Jodi Arias Penalty

Testa - I'm following everyone between these 2 threads. It's ridiculous! We've gotta figure something out before Zimmerman kicks into gear. What should we do? Who's here? Where's Tink, Testa, 25, TW (who doesn't want to talk Z)??? Paula and Feisty are here, yes? Let's all get together and decide what to do.....

Im here, but I was there before I was anywhere near here earlier:eusa_whistle:

Im delving into the Z trial...just wish they would hurry up and pick the 6 lotto winners for the jury.

Can someone please explain to me why its only a 6 person jury?
Good. So Tink's at least 75% in on Z. I think we're making progress coming to a plan on who, where, why.
We could call it "Legal Mishmash" or "Just the Facts" or "Psycho Awareness for Dummies"....ummmm

I love legal mishmash but I also love psycho awareness. The one thing I would caution on psycho awareness is that I don't want to go in with the bias that anyone on trial is automatically a guilty psycho. But the name just makes me laugh so much.:clap2:
Testa - I'm following everyone between these 2 threads. It's ridiculous! We've gotta figure something out before Zimmerman kicks into gear. What should we do? Who's here? Where's Tink, Testa, 25, TW (who doesn't want to talk Z)??? Paula and Feisty are here, yes? Let's all get together and decide what to do.....

Im here, but I was there before I was anywhere near here earlier:eusa_whistle:

Im delving into the Z trial...just wish they would hurry up and pick the 6 lotto winners for the jury.

Can someone please explain to me why its only a 6 person jury?

12 jurors are only required for M1 in Florida.

There was a thing last year where some of our distant friends got hit head on... Long story short, we took the kids, brought them up to JAX to say bye to dad on life support waiting for organ donation, mom in the next icu, every bone in body broken, my DD still plays on xbox live with them, says can't come over for couple weeks because my dad is busy with Z. They are 8 and 13 and they said OH!! Z!! And THEY! Have an opinion. Lol it was and is that big.
So sad, Tess (that's what I'm calling you now, if it's OK. See Z thread.). Are the parents OK?

How could 8 and 13 year olds have an opinion if not from their parents. Unless...are they talking about this in elementary school where you are?
While I'm thinking about it...let me say, regarding Arias, I hope the DA decides to take the DP off the table and leave it up to the judge to sentence her. I'm done. I think if I have to see that nympho murderer again I'll lose it. I think that's where they're leaning and I couldn't be happier!!! Send her off to the abyss! Done. Done. And done.
Oh Tink...say it isn't so! I'm hoping the taxpayers speak up and revolt against that $$$ to be spent if they go forward. Also, maybe the Alexander family has had enough. They still have the civil trial to endure so maybe they can call it quits and the DA will listen?
Oh Tink...say it isn't so! I'm hoping the taxpayers speak up and revolt against that $$$ to be spent if they go forward. Also, maybe the Alexander family has had enough. They still have the civil trial to endure so maybe they can call it quits and the DA will listen?

from the rumors I've read, they're pushing for dp.
Oh Tink...say it isn't so! I'm hoping the taxpayers speak up and revolt against that $$$ to be spent if they go forward. Also, maybe the Alexander family has had enough. They still have the civil trial to endure so maybe they can call it quits and the DA will listen?

Everything I have read says the Alexanders still want death. Now I don't know how credible that is but from what I understand the 2 sisters are in contact with the state v jodi page on FB and that site has everyone pushing for it. It's ridiculous in my opinion for the money waste. But hey it's not my relative so what do I know
Good morning all!

Stay off the Z thread if you know what's good for you. Attack mode in full force!
Good morning all!

Stay off the Z thread if you know what's good for you. Attack mode in full force!

There's always the IGNORE button, or even better, selective ignore. I don't bother putting people on ignore; I just don't pay attention to the BS they spew.

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