's a psycho trait.

As opposed - GZ looked like a scared ass, life on the line person in the hearing today and then actually amicably interacted with people after it ended.

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